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These puzzles are downloaded using the Nintendo DS's wifi feature so that players can enjoy additional content after finishing everything the base game has to offer. Each puzzle has no picarat value, only one hint and is generally less difficult than most of the puzzles from the latter half of the game.

Caution! This guide contains information about each puzzle including all three hints and the correct answer. If you do not want to see the solution to a puzzle and spoil the fun of figuring it out, scroll down carefully. The answers are hidden within the spoiler tags, so don't peek in them unless you're really stuck!

Puzzle w01[edit]

Name: Trash Day (US) / Sweeping Up (UK)

Description: Put the trash in its proper place. Use the stylus to slide the blocks until you can move the trash into the can.

  • Hint 1: If you think about moving the red vertical bars as a set, you should do just fine.

Move the top blue block two steps right, then move the blue block below it up. Move the yellow block two steps down into the trash can, then move the top blue block in the left column right two times and down. Move the right red block down and right two times, then move the left red block down and right two times. Move the trash block down three times, then move the top blue block in the middle column left two times and up two times. Move the trash block up two times, then move the two red blocks left two times, one after the other. Move the blue block in the middle column all the way up, then move the yellow block all the way up. Move the blue block below the red blocks to the bottom of the trash can, then move the two red blocks down. Move the yellow block down two spaces, then move the top blue block in the middle column down two times. Move the trash block down one space and right two spaces, then move the two red blocks all the way up. Move the blue block under the trash block left twice and up, then move the yellow block into the space in the leftmost column. Move the trash block down halfway into the trash can, then move the blue block above the yellow block right two times and up. Move the yellow block up, then move the trash block all the way up. Move the blue block in the trash can all the way up and left twice, then move the trash block into the trash can to complete the puzzle.

Puzzle w02[edit]

Name: Moving Tiles (US) / Tile Equation (UK)

Description: Below is an addition equation with using tiles numbered zero to nine. There's just one little problem...the equation doesn't add up! Move the tiles to make the equation work. Only the solution involving the fewest number of moves will be accepted.

  • Hint 1: There are plenty of solutions if you were free to make lots of moves, but you need the answer involving the fewest moves. Also, only numbers in the two rightmost columns should move.

Swap the places of the tiles 0 and 2 as well as 5 and 6.

Puzzle w03[edit]

Name: Wrong Clocks

Description: The two clocks in the illustration below both point exactly to noon. One hour later, one clock points to 1:01 and the other points to 12:59. In other words, one clock is fast and the other is slow. Starting at noon, if these two clocks stay fast and slow at a constant ratio to one another, how many hours will it take until they both show the same time again?

  • Hint 1: The next time the clocks look the same, they won't be pointing at 12:00. Once you realize that, it's just a simple calculation problem.

360 hours

Puzzle w04[edit]

Name: Cut and Splice

Description: Take a look at the piece of wood in the illustration. Can you cut along the grid lines and create two pieces that fit together to make a new piece of wood eight squares high by eight squares wide? While you can rotate the cut pieces, keep in mind that you can't turn them over to make them fit.

  • Hint 1: Those two squares that stick out on the far right are part of an edge of the finished piece.

At the higher 270 degree corner, cut left one line, down four lines, right three lines and down once.

Puzzle w05[edit]

Name: A Wall of Dice (US) / Stacked Dice (UK)

Description: Look at the dice stacked below. Though you can't see it, the faces that touch other dice all share the same number. If that's the case, which number should go on the question mark? All of these dice have the same layout of numbers.

  • Hint 1: It helps to know that opposite faces on a single die always add up to seven. Use that as the basis for your deduction.


Puzzle w06[edit]

Name: Paper and Scissors

Description: Let's say you took a square piece of paper and cut off the corners to make the largest possible circle. But then you realize you needed a square piece instead and cut off the curves to make the largest possible square. How many times bigger was the original square than the one you have now?

