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France and Germany Star[edit | edit source]
Awarded by special circumstances, from Great Britain, for the events surrounding June 6, 1944. U.S. Sgt Jack Barnes, along with the members of the British 6th Airborne Division, successfully dismembered enemy supply routes with extraordinary disregard for personal safety.
Awarded after completing Mission 1: Operation Overlord.
Belgian Croix de Guerre[edit | edit source]
Awarded by the Belgian Nation in grateful recognition of service against an opposing armed force. U.S. Sgt. Jack Barnes, along with your entire regiment, despite being heavily outnumbered, managed to stave off multiple enemy attacks within the surrounding area of Bastogne.
Awarded after completing Mission 2: The Ardennes Forest.
Medal for the Capture of Berlin[edit | edit source]
Awarded under extreme special circumstance by the Soviet Red Army. U.S. Sgt. Jack Barnes, with complete disregard to personal safety, confronted hostile armed forces and managed to secure vital documents attributable to saving the lives of thousands of Soviet nationals.
Awarded after completing Mission 3: Road to Berlin.
Bronze Star[edit | edit source]
For heroic and meritorious achievement of service in connection with the operations against an opposing armed force, on April 30, 1945. Sgt. Jack Barnes, 501st PIR, successfully completed a challenging tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.
Awarded after completing the tour of duty on Easy.
Silver Star[edit | edit source]
For gallantry in action against an opposing armed force, on April 30, 1945. Sgt. Jack Barnes, 501st PIR, successfully completed a difficult tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.
Awarded after completing the tour of duty on Medium.
Distinguished Cross[edit | edit source]
For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an opposing armed force, on April 30, 1945. Sgt. Jack Barnes, 501st PIR, successfully completed a tremendously difficult tour of duty in the European Theater of Operations.
Awarded after completing the tour of duty on Hard.