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Box artwork for Championship Sprint.
Box artwork for Championship Sprint.
Championship Sprint
Developer(s)Atari Games
Publisher(s)Atari Games
Year released1986
System(s)Arcade, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64/128, Sinclair ZX Spectrum
Preceded bySuper Sprint
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksChampionship Sprint ChannelSearch
Championship Sprint marquee

Championship Sprint is a racing arcade game that was released by Atari Games in 1986; it runs on Atari System 2 hardware, and as the name suggests, it is the sixth and final title in their Sprint series. The gameplay is similar to that for the immediate predecessor, Super Sprint, but with the third-player capability removed - and, there are also five new tracks to choose from (the other three are returning favourites from off the aforementioned Super Sprint). The "Increase Score" upgrade which you could select after you had collected five wrenches on Super Sprint, has also been replaced with a new one named "Fast Chopper"; remember that if you crashed into a wall with enough force in Super Sprint it would cause your car to explode, so a helicopter would fly into view from one of the four sides of the screen to resurrect it, and selecting this upgrade will increase its speed (and your resurrection time). Once you have selected Level-5 "Fast Chopper", it will change to the old "Increase Score" upgrade - and this game was also released in memory of George Opperman (1935-1985), who'd been the first artist employed by Atari and had also designed their "Mount Fuji" logo when they started off in 1972.

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