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This is the first game in the Mystic Ark series. For other games in the series see the Mystic Ark category.

Box artwork for Mystic Ark.
Box artwork for Mystic Ark.
Mystic Ark
Year released1995
Preceded byBrain Lord
Followed byMystic Ark: Maboroshi Gekijou
SeriesMystic Ark
ModesSingle player
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksMystic Ark ChannelSearch

Mystic Ark is the third game made by Enix and Produce, after Elnard (The 7th Saga) and Brain Lord. It mutated the turn-based combat system and the party system from Elnard, while it inherited the emphasis on puzzles from Brain Lord.

Mystic Ark was released in Japan only, but now two unofficial English translations are available. The translation by Dynamic Designs is apparently more popular, while the translation by Aeon Genesis uses more proper English, with less slang expressions.

Table of Contents
