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Box artwork for Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far.
Box artwork for Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far.
Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far
Developer(s)Square Enix
Publisher(s)Square Enix
Year released2018
System(s)PlayStation 4
SeriesKingdom Hearts
Genre(s)Action RPG, Compilation
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone 10+PEGI Ages 12+
LinksKingdom Hearts: The Story So Far ChannelSearch
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Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far is a collection of six games in the Kingdom Hearts series remastered in high definition, previously released separately as Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX and Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue, developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 4. It was released in the United States on October 30, 2018, Canada and Latin America on March 15, 2019, and Europe on March 29, 2019.

The Story So Far features six games in fully-playable form as well as cinematic retellings of the events of 358/2 Days, Re:coded, and Kingdom Hearts χ. As in 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, all content has been up-scaled to accommodate the PlayStation 4's capabilities, now running at 60 frames per second. The compilation's title refers to the story that would lead up to the release of Kingdom Hearts III. The games playable in the collection are as follows: