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Great Temple

It's time to explore the next and last new area of the game. It's larger and more complex than the previous area, so getting around will take longer in general now.

Temple Sanctuary

Scan the door with the Emerald hologram and go through. This is actually the door you first used to enter the sanctuary near the start of the game, but it closed behind you then and was locked until you got the Emerald translation module in Torvus.

Transport A Access

Missile Expansion #27

The floor under the Save Station is slightly transparent and you might notice a Missile Expansion below. To reach it, use a Morph Ball Bomb to clear the Talloric rock to the right, then go down the ramp behind it.

Temple Grounds

Sacred Bridge

Continue back to the Sacred Bridge following the same route you took to the Great Temple near the start of the game. This is where you would get stuck if you tried to go this way earlier. There is a portal in the Sacred Path on the way, but it's a dead end for now.

There is a drawbridge blocking the way forward. To unlock it, switch to the Dark Visor and locate the five spots above the door to the left and right. Use the Seeker Launcher to target all five spots and fire, just as you would do to open a Purple door. When you hit all five, the drawbridge lowers; this not only opens the passage, but creates a convenient way of hopping over the pit below.

GFMC Compound

Missile Expansion #28

This is the your first time back to visit the GF landing site in a while, and there are Space Pirate infesting the place now. so clear them out so you can explore again. If you check inside the ship you may hear a pickup nearby, but it's pretty well hidden. Get to the ledge with the Yellow Door and stand near the tunnel that leads to the next ledge. Do a running jump from there to land on nose of the ship; this may take a few tries since you have to time the jump just right. Once on the nose of of ship, walk along the top to find the Missile Expansion on the other end.

When you're done with that, scan the Emerald hologram and go through. The remaining exit, Trooper Security Station, is still a dead end for now.

Fortress Transport Access

Luminoth Turret
The Sky Temple

You are attacked by a new type of turret, so get a scan and shoot it with Missiles until it's destroyed. Continue through to fight another turret, the get the history scan near the exit.

Transport to Sanctuary Fortress

Scan the control panel to activate the lift.

Sanctuary Fortress

Transport to Temple Grounds

Continue to the next room.

Temple Transport Access

Defeat more turrets and scan the control panel to open the doorway. In the next section there are Serenity Drones crawling on the wall; these are harmless but you may want to harvest some refills from them. At the end is a Spinner which opens a second doorway so you can reach the exit.

Sanctuary Entrance

This is a long bridge serving as a gateway to the main part of the area; you get a short overview when you enter.

When you're about half-way across the bridge, a number of Pirate Commandos materialize and you have to battle it out with them. Don't fire when they pull out their shields since your shot will just bounce off. With a bit of luck you can take some of them out by firing Missiles at the Phazon containers on the bridge, they have to be close to the container for this to work though. The doors unlock when you've won the battle.

Power Junction


There are small drones guarding the passage here; get a scan and either defeat them or step around them. If you shoot them with the Dark beam a whole group will immediately blow up without a trace.

Reactor Access


Switch to Dark Visor here and look for the spots to aim the Seeker Launcher as at the Sacred Bridge. This opens the gate to the next room, but also releases a new drone called the Rezbit. This has an attack where it fires at you, another where it hacks your suit so you're forced to do a system reboot (follow the directions on the screen), and when it's not attacking it usually puts up a shield which prevents you from hitting it. A Super Missile with a few regular Missile will take it out if you shoot when the shield is down, but if you have the ammo it's better to freeze it with the charged Dark beam and finish it with a Missile.

Jump up to the gate, which is now a ledge, and continue.

Reactor Core

Quad MP
Quad CP

At this point the path diverges and this room serves as a kind of hub for the area. When you enter, you see a new type of drone, but it's actually two drones in one so there are two scans. The best way to take it out is to first fire a Super Missile at the head. When that's gone, wait from the body to start spinning and ram it using the Boost Ball. This stuns it for a bit and you can then bomb its vulnerable underside.

The main path forward is through the central part of the room, but first blast open the Red door on the right.

Save Station A

This is a good place to save since it's been a while.

Reactor Core (cont.)

Go into the central part of the room and start scaling the ledges around the wall, defeating more Rezbits as you go. Go through the Blue door when you reach the top ledge.

Minigyro Chamber

Scan the device with the holographic rings to get a code key needed to get through; a good mnemonic is "aMber cObalt cRimson Emerald". Continue into the Morph Ball tunnel on the left and activate the bomb slots in the same order (yellow blue red green for people who are used to the usual color names). Wait for each of the gyroscopic rings to lock into place before activating the next bomb slot. When they're all locked you can roll through the enter to reach the exit.

