Times of Lore/The temple of Angor

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After defeating the Lyche, the Archmage Irial aknowledges your valor and set you on the final quest: defeat the dark clerics in the temple of Angor.

The blasted spot[edit]

Check the compass rose: in order to go south, you should actually walk in the down-right direction.
Ignore this if you're playing the NES remake.

First of all, you need a magical instrument to open the gate of the temple. This is found in a dungeon under the blasted spot. Irial gives you the key to enter.

In order to find the blasted spot, walk the road between Eralan and Hampton. A lonely house is between the capital city and the Last Hope inn. The peasant there says that the blasted spot is just south from his hut.

Explore the dungeon and get the chime.

Road to the temple[edit]

After collecting the chime, you can go back to Irial, but he has nothing new to say. It's time to move to the temple. You can use the green scroll and teleport to Treela or Rhyder: these towns are both near the temple, and you can rest and save at an inn there.

From Treela, leave to the north, then turn east. Follow the mountainfoot to the north-east, and you will eventually reach the temple of Angor.

The temple of Angor[edit]

Now it is the time to use all your magic items:

  1. Ground floor: there are two powerful clerics the even more powerful Grey Abbot; wear the magic ring and explore; to the west you can see a lever (similar to the one in Ganestor) and a stairway upwards;
  2. Upper floor: a single cleric is there; defeat him and he will leave the white key behind.
  3. Basement: bump the lever on the ground floor to get downstairs; defeat the cleric before the ring's power fades away; then, open the cell (thanks to the white key) and talk to the prisoner: he tells you how to defeat the Grey Abbot.
  4. Upper floor again: examine the bed, as the prisoner told you: a sphere appears now in the inventory, but actually you do not hold it yet; use the "get" command and pick it up.
  5. Ground floor again: the clerics are immune to the red "fire" scroll, but they can be paralyzed by the blue "ice" scroll.

BOSS: the Grey Abbot[edit]

While skeletons and dark clerics are paralyzed, get near the Grey Abbot. Use the sphere to defeat him. Pick up the Medallion left behind by the Grey Abbot, so that your quest is complete.

With the royal medallion in your possession, the ending sequence starts.

Congratulations: you completed Times of Lore, the first "Light Ultima"!