  • Hint 1: The length of a side of the original square is equal to the diameter of the circle you cut. If you then cut the largest possible square from the circle, what would be the relationship of the circle's diameter to the new square?

The original square is two times as big.

Puzzle w07[edit]

Name: AB+B=BA (US) / AB + B = BA (UK)

Description: Let's replace the numbers in the equation 12+12=24. A is now one, B is now two and C is now four, which gives us the new equation AB+AB=BC. Now think about another such equation, AB+B=BA, where the letters may have different values from the sample equation above. What numbers could replace the A and the B to make this equation true? Keep in mind that A and B are different numbers.

  • Hint 1: If you added B and B together, the digit in the ones place (the last digit) of the resulting sum would equal A. Since no two single-digit numbers can add up to more than 18, you know the number of the tens place of the sum of B+B must be one. The only other value that influences the tens place in the solution is the A in AB+B. Therefore, A+1 must equal B.

Puzzle w08[edit]

Name: What Number?

Description: The numbers in the diagram below follow a certain rule. Some manipulation of adjacent numbers is used to derive the number centered below them. So what number goes in the space marked with a question mark? The rule at work here is absolute, so there are no exceptions.

  • Hint 1: Subtraction? No, that's not it. You want to add. ADD! ADD! ADD ALL YOU CAN!

16. Each number is the sum of each individual digit of the two numbers above them.

Puzzle w09[edit]

Name: Mouse Escape

Description: This poor mouse fell asleep and awoke to find himself trapped by a bunch of blocks. Can you help free the unlucky mouse?

  • Hint 1: Bring down the green upside-down L at the top left corner to the same level as the top blue gate-shaped block. Once you've cleared a path, drag the blue gate-shaped block up.

Move the left purple block right, then move the top blue block right. Move the left green block all the way down, then move the top green block left. Move the right purple block up, then move the left purple block left twice and up. Move the bottom green block up, then move the top blue block all the way up. Move the bottom blue block all the way up and right, then move the mouse left, up twice and left. Move the bottom blue block left and all the way down, then move the top blue block all the way down. Move the mouse right, then move the bottom green block down. Move the left purple block down and all the way right, then move the bottom green block up and right. Move the mouse left, up thrice and right twice, then move the top green block down and left. Finally, move the mouse up into the exit to complete the puzzle.

Puzzle w10[edit]

Name: Different Chickens

Description: It's time to play "spot the difference"! Of A, B, and C, which one is identical to the panel on the left? The panel on the left is a negative image in black and white, and it's been flipped from left to right.

  • Hint 1: A chicken's eye. The direction the chick is facing. Pay attention to those things too!

B is the right image.

Puzzle w11[edit]

Name: Territory War

Description: Three kings have become entangled in a territory dispute over the land shown below. They have decided to divide the land by coloring it red, blue, and yellow after their national colors. The rule for dividing land is that each territory must not border another territory of the same color. If A is red and B is blue, what color is C? Circle that color's king to enter your answer.

  • Hint 1: Try actually marking the territories using the Memo function to make sure you don't make adjacent ones the same color.

C will be blue.

Puzzle w12[edit]

Name: A Sure Win

Description: In this game, players take turns moving stones one space up, down, left, right, or diagonally to an open space. The goal is to line up three of your stones, as in tic-tac-toe. Based on the board layout below, there is one move that white can make to ensure a white victory in the following turn. Make that move and tap Submit.

  • Hint 1: In this setup, black is one move away from victory. If you don't block black's winning move, you will lose. So you see where a white stone needs to go, right?

Move the top right stone to the center.

Puzzle w13[edit]

Name: The Mobius Puzzle

Description: By twisting a thin ribbon of paper once and forming a ring with it, you can make a ring with one continuous surface. If you started to draw a line on one side, it will eventually cover both sides and join back up with itself. This is the famous Möbius strip. Now, if you cut along this line with a pair of scissors, which shape would the paper make--A, B, or C?

