Jack starts out in the middle of a battlefield, equipped with a V-47 Flatline. Run ahead and throw a grenade at the enemies on the truck. Use the debris in the field as cover. When you reach the next area, a Titan will drop in to trigger a scene. After Jack gets back up, the mission will officially begin. Approach the Titan and interact with Lastimosa for your next objective.
First battery[edit | edit source]

The waypoint should now indicate the location of the first charged battery that Jack has to retrieve to power the Titan. Early on in the path you will encounter Prowlers; keep your distance from them as you shoot them down, as they are capable of charging at Jack with impressive speed once they've noticed him. Wallrun as instructed and you should come across Pilot Helmet 1/2, sitting in front of an escape pod. Continue along the path, past a waterfall, and you should come across the first set of IMC grunts.
Crouch and approach the grunts slowly. Use the Cloak with to remain unnoticed, and hold the melee button
once Jack is behind one of the grunts to perform a melee takedown. You can then punch the other grunt off the cliff before he can alert his colleagues. Shoot the third grunt nearby to finish off this group, then drop off into the next area.
You can once again use the Cloak to approach the next enemy, and punch him to conserve ammo for the coming firefight. This fight can be challenging due to the many grunts scattered across the area; some grunts can be found hiding behind rocks in the foreground, while others will be shooting from the cliffs in the background. Fortunately, the many grunts nearby drop their weapons when they fall, ensuring that Jack doesn't run out of ammo to shoot down the enemies in the distance. If the enemies are too far for the rifle's range to handle, circle around the left, using the rocks as cover as you go, to close the distance. Don't forget to check the Cloak's cooldown and Jack's grenade stock, as both should come in handy when dealing with far-off enemies. Once you've shot down enough of them, use the zipline to reach the other side of the cliff. Here you can find the enemy soldiers' weapon cache, featuring the Longbow-DMR sniper rifle. Pick it up as a secondary weapon, as its scope should prove helpful against future enemies.

Before dropping off the next cliff, use the DMR to shoot the enemies below and the drones that subsequently come flying in. Wallrun into the cave and toss a grenade into the center area, where most of the enemies here (IMC grunts and Prowlers) are situated. The remaining enemies will attempt to make their way to you, so shoot them down and move on to the next area. Drones will come flying toward your position while Spectres either snipe from the cliffs or drop off to approach you. Snipe the Spectres on the cliff while hiding behind the rock face, and switch to your rifle or the EVA-8 Shotgun nearby to deal with any Spectres that approach. Prowlers will arrive to ease the difficulty of the battle, as they join in to fight the Spectres. After all enemies are dealt with, proceed along the river and climb up the ledge.
Wallrun into the damaged ship and shoot down the drones in your path. The path through the ship is pretty straightforward. Eventually, Jack will have to crouch to reach the battery. Climb the ramp formed by the wreckage nearby to find the exit. Shoot down the drones and Prowlers in your path to BT. Double jump onto the wall to get enough height to cross the river. Near BT will be three more grunts; use the Cloak to sneak up to the group and shoot them down (ideally with the EVA-8) once close enough. Install the battery and BT will point Jack in the direction of the next one.
Second battery[edit | edit source]

Move along the stream, toward the next waypoint. Double jump off a ship part onto a ledge, then use the momentum off of a wallrun to double jump onto another ledge. Cross the next long distance with another double jump. After a long sequence of wallrunning, you'll come upon the next big firefight. Perform a melee takedown on the enemy nearby and use the DMR nearby to fire at the turret in the distance (you should be able to see it if you toggle the scope to zoom in). It takes multiple shots to down, but eventually it will combust, and you will have one less nuisance to deal with among the many soldiers below. Don't forget to use the Cloak liberally in order to move from one segment of cover to the next. Proceed to the turret's location to find another trio of grunts guarding the next ship.
Climb through the hatch above to enter the ship. Proceed through the door, up the ramp, and through the hole in the wall. Turn right down the hall, and take another right by crouching through a small opening. To the left of you now should be some burning pipes. Climb up the platform to the right, and turn away from the wall to see some other platforms ahead that you can jump on to proceed. Climb up into a vent and drop down a hatch at the end of it. This should bring you in sight of the battery. Jump across the gap and grab it, then drop through the gap to exit.

After sliding down the incline, you should spot Pilot Helmet 2/2, on a ship part embedded in a rock wall. Double jump onto the wall and double jump off of it to get enough height to reach it. Then drop off and continue wallrunning toward BT. Fight off the enemies that surround BT before installing the battery, after which point Jack can enter him.
Follow the Titan tutorial to defeat the waves of enemies, then proceed toward the final waypoint to conclude the mission.