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NES codes
Sega codes
f47ef21000e10 (full health, 10 gold, King befriended)
347ef20000f10 (full health, 10 gold, King not befriended)
34fdf20000840 (full health, 40 gold, King not befriended, no Dunric's Ring, no bait, no Elven Sword; unwinnable)

In this level, a slew of trolls, who are at war with the goblins, who can be evaded using a handful of handy items such as smoke bombs. Here, the Protean ring , which causes the character to be disguised as a goblin, can be found. Be sure to not wear the ring in front of the Goblin King, as he will see through your disguise (and as you should know by now, mistakes are usually fatal in this game).

You start the level in a chamber with an immense chasm. On the other side you see a beam of light, which is where you must go, but you can't traverse the chasm.

Go down to the rightmost ladder, where a goblin fights with a troll. Ignore them for now and go to the left and open the chest, which hides 50 gold and a fireball spell (2) which you now must cast. Your last "dream" showed that you might consider reasoning with the goblins. Indeed if the Troll kills the goblin (or if you kill the goblin), he will move against you. So you should kill the Troll with a fireball, and the goblin will open the door for you. Note that if the goblin dies, you won't be able to open the door and continue the game. Search the Troll's body and you will find a ceremonial knife.

Now you can continue by entering the door the goblin left from, and you will see the throne room of King Gresh who is alive. But for now climb back to the previous room, and descend the other hole. Here you will find 2 goblins fighting each other. You should kill the leftmost one, which is revealed to be a Troll wearing the Proteus Ring, and the real goblin walk away peacefully (if you kill the real goblin, the Troll will attack you). Search the Troll's body and take the ring. This room also has a bottle which is totally useless. If you take it, don't drink it because you will die, so just leave it there.

Descend to another room, where a goblin is guarding a chest and warns you not to come any closer. Wear the Ring so that you transform into a goblin, and safely go to the chest. You find 50 gold and 3 troll bombs. Don't approach the guard too closely because he will discover it's you. Now go away from the guard, remove the ring and climb back to the top. Return to the chamber where you saved the other goblin and go to the throne room. The King thanks you for saving his life earlier and allows you to go further, mentioning their war with the trolls. If you are transformed into a goblin, he will realise it's you, and will open a trap for punishment.

Climb the ladder and notice the pattern of the spikes. You have to take the gem and also reach the other exit. The safest way is: once you enter the room, go forward (NE) a few steps, but don't step on the shaded tiles. Continue halfway to the NW, and turn to SW to reach the gem and take it. Trace your way back to NE (now it doesn't matter if you enter the shaded area and hug the wall) and continue to the NW. Now you can turn SW and climb the ladder.

There is a room with two troll guards; simply operate the troll knife and they will start fighting each other. To the right of the room there are some flame and firebal devices but nothing else. Enter one of the doors and try to use the gas bombs to immobilize the two patroling trolls. Also notice that a blonde woman emerges from a corner and disappears again. Quickly go to the chest and get the potion which grants you strength. Leave the room to the left and enter the door.

There is one last troll that will attempt to stop you. Operate the Magic Muscle Potion for extra power and fight him. Now you are free to sleep on the pile of hay. Once you recover, approach the beam of light which changes colors. Don't go there when it's red. Only when it's purple enter it, and operate the gem.

Voila, you are teleported to the other side of the chasm of the beginning of the level. Simply climb down the ladder nearby.