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Gariland Magic City


The chapter exists as a flash back from the previous event and starts with several cadets talking about the Death Corps.

Ramza and Delita talk about Prince Larg and Marquis Elmdor of Limberry their visit regarding the Hokuten Knights all over Ivalice. A Hokuten Knight addresses them about barbarians in Gallione and about the cadets assignment to guard Igros Castle. A female Knight rushes in and then you're assigned to destroy thieves going through town.


Gariland Magic City

Allies: Delita, and your choice of Four out of the initial group of two male and two female Squires, and one male and one female Chemist

Enemies: Four Squires and a Chemist

I recommend picking the the females with the two highest Faiths, the male with the highest Brave and a Chemist for your party. Put two squires (one male, one female) in the front two tiles Put the chemist in the center tile, with the female unit to his right, and Ramza to her right. Send the two squires in the front up the building in front of them to kill the squire on the roof. Have Ramza attack the squire who hits Delita. Delita should finish off the squire that attacked him, and your two squires on the roof should be able to remove the one up there. Have your chemist heal those who are hurt the most and it shouldn't be a tough battle.

Leveling up possibility: It is possible to very easily level your characters up in this battle. Here's how:
When the battle is close to finished, ensure that the enemy chemist is not attacked. If Delita attacks him, kill Delita (free exp and he doesn't die off!). As long as you don't have any dead units counting down until they vanish, then simply follow the chemist around the map until you trap him in some kind of box (one player on each side would be best. And just continue to attack him. He'll heal himself eternally. You could use this mildly tedious process to make the next few battles very easy.

After Completion

After the battle Gariland Magic City acts as a city with a shop, bar, and soldier's office. Be sure to check out the shop before going ahead.


After the battle go into the formation menu and find the two Female Units with the best faith (I'll refer to them as Charmaine and Scarlet from now on) and the male with the best brave (I'll call him Pado).

  • Unequip everything from the other generic units then order them by hp.
  • Turn Scarlet and Charmaine into Chemists and have Ramza, Delita and Mark be Squires.
  • If Ramza has enough JP to learn Gained JP Up then have him do so. Equip it as a Support.
  • Give your three male units Item as a secondary and give the females Basic Skill secondary.
  • Make sure one of the Chemists has Phoenix Down learned, if neither do then have Ramza learn it, if one does and Ramza has enough for it after potion, then have him learn it too.
  • Make sure all 5 of your party has Potion learned if possible.
  • Buy about 15 Potions at the shop
  • Give all your Squires a Board Sword.
  • Give Charmaine the Mythril Knife.
  • Unequip the Battle Boots from Ramza and give them to Charmaine.

In the sequence, Balbanes (Ramza's father) is dying, and Zalbag and Lord Dycedarg assure him that the war is about to end. Balbanes is relieved but Alma doesn't take it as well. Ramza comes in to talk to his father before he ultimately dies.

Mandalia Plains


This battle begins with a question: choose to do you duty and destroy the Death Corps or save the man who is under attack. Choosing "1. Our duty is to destroy the Death Corps." will give you 10 additional Brave for the battle and 2 permanent Brave points. That choice would sort of go against the spirit of what your father told you to do on his deathbed though. If you choose "2. Saving him is our priority." and the man dies then you will lose the battle.

I'd choose the first because there is no downside and Algus could possibly die and you'd be fine.


Mandalia Plains

Allies: Delita, Algus, and three generics of your choosing

Enemies: Four Squires, a Thief and a Red Panther

This battle is fairly easy. Have your Chemist Charmaine (with the battle boots) positioned as far to the left and down as possible then have her move in early to hear Algus. Be weary of attacking the panther because he will counter if attacked from the sides or front a % of the time equal to his Brave. He also has Poison Nail which can Poison the person he attacks. The thief is a little stronger but not much. They have no healing ability so just have your units go to the front lines, attack, then retreat when they are weak. Heal them and repeat til finished.

After Completion

After this battle Mandalia Plains becomes a random battle location.


Algus then talks with Ramza and Delita before they head off to Igros Castle.

Igros Castle

Ramza, Algus, and Delita meet up with Dycedarg at Igros, and discuss the kidnapping of Marquis Elmdor of Limberry. You are given the mission to guard the castle. Algus talks with Delita and Ramza outside the castle and Alma, Zalbag, and Teta (Delita's sister) show up. Zalbag mentions Dorter Trade City east of Gallione.

  • Back to the world map, and time to outfit your party.
  • Make sure Algus has Item equipped as a secondary
  • If anyone who doesn't have Gained JP Up can learn it, have them do so and set it on as a support, except for Delita.
  • If Delita has 200 JP have him learn Move+1.
  • Regardless of his JP change him into a Knight.
  • Go to the shop and get your potions around 25
  • Buy Delita a Long Sword, an Escutcheon, a Bronze Helmet, and a Linen Cuirass to equip on him now that he's a knight.
  • Buy Ramza and Papo Long Swords.
  • Sell unused stuff to buy Battle Boots for Delita.
  • Give you three boots to Zach, Ramza, and Delita.

There is a 50% chance you'll get in a battle in the Mandalia Plains but it should be fairly easy and the JP will be useful.

Gariland Magic City

At Gariland Magic City,

Sweegy Woods


Sweegy Woods

Allies: Delita, Algus, and three generics of your choosing

Enemies: two Goblins, two Bombs, a Black Goblin, and a Red Panther

Rush the Black Goblin with Pado and Ramza, with Your chemists following up to heal. Then focus on the black panther. After the black panther hit the nearest bomb. Don't worry too much about Algus because if he dies he isn't going anywhere. Be careful of the bomb's Self-Destruct ability, it will damage all nearby units the amount of it's max hp minus it's current hp.

After Completion

After this battle Sweegy Woods becomes a random battle location.


  • After the battle, turn Charmaine into a wizard and teach her bolt.
  • Give her Ramza's battle boots if she doesn't have any.
  • If Ramza can learn Yell have him do so.

Dorter Trade City


A knight, Fencer is seen arguing with a Holy Knight later identified as Wiergraf. Wiergraf is looking for Gustav, and questioning about the Marquis. Delita says he remembered him from the end of The Fifty Years War in Igros.

Gustav and Wiergraf leave, and a battle ensues!


Dorter Trade City

Allies: Delita, Algus, and three generics of your choosing

Enemies: three Archers, two Wizards, and a Knight

The wizards are the major threat in this battle and bolt is particularly effective in this rain. Stay separate so the enemy wizard's bolt attack doesn't hit more then one unit. Send a fast unit, Papo probably, up the boxes next to your starting position to kill the archer up their so Algus and Delita can get back to the main battle. Protect your wizard and Ramza with potions and the possible phoenix down. You may want to use Ramza's Yell on Charmaine so that you can cast bolt more often.

After Completion

After the battle Dorter becomes a regular town with a bar, soldiers office, and shop. The shop sells magic weapons, and light armor.


After the battle Algus, Delita and Ramza interrogate Fencer

To Zecklaus Desert!


Zecklaus Desert

Allies: Delita, Algus, and three generics of your choosing

Enemies: three Knights, two Monks, and a Archer

The Archer and the two Monks pose the most significant threats to your party. Archers can target your party and the Monks inflict a great deal of damage. Fortunately, there are only two exits in the building the enemies are holed up in and you can control the number of enemies you must face at any one time by maneuvering your characters just outside the doorways. By confining their movements and positioning Charmaine just outside the building with Black Magic, you can affect multiple enemies with a single magic spell. Also, given the damage to your characters from the Monks, carry plenty of potions and phoenix downs.

After Completion

After this battle Zecklaus Desert becomes a random battle location.