Hall of Combat Mastery

There are more Quad pairs here; it's an especially good idea to get the heads first now since if you get the bodies first the heads can escape and come back with spares.

There is more going on here but you can't do anything about it quite yet, so continue to the portal and use it.

Ing Hive

Culling Chamber

There are three ways out of this room, but the far exit is pretty much a dead end for now. Start by making a sharp right to the door nearest the portal.

Hazing Cliff

Dark Tallon Metroid
Dark Diligence Drone
Missile Expansion #29

Start by defeating the Dark Tallon Metroid lurking here; a few Missiles should do the trick. Follow the ledge on the left to a tunnel and use charged Light blasts to defeat the drones inside. Then go in and collect a Missile Expansion. That's all you can do here so go back.

Culling Chamber (cont.)

Follow the hall for a bit and go through the Black door on the right.

Central Hive East Transport

Scan the control panel to activate the lift and use it.

Hive Dynamo Works

The ledge here is a point of no return, in other words once you jump off you won't be able to get back without the Spider Ball. There is a chasm ahead and you can use the grapple beam to get across, but first clear the Nightbarbs so they don't knock you down.

The White door here turns out to be a dead end for now, but there's a portal here too. It's behind a force field though and it get through you need to turn around, switch to the Dark Visor, and shoot the red targets on the opposite wall using the Seeker Launcher. If some of the Nightbarbs have respawned already then clear them out first so they don't get caught in the launcher's targeting. When the force field is gone, go ahead and use the portal.

Sanctuary Fortress

Dynamo Works

Don't head back toward the lift unless you want to fight more quads; you won't be able to use it anyway. Instead, continue through the Black door.

Dynamo Access

Diligence Class Drone

The Light version of the Diligence Drone is here; you can take it out with a single Dark beam shot. Then move forward to a spot where you must roll under the floor in Morph Ball form. This section is guarded by Mechlops, this game's version of the Triclops. In case you don't remember from Metroid Prime (or never played it), you need to drop a bomb in front of one so it will swallow it. It's easy enough to just dodge them though. When you get through there is another drone and the exit.

Main Gyro Chamber

This is a large room, but you can already see what you're heading for, the White door visible through the green wall in front of you. Ignore the lift on the left and start through the Morph Ball path on the right. Follow this to a second section, then follow another Morph Ball path to a third section. Blast open the Red door here.

Save Station B

You might want to save now, but it's not needed much since soon you'll want to come back again to save anyway.

Main Gyro Chamber (cont.)

Activate the bomb slot to make a puzzle appear. It takes the form of three colored beams of light crossing from left to right passing through a grid of colored beads. Each beam is blocked by a bead of a different color and the idea is to unblock all three beams. In other words, you need to arrange the beads into a row of three red at the top, a row of three green in the middle, and a row of three blue at the bottom. You move the beads in 2 by 2 squares by shooting a target in the center. The idea of moving colors around to make a pattern makes the puzzle like a extremely simplified Rubik's cube.

The solution shouldn't be to hard to find; start with a corner, expand that to a row, and then do a different corner. But if you get stuck one solution is:

Upper left, Upper right, Lower left, Lower right.

When the pieces are in place, a second bomb slot appears and activating it causes the outermost gyroscopic ring in the center of the room to stop turning. Go back to the second section were you can now use the ring as a walkway to get around to a fourth section on the other side. From there you can follow another Morph Ball path back to the first room, but now you're on the other side of the green wall.

Use the Spinner to open a doorway through the wall, go through to save your game, then come back, ignore the White door, but scan the control panel near it to activate the lift. Step in, but if the lift takes you to a lower floor then it's the wrong one and you'll need to go back and take the one going up. Take the exit on the upper floor.

Temple Access

You start on a balcony with a locked door below. There are a few things you can do now and you may save a bit of trouble if you do them in the right order. First, from the balcony, switch to the Dark Visor and use the Seeker Launcher on the four red spots on the door (four instead of the usual five). This activates an Orb Cannon on the floor below. Hop down, switch to Morph Ball and roll into the cannon, then with a bit of luck you'll shoot the quad which appears then, using yourself as a bullet, destroying the quad in one fell swoop. If you miss the quad then defeat it the usual way, but the door remains locked until it's gone.

Sanctuary Temple

Dark Quad MB
Dark Quad CM

The ledge here is another point of no return until you get the Spider Ball. Drop down and get scans of the Dark versions of the quad mechanoids. Start scaling the platforms, then use the Grapple Beam to get to the door opposite the one you came in.

Controller Access

Use the Morph Ball slot to turn the gate as in the earlier versions of this room.

