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Box artwork for Haunted Castle.
Box artwork for Haunted Castle.
Haunted Castle
Year released1988
Preceded byVampire Killer
Followed byCastlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Oretachi Game Center Zoku,
Arcade Archives
Genre(s)Action, Platform
ModesSingle player
Oretachi Game Center Zoku: Akumajou Dracula
Publisher(s)Hamster Corporation
Year released2006
System(s)PlayStation 2
Rating(s)CERO All ages
Arcade Archives Haunted Castle
Publisher(s)Hamster Corporation
Year released2017
System(s)PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
Rating(s)CERO All agesESRB TeenPEGI Ages 7+Parental Guidance
LinksHaunted Castle ChannelSearch

Haunted Castle is an arcade game released in 1988, by Konami. In Japan, the game is known as Akumajō Dracula, so besides the different name it gained in the west, Haunted Castle is a game from the Castlevania saga, and also a remake of the first Castlevania (as are Vampire Killer, Super Castlevania IV and Castlevania Chronicles). It is the first exclusive arcade game in the Castlevania series.

The story of Haunted Castle is said to be a mirror of that of the original Castlevania, but is simply another telling of the tale. In this version, Simon Belmont is getting married to his bride (whose name is not mentioned in-game, although a Japanese VHS strategy guide of the game calls her Serena) when Dracula kidnaps her shortly thereafter. Simon is forced to make his way to Castlevania, the ancestral home of the count, and save his bride from a potentially horrific fate.

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