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Bronze StarSilver StarDistinguished CrossAfrica StarDistinguished Flying CrossAir Medal

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Africa Star[edit | edit source]

Awarded by the African Nation in grateful recognition of service against an opposing force. Sgt. John Baker, along with your entire regiment, despite being heavily outnumbered, managed to prevent the advancement of enemy troops in Africa.

Awarded after completing Mission 1: Operation Torch.

Distinguished Flying Cross[edit | edit source]

For surviving a fatal glider crash on July 10, 1943, and holding off the advancement of Axis troops. Sgt. John Baker, Special Forces, successfully completed a tremendously difficult tour of duty in Operation Husky.

Awarded after completing Mission 2: Operation Husky.

Air Medal[edit | edit source]

For discernible contribution to the operational air-land assaults against armed enemy forces, for the events surrounding September 28, 1944. Sgt. John Baker successfully radioed coordinates that obliterated Battle Mountain enemy forces at Monte Battalgia.

Awarded after completing Mission 3: Battle Mountain.

Bronze Star[edit | edit source]

For heroic and meritorious achievement of service in connection with the operations against an opposing armed force. Sgt. John Baker, Special Forces, successfully completed a challenge tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.

Awarded after completing the tour of duty on Easy.

Silver Star[edit | edit source]

For gallantry in action against an opposing armed force. Sgt. John Baker, Special Forces, successfully completed a tremendously difficult tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.

Awarded after completing the tour of duty on Medium.

Distinguished Cross[edit | edit source]

For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an opposing force. Sgt. John Baker, Special Forces, successfully completed a tremendously difficult tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.

Awarded after completing the tour of duty on Hard.