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Assassin[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
Twilight Town (3) 37 15 7 3
Twilight Town (47) 152 860 43 25
The World That Never Was (50) 160 1,000 45 26

Item and Orb Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Twilight Gem (12%)
  • Serenity Gem (4%)
  • Large MP Orbs (6)

Jiminy's Journal[edit | edit source]

An assassin. A high-ranking Nobody. It hides in the ground and attacks quietly from behind.

It cannot be attacked while it is in the ground. Parry its attacks to get it to surface.

When it starts running around, look out! It'll begin to unleash powerful attacks. Don't miss any chances to use the reaction commands to defeat as many as possible at once!

Berserker[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
Twilight Town (28) 160 255 27 15
Twilight Town (47) 238 860 43 25
The World That Never Was (50) 250 1,000 45 26

Item and Orb Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Dense Crystal (12%)
  • Serenity Crystal (4%)
  • Large MP Orbs (6)

Jiminy's Journal[edit | edit source]

A berserker. A high-ranking Nobody. Its attacks are hard to read as it is dragged around by a cursed hammer.

Attacks from the front will only be parried by its hammer. Knock it down to make it let go of the hammer. Then pick up the hammer to unleash a flurry of attacks with Berserk.

Creeper[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
Twilight Town (1) 20 4 5 2
Twilight Town (3) 23 6 7 3
Twilight Town (6) 28 9 9 4
Hollow Bastion (8) 31 12 11 5
Hollow Bastion (30) 67 119 29 16
Twilight Town (47) 95 344 43 25
The World That Never Was (50) 100 400 45 26

Item and Orb Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Dense Shard (8%)
  • Serenity Shard (2%)
  • Large HP Orbs (3)
  • Small MP Orbs (2)

Jiminy's Journal[edit | edit source]

The weakest of the Nobodies. It takes on various shapes, making it difficult to read its next move.

When it is paired with Dusk, use Reversal to stop its movements before attacking.

Dancer[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
Hollow Bastion (30) 108 298 29 16
Twilight Town (47) 152 860 43 25
The World That Never Was (50) 160 1,000 45 26

Item and Orb Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Twilight Stone (12%)
  • Serenity Gem (4%)
  • Large MP Orbs (6)

Jiminy's Journal[edit | edit source]

A dancer. A high-ranking Nobody. It skates around the ground and quickly moves away when approached. Wait for the end of its attack to retaliate. When it approaches with a low posture, look out!

If cornered, it retaliates with its buddies with kicks and other attacks. Fight carefully when outnumbered.

Dragoon[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
Beast's Castle (36) 124 455 34 19
Twilight Town (47) 152 860 43 25
The World That Never Was (50) 160 1,000 45 26

Item and Orb Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Dense Shard (12%)
  • Serenity Gem (4%)
  • Nobody Lance (1%)
  • Large MP Orbs (6)

Jiminy's Journal[edit | edit source]

A dragoon. A high-ranking Nobody. When a ball of light appears after parrying its attacks, use Learn. Time it accurately, to use Jump to attack.

Learn can be used as often as possible, so a series of Jump attacks is one strategy option.

Dusk[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
Twilight Town (1) 32 6 5 2
Twilight Town (2) 34 8 6 2
Twilight Town (3) 37 9 7 3
Twilight Town (6) 45 14 9 4
Hollow Bastion (8) 50 18 11 5
Twilight Town (28) 103 153 27 15
Hollow Bastion (30) 108 179 29 16
The Land Of Dragons (35) 122 255 34 19
Beast's Castle (36) 124 273 34 19
Port Royal (37) 127 291 35 20
Olympus Coliseum (39) 132 330 37 21
Twilight Town (47) 152 516 43 25
The World That Never Was (50) 160 600 45 26

Item and Orb Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Twilight Shard (12%)
  • Serenity Stone (2%)
  • Small MP Orbs (4)

Jiminy's Journal[edit | edit source]

It is difficult to read this creature's next move, so catch it off guard with a Reversal to stop its actions. A series of attacks and Reversals can also look cool in battle!

Note: It lets its guard down when its attack is parried. This is also true for all Nobodies.

Gambler[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
Port Royal (37) 127 485 35 20
Twilight Town (47) 152 860 43 25
The World That Never Was (50) 160 1,000 45 26

Item and Orb Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Twilight Shard (12%)
  • Serenity Gem (4%)
  • Nobody Guard (1%)
  • Large MP Orbs (6)

Jiminy's Jounal[edit | edit source]

A gambler. A high-ranking Nobody. It doesn't seem to like fighting, and just floats around aimlessly.

Use the reaction command when it attacks with cards and dice, and let the games begin!

Don't lose, for something terrible happens. Win for a chance to attack—and maybe even for a little something extra!

Samurai[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
Hollow Bastion (8) 50 30 11 5
Twilight Town (47) 152 860 43 25
The World That Never Was (50) 160 1,000 45 26

Item and Orb Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Dense Gem (12%)
  • Serenity Crystal (4%)
  • Large MP Orbs (6)

Jiminy's Journal[edit | edit source]

A samurai. A high-ranking Nobody. Using swords and their sheaths as weapons, it can handle up to four weapons at a time. It attacks with calmness and efficiency.

Make sure not to lose sight of it once it hides beneath the ground. After parrying its attack, it sits and waits, giving an opportunity to use reaction commands.

Fight one-on-one while the others sit back and watch.

Sniper[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
The Land Of Dragons (35) 122 425 34 19
Twilight Town (47) 152 860 43 25
The World That Never Was (50) 160 1,000 45 26

Items and Orbs Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Dense Stone (12%)
  • Serenity Gen (4%)
  • Large MP Orbs (6)

Jiminy's Journal[edit | edit source]

It is very agile as it moves around defying gravity. Use Magic to stop it's movements for an easier battle.

It attacks using arrows of light. Ward them off with Warp snipe. Use this in succession for victory!

Sorcerer[edit | edit source]

Location (Battle Level) HP EXP STR DEF
The World That Never Was (50) 160 1,000 45 26

Item and Orb Drops[edit | edit source]

  • Twilight Crystal (12%)
  • Serenity Crystal (4%)
  • Large MP Orbs (6)

Jiminy's Journal[edit | edit source]

A sorcerer. A high-ranking Nobody. Immune to magic, it attacks with invulnerable cubes.

Watch out for the cubes while attacking the main body. The cubes disappear when the body is defeated.