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Objectives[edit | edit source]
- Obtain the Whistle
- Expand your Bomb
carrying capacity.
- Defeat Digdogger
- Obtain a Heart Container
- Obtain the fifth Piece of Triforce
Walkthrough[edit | edit source]
Advised Preparation[edit | edit source]
- Use the ladder to collect the Heart Container
at D-2 in section 2.
- By now you should have twelve heart containers in total. Head to the cemetery, where at B-3, the Magical Sword
can be found.
Prerequisites[edit | edit source]
- Ladder
Dungeon Walkthrough[edit | edit source]
- To enter this dungeon, you must discover the secret to climbing to the top of the Lost Hills.
- From the entrance, go right and clear this room to obtain a Key
. You may bomb the top wall to expose a passage to the man with information about this dungeon's boss's weakness.
- Enter the room above the entrance and defeat the Gibdos
for another Key
. You may bomb the left wall to provide yourself with a shortcut to the left which bypasses the Dodongos in step ??.
- If you enter the room above, you must face three Dodongos
. Defeat them in the usual manner, either feeding them two bombs, or stunning them by exploding a bomb in their face. If you unlock the north door, you can obtain the dungeon's Map
- From the Dodongo room, enter the left room, and obtain a Key
. Then enter the room below and defeat the Gibdos
. To access the room to the left, you must bomb the left wall.
- Enter the left room and defeat all of the Darknuts
. When the room is clear, push the leftmost block aside and enter the stairwell. Take the passage, and you will arrive in the right top most room of the dungeon.
- From there, head left and defeat all of the Darknuts
. When the room is clear, push the single block to reveal a stairwell that leads to the Whistle
. Collect it and return to the right.
- Now head to the room below, and collect a Key
. Bomb the right wall to discover a passage to a room where a man will add four Bombs
to your bomb storage capacity for 100 rupees.
- Return through the underground passage, and back to the room with three Dodongos.
- From the Dodongo room, head right, and then above to collect another Key
. Head up again and defeat the Dodongos
to discover the Compass
- From the compass room, head up and obtain a Key
. Head left, and defeat the Gibdos
to receive another Key
- Head left once more and you'll encounter the Pols Voices
. The top wall can be bombed to reveal a path to a man who is knowledgeable on the weakness of Pols Voice. However, this knowledge does not apply to the American version of this game.
- If you head left, you will encounter the boss. There is a room below the boss room that contains nothing but Gibdos
Boss[edit | edit source]
- The boss is Digdogger
. While large, Digdogger is invincible. You must collect the Whistle in this dungeon in order to defeat it. Blow the Whistle and it will shrivel up in to a tiny version of itself, which can be stabbed by your sword.
- Defeat it to earn a Heart Container
. Continue on to the room above to obtain the fifth Piece of Triforce
Resupply[edit | edit source]
Dungeon 5 is isolated, and as such, you may want to look at the supply points before heading to the dungeon.
- A woman selling Water of Life
is 4 screens west and 1 screen south of the Lost Hills.