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Rising Star Games
Rising Star Games's company logo.
Founder(s)Martin Defries
Parent companyThunderful Group

Rising Star Games is a video game publishing company formed as a joint business venture between Scandinavian distributor Bergsala and Japanese developer Marvelous Interactive. Its focus is to publish selected titles from its Japanese parent company's library for release in European and Australian markets. The company is based in Luton in Bedfordshire, England. So far the company has published over 30 titles for Wii, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, and PlayStation 2.

In late 2007, the company was surrounded with controversy over what appeared to be its decision to censor the European version of No More Heroes, though it was later revealed that the decision was made by its parent company and the developer Grasshopper Manufacture.

On March 14 2008, Rising Star Games released Harvest Moon: Magical Melody on Wii. The game was originally released for the Nintendo GameCube in Japan in 2005, and then translated for release in the Americas in 2006, but this version was not released in Europe.