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This level is fairly straightforward if you know where to go, but potentially confusing if you don't.

For a quick complete that doesn't visit the side areas, first head forward from the start and, in the big room, you can grab your first broad sword from the island in the lava. Now head down either of the brown stairways to the north and you'll see the pentagram around the corner. Collect it and then investigate the wall opposite the biggest set of wooden doors, on the east end between two torches. Although there's not much indication of it, this is a secret passage that will lead you to the exit.

Follow the path, killing monsters and being careful of the lava section as you go, until you come to a big room which turns into a maze as you enter it. This is one of several mazes in the game where the automap feature helps to cut down on annoyance. Navigate to the small closed chamber located in the maze, being careful of spike pits as you go. Inside the chamber is the exit.

Bonus Areas[edit | edit source]

  • Stepping on the broad sword's island triggers the doors to small chambers in the sides of the large circular room, where you can find goodies including a bow and a treasure chest.
  • In the large circular room right after the start, the doors marked with pentagram designs will open and close when you step on trigger floors near them. The west side area leads to a quiver and Hero Time, the east has a Night Vision scroll and health potion.
  • The eastern small wooden door in the pentagram area leads to a little chamber that also contains a Hero Time helmet.
  • Following the path through the large wooden doors west of the pentagram will eventually lead you to yet another Hero Time and a passageway opening back into the broad sword room.
  • Fully exploring the maze at the end will net you some potions and a treasure chest.