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Impact Crater: The Phazon Core

OK! When you arive, there is a save station next to you so save. It will be your last save. Unless you come back, coward. Now go though the door. As you go though, you discover a brand new type of Phazon! Can't scan it though and it WILL hurt you. A lot of (I forgot it name) lizard type thingys will swam toward you. Use same tacticts as with the scrabs. Jump across the Phazon(don't land in Phazon). Go though the door. In this room there a large tower and a lot of Phazon(the one that can hurt you). The Phazon also endlessly produce a NEW type Metriod. The Fission Metriod. It splits in half when shot at. The color of the "half metriods" have tells its weakness. Yellow=Power/Purple=Wave/White=Ice/Red=Plasma. You must use your expert platforming skills to navigate from floating platforms. One wrong move leads you to plumit into a large pit of Phazon. Half-way up you will find a door the leads to a missle station. Use to get a break from the extreamly persistant metriods. Continue on and you will reach a final door that leads to the final boss, METRIOD PRIME!!! It will see you and break though the floor. Your only way to move on is to follow it and distroy it......

Boss Battle: Metriod Prime

Ok. Metriod Prime(I will refer as Prime from here on out) look like a spider/crab hybrid. Its weakness varies depening on color, just like the fission Metriods. Prime's attacks and the effects are varied on its color but its basic moves are simple but powerful. Note: the names I use aren't the real names. Move one=Motar Missle. Slowly flies in air and homes in on you. Distroy for energy and missles. Move two=Charge Ram. It dashes across the arena. Use morph ball and sit in a scraped dent. Move three=Slash. Self explanitory. Back off. Move Four=Energy Beam. Varies on weakness. It eithers hurts you/freezes/catches you on fire/pulls you in to it, then slash. Hard to dodge. Pilers are provide early in match but later distroyed. After some damage, Prime bashes though the floor. Repeating the whole process. When its heath runs out, you think you won. Well think again...


The TRUE Prime busts out from its old shell to its new form! Prime now looks like a floting squid, with a head as a body, but is now Phazon enduced! The Phazon enduced verison packs a punch and no saving either! All weapons are now deamed useless but one. That weapon is the prevously unusable Phazon Beam! But you can't use it wily-do! To use it you must wait for True Prime to produce a ultra Phazon pool, but producing metriods as well. Upon stepping in the pool, your visor blurs a bit and it says "HYPER MODE". Unlease all out doom to True Prime. Do this quickly! The pool doesn't last forever! Now, this doesn't mean True Prime is defenceless! It has many powerful moves. Move One= Whip. Hit you with tenticals. Back off. Move Two= Camo. Dissapears. Use Thermal/X-Ray(one works one time, maybe again) to see it! Move Three= Summon Metriods and a Phazon Pool. Depends on heath. Summons regular, Humter, or Fission. Move Four= Spin Whip. "Back Off!" move. You SHOULD back off. Move Five= Ram. Self Explanitory. Side Straft to dodge. Rarely used. Keep fighting hard and you should win. If you lose, too bad! The end movie depends on items collected. I'll leave you to find all three out.