  • Hint 1: You know, twisting before forming a ring yields a completely different result than cutting an untwisted ring.

Shape B.

Puzzle w14[edit]

Name: Too Many Bridges

Description: There are so many rivers running through this town, they've built 12 bridges. It's possible to cross each bridge only once on your way to the goal, but which letter would you have to start at to do this?

  • Hint 1: The key is the number of bridges connected to each spot. Take a close look.

You have to start at point A.

Puzzle w15[edit]

Name: The Rotating Arrow

Description: Here we have a pentagon with equal sides. As shown in Figure 1, a square with sides the same length as one side of the pentagon sits flush against the five-sided shape. It's labelled with an arrow pointing up. If you flip the square along the pentagon as shown in Figure 2, the arrow on the square changes direction. Using the diagram below, figure out which direction the arrow faces if you continue to flip the square along the pentagon counterclockwise back to its original position.

  • Hint 1: This puzzle may seem like a pain to solve, but if you follow the example given and visualize each of the steps, it's really not all that hard. Try sketching out each flip of the square using the Memo function.

The arrows faces in direction B.

Puzzle w16[edit]

Name: A Row of Dice

Description: A number of dice are arranged in a row as shown below. Can you figure out which die, A through D, belongs in the spot marked with a question mark? All the dice are arranged so that where one die touches another, the two faces that are touching have the same number on them. Assume all the dice are identical.

  • Hint 1: Can you see any ones or sixes?

Die C.

Puzzle w17[edit]

Name: Mouse on the Loose

Description: Oh no, it looks like the mouse fell asleep and got himself trapped again. While he was napping, the owners of the house piled all sorts of blocks around him. Can you clear a path and help the little guy out?

  • Hint 1: There's lots of open space in this puzzle, so you'd think it'd be easy to shift things around. But clearing a path can be surprisingly difficult. To beat this one, you'll need to use the indentations on some blocks effectively. Oh, and try to get that straight orange block above the U-shaped blue one at the top of the screen.

Move the orange block up, then move the purple block up. Move the brown block left twice, then move the orange block all the way right and all the way down. Move the top blue block down and left, then move the orange block all the way up. Move the brown block right twice and up, then move the purple block right. Move the top blue block down, then move the orange block left and up. Move the top blue block up, then move the purple block up. Move the brown block up, then move the bottom blue block up twice and left. Move the mouse right, all the way up and right, then move the bottom blue block right and all the way down. Move the purple block down twice and right twice, then move the top blue block all the way down. Move the brown block all the way to the left, then move the orange block all the way down. Finally, move the mouse into the exit to solve the puzzle.

Puzzle w18[edit]

Name: The Ant Takes a Walk

Description: A wire cube sits on the floor below. One ant sits at the point under the white arrow. Starting from its current position, the ant wants to walk on each wire in the cube, without ever crossing any length of wire twice. To do this, you need to add a single wire to the cube. In which area--A, B, or C--should you add the wire to make this possible? Note that the ant may cross over a point where two or more wires meet as many times as it likes. Select a letter to answer.

  • Hint 1: Essentially, the puzzle is asking you where to add a wire in order to create a 3-D shape you could draw without ever lifting the pen from the page or retracing a line. Two of the potential answers let you do this, but only one works when you start from the point under the white arrow.

Wire C

Puzzle w19[edit]

Name: Rupert and Bill (US) / John and Bill (UK)

Description: Rupert and Bill are playing in the park, and they start chatting. "Hey, Bill! Three years from now, you'll be twice the age I'm now, right?" says Rupert. Bill pauses for a moment, then responds. "Well, get this! When I'm twice the age I am now, I'll be three times your current age. Crazy, right?" So how old are Rupert and Bill? Just so you know, neither of the boys are 10 yet.

