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There are 32 people you can have on your crew, though you can only have 3 at a time. You can also use enemies as crew members once you have a statue of him/her in the Museum. (by collecting 30 of that enemy) Each crew member has its own abilities. Try different crews to see what kind of combination you like.

Hooly[edit | edit source]

  • Action 1: Fire self at enemy.
  • Action 2: Infiltrate and sabotage.
  • Unlocked after: Being rescued and crew is unlocked.

Swotsy[edit | edit source]

  • Action 1: Use the lower cannon.
  • Action 2: Use the upper cannon.
  • Unlocked after: Being rescued and crew is unlocked.

Glooperior[edit | edit source]

  • Action 1: Keep everyone alive.
  • Action 2: Use the lower cannon.
  • Unlocked after: Being rescued and crew is unlocked.

Mother Glooperior's Miniheal is less powerful than Curate Rollo's Fullheal — it only heals by one heart.

Blubba[edit | edit source]

  • Action 1: Use the upper cannon.
  • Action 2: Keep baddies out.
  • Unlocked after: Being rescued and crew is unlocked.

Blubba will jump on any enemies he sees, regardless of which action you set him to. The difference is that with action 1, he won't seek out enemies, and he'll shoot.

Curate Rollo[edit | edit source]

  • Action 1: Keep everyone alive.
  • Action 2: Keep me alive.
  • Unlocked after: Being rescued and crew is unlocked.

Curate Rollo's Fullheal is more powerful than Mother Glooperior's Miniheal — it completely heals you.