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Sealed Cave[edit]

Key:    O = Save point
        T = Treasure chest
        Numbers indicate floor changes.
        Lower case letters indicate locks; codes are given in the left margin.

1F:                                _2_
                                  |   |
                                  | O |
                                  |   |
                               To Shanoah

2F:                          ___   ___   ___   _3_
                            /   \ /   \_/   \ /   \
                           |  T* |     _     |     |
                            \   / \   / \   / \   /
                            /   \_/   \ /   \_/   \
(code: 15)                 |     a     |     _     |
                            \   /¯\___/ \   / \   /
                            /   \ /   \_/   \ /   \
                           |     |     _     |     |
(code: 73)                  \_b_/ \   / \___/ \   /
                            /   \ /   \ /   \_/   \
(code: 26)                 |  T  |     |  T  c     |
                            \___/ \_ _/ \___/¯\___/

* It's quite likely the chest in here will be empty, but you'll see a blue
sparkle when you open it. Check that area for the Chaos Magic Stone 'Heaven'.

3F:                          ___   ___   ___   ___
                            /   \ /   \ /   \_/   \
                           |  T  |  T  |     _     |
(codes: 695, 151)           \_a_/ \_b_/ \   / \___/
                            /   \_/   \ /   \_/   \
(code: 68)                 |     _     |     c     |
(code: 13)                  \_d_/ \   / \   /¯\   /
                            /   \ /   \_/   \ /   \
                           |     |     _     |     |
                            \   / \___/ \___/ \   /
                            /   \_/   \ /   \_/   \
(code: 27)                 |     _     |  T  e     |
                            \___/ \_ _/ \___/¯\_ _/
                                    4           2
                             ___   ___   ___   _3_
                            /   \ /   \_/   \ /   \
                           |  T  |     _     |     |
                            \   / \   / \   / \   /
                            /   \_/   \ /   \_/   \
(code: 127)                |     a     |     _     |
(code: 328)                 \   /¯\   / \_b_/ \___/
                            /   \ /   \ /   \_/   \
                           |     |     |     _     |
(code: 648)                 \_c_/ \   / \___/ \   /
                            /   \_/   \ /   \_/   \
(codes: 445, 212)          |     d  T  |  T  e     |
                            \_ _/¯\___/ \___/¯\___/
                  to Sealed Labyrinth 1F

Sealed Labyrinth[edit]

The Sealed Cave is pretty straightforward: just follow the map. The Labyrinth, as a brief glance at the maps below will show, is far more complex. It should however be possible to complete the Labyrinth with just these maps. It's certainly possible to complete it without them!

Key as for Sealed Cave, plus:
        B: 'breeze' message (indicates a hidden passage)
        K: a chest containing a scenario item.  See right margin for details.
        L: a special door.  See right margin for how to open it.
        P: plate (inscribed with a 'strange poem')
        S#: a switch.
        @: see section 2.11 for details...

                                    to Sealed Cave 4F
1F:                         ___ _2_ _^_ ___
                           |   |   |   |   |
Code: 4916                 |   a P | P | T |
Codes: 2123, 32            |_b_|___|_ _|_c_|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Code: 127                  | T d   |   |   |
Codes: 743, 21, 80, 124    |_e_|_f_|_g_|_h_|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Code: 128                  |   i       |   |
Code: 16, 631              |___|_j_|___|_k_|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Code: 11                   | T l           |

2F:                         ___ ___ ___ ___
                           |   |   |   |   |
Codes: 131, 3217           |   a   b       |
Codes: 1172, 4210          |_c_|___|___|_d_|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Code: 5963                 | T |   e T |   |
Code: 6638                 |_ _|_f_|___|_ _|
                           |   |   |   |   |
                           | B   T | T   B |
Codes: 3872, 262           |_g_|___|___|_h_|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Codes: 5524, 1219          | P i   j   | P |
                           |___|___|_ _|_ _|
                                     3   1

3F:                         _2_ ___ ___ ___
                           |   |   |   |S1 |
Code: 8426                 |   |   a   |   |
Codes: 2615, 291, 6667     |_b_|_c_|_d_|_L_|      S2 on
                           |   |   |   |   |
Codes: 189, 538, 121       |   e   f T g   |
Codes: 140, 5517           |___|_h_|___|_i_|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Code: 26                   |   j   |     B |
Codes: 8427, 8386, 6345    |_k_|___|_l_|_m_|
                           |   |   |   |   |
                           | T |   L   |   |      S1 on, S2 off
                           |___|_ _|___|_ _|
                                 4       4
                                 |       |
4F:                         ___ _3_ ___ _3_
                           |   |   |   |   |
Codes: 8426, 3623          |   a   |   b   |
Codes: 2143, 811           |_c_|_ _|_d_|___|
                           |   |   |   |S2 |
Code: 32                   |   |   e   |   |
Codes: 9768, 9999          |_ _|_f_|___|_g_|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Codes: 1251, 20            |   | T h   i T |
Code: 8427                 |_j_|___|___|___|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Codes: 9294, 990           |   k       m   |
                           |___|___|___|_ _|
5F                          ___ ___ _4_ ___
                           |   |   |   | K |      Ebony Key
                           |       |   |   |
Codes: 6610, 787, 5020     |_L_|_a_|_b_|_c_|      Requires Ebony Key
                           |   |   |   |   |
                          6  T |   |   |   |
Codes: 2135, 2234          |___|_d_|_ _|_e_|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Codes: 9859, 3496          |   f T |   g   |
                           |_ _|___|___|_ _|
                           |   |   |   |   |
Codes: 1849, 1671          |   h       i T |

6F                          ___ ___ ___ ___
                           | @ | K |   | K |      Silver Key, Dark Key
Code: 2204                 |   |   a T |   |
Codes: 1124, 5813          |_L_|_b_|_c_|_L_|      Require Dark, Crystal Keys
                           |   |   |   |   |
Code: 632                  |   |   L   d   |      Requires Bronze Key
Codes: 5665, 9785, 7438    |_e_|_f_|_g_|___|
                           |   |   |   | K |      Bronze Key
Code: 9821                 |   L   L   h   |      Require Gold, Crystal Keys
Codes: 7216, 4311          |_L_|_i_|_j_|___|      Requires Silver Key
                           |   |   |   |   |
Code: 8878                 |   |   |   k    5
                           | K | K |   |   |      Crystal Key, Gold Key
                            --- --- --- ---