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Charaboms only appear in the Normal Game. Bomberman can equip one Charabom at a time, during which Bomberman will have access to that Charabom's abilities. At the same time, this Charabom will gain stats and levels whenever Bomberman collects the various Charabom Feed capsules. If a Charabom's stat is displayed in red, it is maxed out and cannot be improved further. Each Charabom has set limits to their stats.

Regular Charaboms[edit]

Apart from Andlar, which is found in 1-1 uncontested, you must find and defeat a Charabom in a Charabom Battle in order to gain the use of new Charaboms. This is where the Charabom's stats and elemental type are put to use.

# Name Found Attribute Ability Description
1 Stegodon 3-1 Fire Bomb Kick When kicked, bombs will keep sliding until they hit an obstacle or are stopped by pressing Y button.
2 Dorako 1-2 Fire Full Fire Bombs will explode at their maximum power, regardless of your current Fire Up level.
3 Pteradon 3-2 Fire Bomb Jump If you fall on top of a bomb, you will bounce off it. You will bounce higher if your fall onto a Big Bomb.
4 Andlar 1-1 Water Power Glove Significant boost to the power of your Bomb Throw, allowing you to throw even Big Bombs a decent distance. When releasing A button to throw, use the Control Stick to determine the angle of the throw.
5 Marine Eel 1-5 Water Homing When thrown or kicked, bombs will home in on the nearest enemy and detonate on any impact.
6 Kai-man 2-1 Water Shield All damage taken is reduced by half while Kai-man is equipped.
7 Beast Pommy 3-5 Electric Full Speed You will run at your maximum speed, regardless of your current Speed Up level.
8 Pox 5-1 Electric Radio Control Hold down A button while planting a bomb, and the bomb can be steered with the Control Stick. Control is released when the button is released or when Bomberman is hit.
9 Pommy 2-5 Electric Remote Control Planted bombs will remain in position until detonated with B button. Bombs will detonate in chronological order, starting with the oldest.
10 Ligon 2-2 Earth Full Bomb You can have up to six bombs in play at once, regardless of your current Bomb Up level.
11 Unicornos 4-3 Earth Line Bomb Hold down A button while planting a bomb, and more bombs will be planted in a straight line in the direction you're facing, up to your Bomb Up limit.
12 Big Ox 5-3 Earth Land Mine Planted bombs sink into the ground, to be detonated when an enemy touches it or by pressing B button.

Merged Charaboms[edit]

Certain portals allow for the creation of new Charaboms by merging two other Charaboms you possess. Each portal will need two specific Charaboms, and both of the component Charaboms must already be in your possession for the merge to work. The resulting merged Charabom will have the sum of each component Charabom's stats (up to their predetermined maximum), both of the component attributes, as well as a combined ability based on the component Charaboms' abilities.

  • Note*: Don't worry about merging and losing the Charaboms that you used to merge, you will still have them!
# Name Merged Components Attributes Ability Description
13 Angol 4-1 Stegodon +
Fire +
Power Glove +
Bomb Kick
Both Power Glove and Bomb Kick abilities can be used simultaneously.
14 Pommy Dragon 3-4 Pteradon +
Fire +
Bomb Jump +
Remote Control
Planted bombs for bomb jumping will not detonate unless commanded, making it easier to make repeated attempts.
15 Pomyugar 3-2 Pommy +
Electric +
Remote Control +
Full Bomb
You can have up to six Remote Control bombs out at once, regardless of your Bomb Up level.
16 Shelks 5-1 Kai-man +
Water +
Shield +
Radio Control
A shield protects you from 75% of damage while you are radio-controlling a bomb.
17 Lai Eel 5-1 Marine Eel +
Water +
Homing +
Full Bomb
You can have up to six Homing bombs out at once, regardless of your Bomb Up level.
18 Fire Horn 4-3 Pteradon +
Fire +
Bomb Jump +
Line Bomb
Hold down A button and you can use the Control Stick to position a line of bombs. Release and they will be instantly planted unless the line hits an obstacle. You can Bomb Jump off these bombs.
Not mentioned is the fact these bombs are also Remote Controlled.

Charabom Battles[edit]

Apart from Andlar and Merged Charaboms, to win any new Charabom, you must defeat it in battle using one of your Charaboms. The Charabom Battle consists of up to three rounds. Before the battle, you must decide what you want your charabom to do in each round. First, a description of the icons:

  • The Sword means a physical attack. This relies mainly on the Charabom's Attack rating vs. the opponent's Defense and Speed ratings.
  • The Star means a special attack. This is an elemental move that not only pits the Charabom's Special rating vs. the opponent's Defense and Speed ratings, but can also play the elemental card. Each normal Charabom is of a specific element type which means it is strong against a certain element and weak against another. A special attack does double damage against its strength and only half damage against its weakness. The elemental progression is as follows:
Water → Fire → Earth → Electric
An element is strong against the element to its right and weak against the one to its left, and the list is a loop, so Electric is strong against Water (and Water is weak against Electric) as well. Merged Charaboms have two elements, so the strength/weakness calculation is split 50/50 between each element.
  • The Shield means a defense. If the opponent's turn is an attack or special attack, the Charabom will be better equipped to deflect the blow or at least reduce the damage.

From these possible moves (which must each be done exactly once per round) come the six possible strategies you can use for each round. You can only use any strategy once during the battle, and you must choose all three before the battle begins, so you sometimes have to think carefully about not just your choice of Charabom but also about which strategies to use.

  • Raid/Guard: Attack, Defend, Special
  • First Move: Attack, Special, Defend
  • Derfense: Defend, Attack, Special
  • Supremacy: Defend, Special, Attack
  • Get Wild!: Special, Attack, Defend
  • Skillfully: Special, Defend, Attack

Once you decide on your Charabom and strategies, the battle begins, and your Charaboms will use the moves you prescribed against the opposing Charabom. First Charabom to lose all its Hit Points loses. If your Charabom defeats the opposing Charabom, that Charabom joins you.