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Stage 1 takes place in a town. It serves as a good introduction to the various aspects of the game that you will encounter. The stage is broken up into two long sections, with four hidden stairwells each. Those eight stairwells serve as entrances to five underground passages, and the dungeon of the stage is extraordinarily simple. Use your time on this stage wisely to accrue a good supply of money and as much protection equipment as you can possibly purchase. And be sure not to miss underground section 3, for the rare and valuable scroll that it contains.

Outdoors[edit | edit source]

Reminder: These maps are very long. Use the scrollbar below the maps to see the entire section if it does not fit inside your browser.

Section 1[edit | edit source]

a Leads to Section 2
b Leads to Section 2
A Candle: 30 (starting price)
B Inrou: 80, Onigiri: 200, Hourglass: 100 (starting prices)

Section 2[edit | edit source]

a Leads to Section 1
b Leads to Section 1
C Ramen: 40 (starting price)
D Candle: 30, Omamori: 180, Pass: 150 (starting prices)
E Armor: 50, Onigiri: 200, Omamori: 180 (starting prices)
Dungeon entrance: 50.
This very simple dungeon features an extra life and a dungeon map placed in the two bottom alcoves.
G Gambling house. (Since this is the first stage, it wouldn't hurt to gamble a lot here in an attempt to get your money over 5000. If you mess up, you can always start over without losing much progress.)
H Hotel: 100

Underground[edit | edit source]

Section 1 - Pass[edit | edit source]


Section 2[edit | edit source]


Section 3 - Scroll[edit | edit source]


Section 4[edit | edit source]


Section 5 - Pass[edit | edit source]