  • Hint 1: Since both of the boys are younger than 10, there are only so many combinations of ages you need to explore. Don't forget, Bill is the older of the two boys.

Rupert is 6 and Bill is 9.

Puzzle w20[edit]

Name: The Tape's Shape

Description: Two pieces of tape the same length and the same width are shaped into rings and then stuck together at point P, as shown below. If you were to cut the two pieces along the dotted lines, which of the four shapes below would be formed? Choose an answer from A to D by circling it.

  • Hint 1: Did you notice that point P would be divided into four sections?

Shape D

Puzzle w21[edit]

Name: The Long Formula

Description: Formulas like the first one are a familiar sight to students. One day, a mathematician thought up a second formula. This formula basically took all the letters in the alphabet, subtracted them from x, and then multiplied them all together. Since the formula was so long, the mathematician used "..." to indicate part of the formula. Soon after, he discovered that no matter what numbers he substituted for any of the letters, the formula always yielded the same answer. What is that answer?

  • Hint 1: In the hidden segment of the formula is something very important.

0. The formula contains (x-x), which equals 0 no matter what number x is. 0 multiplied by any number that the rest of the formula makes is always zero.

Puzzle w22[edit]

Name: How Many Gems?

Description: Two thieves are hatching a plan. "Huh? So of all the gems out on display in the jewelry store, only one is real?" "That's right, it's fourth from the top, second from the bottom, third from the right, and third from the left. That's the one we're after." Supposing that the gems are ordered in uniform rows and columns, how many gems are there in total, counting both the real one and the fakes?

  • Hint 1: You're only seeing part of the conversation. Try drawing a picture of the gem's layout.

There are five rows and five columns, giving a total of 25 gems.

Puzzle w23[edit]

Name: Who's Married?

Description: Walking around, you overhear the neighbors talking about a family that consists of a married father and mother, a son, and a daughter.

A. "Mary is certainly younger than Dan."

B. "Say, Mary is older than Lisa, isn't she?"

C. "Sam is younger than Dan, for sure."

D. "No, Lisa and Sam aren't a couple."

Of the four statements above, two are true and two are false. Figure out which statements are accurate, and check the boxes of the two people who are married.

  • Hint 1: Statements A and C are incorrect.

Sam and Mary are married.

Puzzle w24[edit]

Name: Miscalculation

Description: Mike has always been terrible at math. He's asked to "multiple a certain number by 9, then add 7," but instead he multiplies 7 and adds 9. He soon notices the error and starts to panic. When he tries to do the problem correctly, he ends up getting the same answer as when he made the mistake the first time. It's all an accident, but what is that "certain number", the one marked with a question mark below?

  • Hint 1: Try creating an equation. There's only one answer. Then again, you might just be able to use intuition to guess the answer...

The number is one.

Puzzle w25[edit]

Name: Three Ladies

Description: What are the names of these three ladies?

A: "The woman next to me is Judy."

B: "I'm Ellie. Pleasure to meet ya!"

C: "The woman next to me? Her name's Anna."

Keep track of what each lady said to help you deduce their names. There's a catch, though. While Judy is always truthful, Ellie occasionally lies, and Anna tells fibs every chance she gets. Arrange the nameplates at the bottom of the screen so that each plate correctly labels its owner.

  • Hint 1: The other two ladies keep talking about B. Who could she possibly be? Remember that Judy never lies.

A is Ellie, B is Anna and C is Judy.

Puzzle w26[edit]

Name: The Lion's Escape

Description: A lion has escaped from the zoo. It appears that you, the zookeeper, forgot to lock the cage. This lion is so ferocious that it even scared all the other lions out of its cage. You are the only person left in the zoo. Circle the safest place to hide until help arrives.

  • Hint 1: Don't look for a place where the lion won't find you. Instead, try looking for a place where the lion can't get you.

Hide in the cage of the escaped lion.

