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Commodore Amiga[edit | edit source]


Once all eleven cars have reappeared on the screen, the other ten Wacky Racers will drive away off the right side of it, leaving Dick Dastardly in a cloud of smoke to catch them up; you shall then have to accelerate, jump over three pools of water (while watching out for three fish) and spike Lazy Luke and Blubber Bear to kill them. You will now have to jump over a fourth pool of water and spike a frog to kill him - and once you have done so you will have to jump over a fifth pool of water, and spike another frog to kill him. You'll then have to jump over a sixth pool of water (while watching out for a fourth fish), and spike a third frog to kill him; once you've done so, you will have to jump over a seventh pool of water and spike a fourth frog to kill him. You will then have to jump over an eighth pool of water and spike a fifth frog to kill him - and once you have done so you will have to jump up thrice more and spike a sixth frog to kill him. You'll then have to jump up twice more and spike a seventh frog to kill him; once you have done so you shall have to jump up, drop down, and spike a fifth fish, Penelope Pitstop and an eighth frog to kill them. You'll then have to collect a blue sphere (if Dastardly's car was unfortunate enough to get hit, it will restore a bit of its energy) - and once you have done it, you will have to jump over a ninth pool of water and spike a ninth frog to kill him. You'll then have to jump over a tenth pool of water, and spike a tenth frog to kill him; once you've done so, you'll have to jump over an eleventh pool of water and spike two more frogs to kill them. You then have to jump over a twelfth pool of water (while watching out for a seventh fish) and spike two moles (who are poking their heads out of the ground) and two falling apples to kill them - and once you've done so you shall have to jump up twice more, drop down, jump over a thirteenth pool of water (while watching out for an eighth fish), then spike three more falling apples to destroy them. You will then have to jump over a fourteenth pool of water, and spike a thirteenth frog to kill him; once you've done so, you will have to jump over a fifteenth pool of water and spike the Slag Brothers to kill them. You shall then have to jump over a sixteenth pool of water and collect another blue sphere - and once you've done so, you'll have to jump over a seventeenth pool of water and spike a third mole (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You'll then have to jump up four more times, jump over two more pools of water, and spike a fourth mole (who is poking his head out of the ground), to kill him; once you've done so, you will have to jump over a twentieth pool of water and spike a fourteenth frog to kill him. You will then have to jump up thrice more and spike a fifteenth frog to kill him - and once you've done so you will have to jump over a twenty-first pool of water and spike a sixteenth frog to kill him. You'll now have to jump over a twenty-second pool of water and spike The Red Max and five more falling apples to kill them; once you have done so you will have to jump up four more times and spike a seventeenth frog to kill him. You will then have to collect a heart (which will, again, give Dastardly an extra life) - and once you've done so, you will have to jump over a twenty-third pool of water and spike an eighteenth frog to kill him. You'll then have to jump up and spike a ninth falling apple to destroy it; once you have done so you will have to drop down, jump up and spike a tenth falling apple to destroy it. You must now fall down, jump over a twenty-fourth pool of water (while watching out for a ninth fish), and spike a nineteenth frog, an eleventh falling apple and a twentieth frog to kill them - and once you do so you will have to jump over a twenty-fifth pool of water and spike a twenty-first frog to kill him. You then have to jump over a twenty-sixth pool of water and spike a twenty-second frog to kill him; once you have done so you'll have to jump over a twenty-sixth pool of water, and spike a twenty-third frog to kill him. You will then have to jump over three last pools of water (while watching out for three more fish) and spike a twelfth falling apple to destroy it - and once you've done so, you shall have to cross the finish line, and on doing so, that text WELL DONE! YOU HAVE FINISHED. will appear on the screen. Dastardly and Muttley will then proceed to the sixth stage.