Sanctuary Energy Controller

Agon Falls

Scan the blue hologram. As you will have guessed, you hear the last message of another dead Luminoth, O-Lir this time. The Luminoth redundantly informs you that the mechanoids here are hostile, then your energy is restored and you are given the Cobalt translation module so you can start translating the Cobalt holograms. Scan the history hologram and head back.

Sanctuary Temple (cont.)


Get a scan of the mechanoids dangling under the ledges. You don't have to tangle with them, but if you do then the only way to defeat them is by firing the Seeker Missile at their legs to knock them down.

Grapple over to the door with the holographic key and scan to open it.

Workers Path

You need to navigate some platforms here but it's easy to miss just how to do it. Hop over to the last platform on the right, turn around, and scan a glowing spot on the edge of the previous platform. This activates an Orb Cannon which fires you across the gap to the platforms near the exit. As long as you're here you might as well activate the other Orb Cannon the same way, then continue to the exit.

Dynamo Works (cont.)

Spider Guardian (only chance)
Missile Expansion #30

There is a Morph Ball tunnel here, but before going in be sure to get the scan of the creature rolling around the tunnel entrance. This is only time you can get this scan and you have to do it before entering the tunnel or not at all.

Spider Guardian

This is a strange battle and there seems to be a wide variation on how easy people find it. Some claim it was trivial and they easily did on the first try while others find it very frustrating. Part of the problem for people who find it frustrating is that if you don't get it on the first try, there is long and complicated section of the game you have to replay before you get to this point again. Another factor may be that, as we mentioned in the Chykka battle, the game designers now seem to be building your hopes up with an long but easy section followed by a difficult section to dash those hopes. Either way, once you've failed a few times it's easy to develop a case of the yips, so you're so nervous about getting through the last part you actually get worse and worse on each try. This isn't helped by the fact that the game doesn't give too many hints on what to do, especially for the last section, so you may be relying on trial and error to find the solution to the puzzle.

There are four sections of a maze and the first three work the same way except for the layout. You must drop bombs to hit the guardian as it rolls around its path, trying to avoid getting too close to it as you do since it has a force field around it that really hurts if you hit it. The guardian starts off blue, but when you hit it with a bomb it turns red and if you hit it a few more times it turns green. The red forms move more quickly, but the green form moves very slowly. Once you get the monster to turn green, you need to get the bomb slot for that section and activate it before the time runs out. If you make it, a gate opens and the guardian goes around the track until it runs into a canister of Phazon. You can then get through to the next section.

In the first section you can drop your bombs on the path to the left, or hop up from the bottom to drop bombs to hit with the creature rolls above you. The bomb slot is on the upper right and you have to follow the path on the left to the top, drop down to a ledge to get over to the right. Beware of gaps since if you fall you'll need to start over.

The second section takes the form of a half-pipe and the guardian moves around above you. One way to do this is to boost up to the ledge on the left, making sure you don't hit the guardian on the way, then bid your time until the guardian is approaching and drop off, laying a few bombs on the way. When the monster turns green, boost up to the left side to land on the platform there, then make your way right to the bomb slot.

The third section is a similar half-pipe setup. Boost up the left side to the platform there. There is a gap to the right, so wait until the guardian is about to pass underneath, then drop through leaving bombs in your wake. When the guardian turns green you need to boost up the left side again, but this time zig-zag down the ledges to the bomb slot.

The fourth and final section is by far the hardest; there are three bomb slots here so it's like the first three sections put together. Fortunately you get some storage boxes near the start which refill your energy a total of 150.

Wait until the guardian is going to the right, then drop a bomb in its path and back off, and when it's stunned roll over it drop more bombs as you go. When the monster turns green, get over to the left, hop up to the next level and activate the first bomb slot. The guardian runs into the first of three Phazon canisters here. Now you must repeat everything you did with the first slot, and also get to the second slot about halfway up on the right. The slot is above a little hill so you have to be very gentle in your control so stay on it while you hop up to the slot. When that's done you have to redo the first two slots, then get to the third slot on the upper left. You'll probably run out of time on this one unless you bomb the guardian again to reset the timer.

When you get the last slot in the last section the guardian is defeated, exiting the maze to deposit your prize before it vanishes.

Follow the guardian to pick up the Spider Ball, then come back to the maze to find it infested with Pillbugs. Use the Spider Ball to escape the last section, then hop up to the top path which leads to a Missile Expansion. Follow the path behind the Missile Expansion to avoid the other Pillbugs and land in the hallway with the portal. From there you can go back to the Gyro Chamber to save if you want.