Puzzle w27[edit]

Name: Pattern Recognition

Description: Which pattern matches the one in the upper-left corner? Is it A, B, or C? The upper-left pattern has had its contents flipped left to right and its colors inverted and changed to black and white.

  • Hint 1: First try looking at the centers of the patterns. The really hard part is the difference in the triangles around the edges. Look closely at the shades of gray!

Pattern B

Puzzle w28[edit]

Name: Suits in a Row

Description: Below are 16 cards. There are four cards from each suit: diamonds, clubs, spades and hearts. The cards are arranged in a four-by-four grid as shown below, and three cards have already been put down. Arrange the remaining cards so that each vertical column, horizontal row, and diagonal line of four cards contains one card from each suit. Tap a card to change its suit.

  • Hint 1: In the second row, the card above the club must be a diamond, as there's a club below it, a heart diagonally above it, and a spade to its right. To the left of the diamond must be a club, since there's a heart above it, and because you now know that there's a diamond and a spade in the second row. The lone remaining space in the second row has got to be a heart. Proceed in this way to find the answer!

First row: Heart, Spade, Club, Diamond; Second row: Club, Diamond, Heart, Spade; Third row: Diamond, Club, Spade, Heart; Fourth row: Spade, Heart, Diamond, Club.

Puzzle w29[edit]

Name: The Cleaning Robot

Description: Scientists in a research lab have built a robot to clean the halls. Because the robot isn't quite complete yet, all the turns it makes can either be all left or all right. The corners where it turns can be programmed. The scientists want to give the robot a route so it cleans all the halls without cleaning any section twice. Circle the point where the robot should start this route. The robot can move through each intersection up to two times.

  • Hint 1: You should try as many routes as possible, but if you really can't work it out, there's one place that's a little different from the others. That's the spot!

Point E

Puzzle w30[edit]

Name: Cracking the Code

Description: Find the four-number code that opens the safe. You can use the numbers zero through five in your answer, but each number can be used only once. The small lights next to each row of numbers are the key to finding the code, as they tell you how much in common that row has with the final code. Each white light indicates a number that matches one in the code but is in a different place within the sequence. An orange light indicates a number that is in the code and in its correct spot. Tap the numbers at the bottom to enter the code.

  • Hint 1: From the lights, you can tell that the four digits are 3102. Finding the correct order is just a matter of checking the other numbers, though some educated guessing might work just as well.


Puzzle w31[edit]

Name: Crazy Dice

Description: There are two dice, A and B. The pictures show each die from two different angles. Maybe the dice maker was up to no good, but the dots on each face are all completely random. You can see all the faces here, so no matter how you roll each die, if you added together the numbers visible on the two top faces, the highest number you would get would be nine. Knowing this, what is the lowest number you could get if you rolled the dice and added up the numbers visible on the two top faces?

  • Hint 1: This puzzle is...a bit mean.

1, but only if one dice is stacked on the other.

Puzzle w32[edit]

Name: Number Tiles

Description: Rearrange the three tiles so that they display a number divisible by 43.

  • Hint 1: Try handling the tiles in different ways. Maybe you'll notice something.

Swap the tiles 1 and 2, then rotate the 6 tile upside-down to make 129.

Puzzle w33[edit]

Name: The Bus's Route

Description: A very large bus approaches a town. Since the streets of this town are so narrow, the bus can only turn at corners where there are no buildings, and then only in the direction the corner allows. The bus arrives from the south, so can you find the shortest route for the bus if it wants to exit to the east? Trace a line from the starting point to the goal.

  • Hint 1: Drive until you hit a wall, then turn right. Keep going until you hit a wall... Then it's up to you to puzzle out.

Drive north until the final intersection, then turn to the east. Drive east until the final intersection, then turn south. Drive south to the second-to-last intersection, then turn west. Drive west until the third intersection, then turn south and turn west. Drive west to the second intersection, then turn north. Drive north to the fourth intersection, then turn east and drive to the exit.