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Stage 3 takes place in a mountain. It is one single long stretch of a stage, with a couple of challenging jumping portions in the middle. Be careful not to over jump off the side of a cliff, and approach the bridges cautiously until you are sure that you are lined up with them correctly. Come prepared because you won't be able to by any new equipment until you near the end of the stage. You will also face boulders and Tengu air demons for the first time as well. Don't underestimate their power. If you plan ahead, you can actually collect all three passes before you have to jump over a gap, and take an underground passage that bypasses a majority of the stage.

Outdoors[edit | edit source]

Reminder: These maps are very long. Use the scrollbar below the maps to see the entire section if it does not fit inside your browser.

Section 1[edit | edit source]

A Gambling
Dungeon entrance: 180.
The long looping passage in the lower left corner of the map may appear pointless, but if you explore it, you will be rewarded with an extra man. Explore every section that you can, you never know what you will find.
C Hotel
D Candle: 150, Omamori: 50, Pass: 300 (starting price)
E Onigiri: 350, Hourglass: 100, Straw Hat: 300 (starting price)

Underground[edit | edit source]

Section 1 - Pass[edit | edit source]


Section 2 - Pass[edit | edit source]


Section 3[edit | edit source]


Section 4[edit | edit source]


Section 5[edit | edit source]
