Seiken Psycho Calibur/Bosses

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Hippogryph Tragwar
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Hipogriff.png
Area: 1 HP: 16
Damage: 4 (Flame: 2)
The defender of the forest region, it is necessary to defeat it in order to obtain a Pandora Key and rescue the fairy Popo.
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Traguwa.png
Area: 2 HP: 36
Damage: 4 (Flame: 2)
This large spider guards the entrance to the underground prison in which the fairy Pipi is being held captive. You must defeat it in order to obtain the Pandora Key to Pipi's cell.
Samadora Gobludo
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Samadora.png
Area: 2 HP: 55
Damage: 4 (Flame: 2)
A double headed lizard serves as the jail guard of Pipi's cell. After defeating it, leave the room and return to discover a life restoring object that it leaves behind.
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Gobludo.png
Area: 3 HP: 48
Damage: 2 (Shuriken: 1)
This boss can be found in the middle of the pyramid in the desert. It is not protecting anything in particular, but you will want the blue tear stones that it leaves behind in order to proceed.
Scornpede Cyclops
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Scornpede.png
Area: 3 HP: 40
Damage: 3 (Flame: 2)
This oversized scorpion can be found guarding the entrance to the labyrinth at the end of the starry sky path. It is actually the united form of three centipedes.
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Cyclops.png
Area: 4 HP: 71
Damage: 4 (Ax: 2)
The Cyclops is one of two bosses that you will encounter in the labyrinth. The Cyclops has found a shiny trinket and is now guarding it from all those who would wish to take it from him. Defeat him to discover what he's protecting.
Orc Chimera
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Orc.png
Area: 4 HP: 81
Damage: 4 (Ax: 2)
The Orc is the other boss that you will encounter in the labyrinth. The Orc is protecting a useful item known as the Rainbow Wing. Don't forget to claim it after you defeat him.
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Chimera.png
Area: 5 HP: 86
Damage: 4 (Flame: 2)
The Chimera is the boss of an frozen arctic zone. Like the Gobludo, it is not necessarily protecting anything, but the blue tear stones that it leaves behind are incredibly valuable to the progress of your quest.
Browazul Lizard
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Browazul.png
Area: 6 HP: 86
Damage: 2 (Flame: 2)
This intimidating creature is the guarding of the spring of recovery in the valley. It rampages around the room quite a lot like a rhinoceros. Don't be afraid to take too much damage fighting it, since the reward will be completely restored health.
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Lizard.png
Area: 6 HP: 86
Damage: 4 (Shuriken: 2)
The Lizard is the ultimate boss of the valley. It is in possession of another Pandora key which you must claim in order to obtain the valuable Teiare Jewel.
Crawl Dragora
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Crawl.png
Area: 7 HP: 66
Damage: 2 (Flame: 2)
This large catepillar lives in the mountainous region of the seventh area. It is said to be cursed never to turn into a butterfly. Defeat it in order to obtain the blue tear stones it contains.
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Dragora.png
Area: 7 HP: 106
Damage: 4 (Flame: 2)
This flying dragon is the ultimate boss of the mountain. Originally, it was a peaceful creature, but the devil Furunguniru tainted and twisted its nature. If you can shock it back to its original behavior, it may even help you in return.
Gorgon Gargoyle
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Gorgon.png
Area: 8 HP: 76
Damage: 3 (Beam: 1)
A snake woman warrior is the boss of the lava zone. It is not guarding anything in particular. Defeat it to obtain the power of the blue tear stones it leaves behind.
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Gargoyle.png
Area: 8 HP: 76
Damage: 4 (Beam: 1)
This demon is a personal pet of the devil Furunguniru. It guards the entrance to the forest of perplexity, which is hidden inside the lava zone.
Devil Furunguniru Great Devil
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Devil Furunguniru.png
Area: 9 HP: 72
Damage: 4 (Flame: 2)
This is the devil that is currently in control of the kingdom in Earth Mural. He waits for challengers who achieved the incredibly difficult task of reaching the forest of perplexity. He repeatedly teleports around the room, breathing fire at you as he does.
Seiken Psycho Calibur boss Great Devil.png
Area: 9 HP: 144
Damage: 3 (Flame: 2, Lightning: 2)
This is the true form of Devil Furunguniru, a being of concentrated evil. He continues to spit flame from his mouth, while he swings his tail around like a rod, which shoots electric shocks at you. He is covered in a very thick hide, and the only weapon that is capable of scarring him is the holy sword Psycho Calibur.