After the opening movie, Rifleman Jack Cooper is placed inside a training simulation. Do as instructed by Captain Lastimosa until you reach the firing range. You can jump atop the beam to the right here and use the height jumping off of it to run along the wall to the right. Double jump off the wall to reach a Grenadier weapon, the EPG-1, hidden behind the wall above connecting the right wall to the left wall. While this weapon may assist you in the upcoming time trial, grabbing it is completely optional and you may even find that completing the time trial is easier without it due to its low magazine capacity. However, it becomes especially useful when dealing with enemies close to walls, as shooting the wall behind them will be enough to catch them in the blast.
Proceed to the next room to come face-to-face with the Gauntlet itself. On the wall in this room, it is recommended that you pick up the EVA-8 Shotgun and Arc Grenades. While the EVA-8 lacks range, its large reticle should aid in accuracy against targets even when hip-firing while wallrunning, making it the ideal weapon for fighting against the clock. Similarly, the wide range of Arc Grenades should allow you to take out groups of enemies at a time even if they aren't very close to each other.

While the achievements/trophies require you to make your way to the top of the leaderboard, a time of two minutes or less is required to proceed with the story. If you find that these achievements/trophies are too difficult, then return to them later, after obtaining more experience with the gameplay. If they are still too difficult after that point, then don't fret; placing the top three is widely considered the most difficult achievement in the game, even surpassing a playthrough on the Master difficulty. Regardless, follow the tips laid out below to ensure a good time. Take note that you can retry the Gauntlet as many times as you like via the pause menu; this may be necessary in order to pick up the one and only Pilot Helmet in this mission, found on a pedestal to the left of the area at the very end of the Gauntlet.
- Before even passing the starting line, do a slide into a jump onto the left wall. This will ensure that you have a head start in speed over the ghost.
- Double jump onto the right wall, then onto the round wall in the center of the room, then back onto the right wall. From here, throw an Arc Grenade high into the wall near the group of three soldiers, or if you can aim well enough, in the center of the group. This should take them all out.
- Do a jump off the wall and when close to the ground, double jump. This leap should bring you close enough to the wall ahead so that you can slide under it. You can throw an Arc Grenade under the wall to take out the enemy right behind it, but this is risky considering Jack may be caught in the blast as well.
- If you chose not to take out the enemy behind the wall with a grenade, shoot him quickly and then the enemy by the right wall before jumping on. Shoot the enemy ahead while wallrunning. Alternatively, you can take out the first enemy with the EPG-1, and the latter two with a well-aimed Arc Grenade.
- Jump to the left wall, quickly shoot the enemy to the right, and throw an Arc Grenade at the second trio of enemies. Make sure to double jump while jumping between walls in order to stay high enough so that Jack will not be affected by the blast.
- The next three enemies must be shot by wallrunning. Jump between walls a few times to maintain speed, and make sure to only shoot when close enough (usually indicated by a red reticle), as the EVA-8 lacks range as mentioned above.
- Reload while wallrunning toward the final two enemies. Try to jump along the right wall if you feel yourself losing speed. It is recommended that you shoot the first enemy while jumping off the wall, as the curve in the wall near that enemy makes it difficult to aim. Double jump back onto the wall afterward, and shoot the final enemy while wallrunning.
- Double jump off the wall into the finish line. If you jump too early, you may need to slide into the finish in order to maintain speed.
Tell Lastimosa that you're ready to move on and clear the rest of the training session to complete the mission.