ZX, CPC and Commodore 64[edit | edit source]


Once all four cars have reappeared on the screen, the other three Wacky Racers will drive away off the right side of it, leaving Dick Dastardly in a cloud of smoke to catch them up; you will now have to accelerate, drop down and spike a worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You will then have to jump over a pit (while watching for two pistons), jump up (while watching for a third piston), drop down and spike a fly to kill him - and once you've done so, you'll have to jump up and spike Rufus Roughcut and Sawtooth to kill them. You shall then have to jump up, drop down (while watching for two more pistons), jump over another pit, pass a Sonic the Hedgehog-like "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump over two more pits (while watching out for six more pistons) and spike Peter Perfect to kill him; you will then have to jump over a fifth pit and spike another fly to kill him (while watching out for four more pistons). You will then have to jump up and spike another worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him - and once you have done so, you'll have to jump over a sixth pit and spike a third worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You'll then have to drop down, jump over three more pits and spike a third fly to kill him; once you've done so you will have to be bounced over a bridge and spike a fourth fly, a fourth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) and a fifth fly to kill them. You will then have to pass another Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump over a tenth pit, and spike a fifth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground), to kill him (while watching out for eight more pistons) - and once you have done this, you will have to spike the Slag Brothers, to kill them (while watching out for twelve more pistons). You will then have to spike a sixth fly to kill him; once you have done so, you will have to be bounced over another bridge, and spike a sixth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground), a seventh fly and a seventh worm (who's poking his head out of the ground) to kill them. You will then have to jump over three more pits, be bounced over a third bridge, jump over two more pits, be bounced up (by a fourth bridge) and spike two more flies to kill them - and once you have done so, you will have to jump up and spike an eighth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You will then have to jump up (while watching out for two more pistons), drop down, pass a third Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign and start it spinning, jump up four more times (while watching out for a thirty-eighth piston), be bounced over a fifth bridge, and spike an eighth fly to kill him. You will then have to be bounced over a sixth bridge and spike a ninth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him (while watching out for two more pistons); once you've done so, you'll have to spike a tenth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You'll then have to be bounced over a seventh bridge, be bounced back to the left over an eighth bridge, be bounced back to the right over a ninth bridge, jump up twice more, and spike ninth fly to kill him - and once you've done so, you will have to drop down, get bounced over a tenth bridge, jump up over a sixteenth pit and be bounced over an eleventh bridge, drop down and get bounced over a twelfth bridge, jump up over a seventeenth pit and get bounced over a thirteenth bridge, drop down and be bounced over fourteenth bridge, jump over an eighteenth pit and get bounced over a fifteenth bridge, jump over a nineteenth pit and be bounced over sixteenth bridge and spike an eleventh worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) and a tenth fly to kill them. You will now have to pass a fourth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, and spike a twelfth worm who's poking his head out of the ground to kill him; once you've done so, you will have to drop down, jump over a twentieth pit (while watching out for nine more pistons), jump over three more pits, drop down, jump over a twenty-fourth pit in order to spike an eleventh fly to kill him. You will now have to jump over six more pits, pass a fifth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign to start it spinning, jump up twice more, jump over a thirty-first pit, jump up and be bounced over a seventeenth bridge, jump up and be bounced over an eighteenth bridge, drop down and spike a thirteenth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him - and once you have done so, you will have to jump over a thirty-second pit (while watching out for three more pistons), be bounced over a nineteenth bridge, jump up and spike a fourteenth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him. You will then have to be bounced over a twentieth bridge, jump up and spike a fifteenth worm (who is poking his head out of the ground) to kill him; once you have done so, you shall have to be bounced over a twenty-first bridge, jump up, jump over two more pits (while watching out for five more pistons), and pass a sixth Sonic the Hedgehog-style "CHECK" sign (which indicates the end of the race) to start it spinning. It's also worth noting that in some versions, Peter Perfect is substituted with Penelope Pitstop in this stage (like he had been substituted with Sgt. Blast and Pte. Meekly in the previous odd-numbered stage), but the difference is again purely graphical.