Braid/World 5: Time and Decision

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5-1 The Pit

File:Braid World 5-1 screenshot.png
World 5-1 – Puzzle Piece

A new world, a new game mechanic. This time The Pit will give us a puzzle piece as a reward. Jump down the pit and grab the piece, then rewind time to get back up again. Unfortunately, the puzzle piece is not a green-glowing one, so you will lose it when you rewind time. However, notice how a shadow image of Tim now jump down and grabs the piece for you. Yes, purple-glowing objects—like the puzzle piece—can be interacted with by Tim's shadow, who appear whenever you rewind time in this world. The shadow will mimic the corporal Tim's last movements and actions from before rewinding time. There's nothing else to do at this level, so continue out the door.

5-2 So Distant

World 5-2 – Puzzle Piece #1

The first puzzle piece you will see as soon as you enter the level, but it's sealed off by a barrier. Fortunately, there's a lever to operate it nearby. Climb up to it and flip it. The barrier will rise but as soon as it reaches its apex, it falls down again. You need to use Tim's shadow to help you. Start by going over to the barrier and wait beside it for a bit. Then move over to the lever and operate it; it'll rise and fall. Now, rewind time to the point where you were waiting beside the barrier. When you stop rewinding a shadow clone of Tim will move on over to the lever—just like Tim did before rewinding time—and flip it. Run left and you should be able to just squeeze through under the barrier before it falls down again. Take the piece and move on.

World 5-2 – Puzzle Piece #2

The next puzzle piece will also be locked behind a barrier, and this barrier is too operated by a nearby lever. A Monstar patrolling the area, and you'll need him to reach the platforms above. Jump on him and bounce up the section with the lever on it. Flip it and the barrier will rise, and this one doesn't fall down again when reaching the top. But now the Monstar is gone, and you need him to get Tim up to the platform with the barrier. Rewind time to a point where the one and only Monstar is alive again and let time flow. A shadow will bounce off the Monstar's shadow and flip the lever. Now use the physical Tim and bounce of the Monstar up to the now aloft barrier. Climb the ladder, grab the puzzle piece, and exit through the door.


World 5-3 – Puzzle Piece #1

Once again there are two puzzle pieces in the level. The first one should be right above Tim when you enter the level, but it's locked behind a gate. The purple-glowing key to open it is visible on the other side of the nearby fire pit. Unfortunately, the pit is too large to jump over, so you will have to climb up and jump down to it. But now you can't get up again. Going right will trigger a Mimic to wake up and block your path, so that's a no-go. What you want to do is to grab the key and jump as far over the fire pit as you can. You won't make it over, but rewind time to about the time where Tim was still up on the platform by the locked gate. Climb down and walk up to the very edge of the fire pit's left side. Tim's shadow should run along and fetch the key and then try to jump past the fire pit. It won't make it either, but it should make it just far enough to be able to pass on the key to the real Tim on the other side. Now, climb up to the gate and get the puzzle piece.

World 5-3 – Puzzle Piece #2

If you tried your luck with going right after you picked up the key before, you should know there is a Mimic which will block your path to the next puzzle piece. It won't attack like other Mimics, but simply guard the path underneath the second piece from intruders. Tim is too slow to outrun the Mimic under normal conditions, so he'll have to lure the Mimic away. Jump down any side of the path under the piece and lure the Mimic to follow you right up to the opening of the path. When the Mimic won't move any further, rewind time and wait for Tim's shadow to start luring the Mimic again. Jump down the other side and sprint for the ladder and ascend it. Grab the piece and rewind time until you're on top of the structure you're inside right now. Jump the floating platforms on the right to reach the exit door.

5-4 Crossing the Gap


There's a star in this level.

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World 5-4 – Puzzle Piece #1

In this level you'll find three puzzle pieces, and two of them should be visible as soon as you enter the level. The one closest to Tim is the easiest to get, so let's begin with that one. Get moving and climb up the mishmash of ladders and make your way to the cannon just above the door you entered through. Its label tells you it shoots Monstars, but the current Monstar has already been expelled from it; it's the one wandering below. Jump down on it and kill it. You won't be able to climb back up before a new one is fired off, so rewind time to get back up. The Monstar will start to live again, but Tim's doppelganger will jump down and kill it. Quickly jump on the new one coming out of the cannon to bounce up to the above platform and reach the first piece.

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World 5-4 – Puzzle Piece #2

The second puzzle piece you can probably already see in the upper right corner of the screen. The process of getting it is similar to the last piece's. Jump over to the lever and face the same opening you jumped down earlier, when you killed the Monstar. Wait until the Monstar is in a good position beneath the opening and go jump down it, landing on the Monstar to kill it. Rewind time to get back to the lever and activate it. Your shadow friend will run along and dispose of the Monstar while a platform will move from the pulled lever. A new Monstar will pop out when the old one dies, and hopefully he'll be able to cross the entire platform bridge now. Remember, he's purple-glowing, so he can walk on the shadow bridge too. Wait until he reaches the spot below the puzzle piece, then jump on him to bounce up to the ladder taking you to the second piece.

World 5-4 – Puzzle Piece #3

The platform operated by the lever should already be in its correct position to guide Tim to the next piece now. It' should be on the left side. Since you killed the Monstar getting the second piece, a new one will spawn. With the platform on the left side, he will take a different path this time. He will walk the bed of cushions at the bottom part of the level and make his way toward the exit door under the third puzzle piece. You should do the same, but take the upper path instead. When the Monstar gets to the area with the exit door, you may try jumping on him, but the boost Tim'll get just won't be enough. Rewind time to get back up to the upper path again, but this time jump down before the Monstar gets all the way over here. Position Tim underneath the small shelf and wait for the Monstar's arrival. Make him land on Tim and the Monstar will get a small boost. Now you can rewind time to get back up on the upper ledge, your shadow figure will mimic the actions you just did. Jump down and try to land on the Monstar when he reaches the apex of his bounce, then you'll get just enough of a bounce yourself to be able to reach the last piece of the level. Jump down and exit through the door.

5-5 Window of Opportunity

5-6 Lair

5-7 Fragile Companion