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Road to the Court[edit | edit source]

Thanks to your help, Espella has fleed the courtroom... but at what cost? Your career-long partner, Maya Fey, is dead, and Espella thinks it's all her fault. But Maya believed in Espella, so you can't get caught now. The knights are almost certainly waiting for you at Patty's shop, so that's not an option for you. Suddenly, you hear a familiar voice... Inquisitor Barnham?! He reminds you that you two are, in fact, accomplices to the Great Witch Bezella, which has resulted in you becoming public enemies in Labyrinthia, not like it matters to you. He does, however, offer his condolences for Maya's demise. Unfortunately, there is no magic that can resurrect her, and he takes the full blame for her death, even letting you strike him down with his own sword if you so wish. But you're better than that, so you refuse. The angry mob is encroaching upon you, so Barnham... offers you directions to a safe hiding spot? He tells you about Rouge's tavern on the city outskirts, where you should be safe from harm. Move to the Marketplace.

Marketplace[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The top of the huge stone chimney
  2. The barrels on the far left
  3. The cart in the bottom right corner

You'll be safe here, at least for a little while. You need to keep it together, becasue Luke and Espella need you now more than ever. Espella seems to know about Rouge's tavern, as she comes here often for shopping. You may remember this is where Mary's goat farm is located as well. You have newfound empathy for Luke, having lost someone close to you as well, but you two resolve to at least try and find a way to bring them both back. Before you move on, however, there is a secret puzzle here, which you can find by examining the chimney in the top left.

Puzzle 40: Espionage Action
It doesn't look like you will be able to make it to the exit simply by out manoeuvring the guards. Could there perhaps be another way?

Use Neutral dpad or the buttons on the Touch Screen to move. Every time you move, the night guards will also move. Their lanterns let them see three squares ahead, and their movements follow a set pattern. Move around a little to crack their movement patterns, and use this information to sneak out of the area! You can also move the crates on the map to block the knights' field of vision.

Solution: "Just thinking outside the box!"

The route to the exit is:

  1. right 1 space
  2. down 1 space
  3. right 1 space
  4. down 2 spaces
  5. right 2 spaces
  6. down 1 space
  7. up 2 spaces
  8. right 1 space
  9. up 2 spaces
  10. right 2 spaces
  11. down 2 spaces
  12. right 1 space
  13. down 1 space
  14. left 2 spaces
  15. down 2 spaces
  16. right 2 spaces
  17. left 2 spaces
  18. right 2 spaceas
  19. left 1 space
  20. right 2 spaces

Move to the Seedy Alley.

Seedy Alley[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The green sign on the left
  2. The vase on top of the crates in the bottom right
  3. The jar tucked away in the bottom left corner

Luke almost trips over a potato, which seems to have fallen from a nearby cart. Just then, Cutter shows up and tells you to run off, but then he recognizes Luke, who he owes a debt of gratitude to. He offers to make further conversation inside the tavern. But before you go inside, examine the spilled potatoes to find another hidden puzzle.

Puzzle 41: Alley Allowance
Use the coins to remove tiles and cross the alley. You only have four coins, so use them wisely!

Use Neutral dpad or the buttons on the Touch Screen to move. Every time you step on a tile, every tile with the same image will be removed, and one of your four coins will disappear. Your goal is to clear out a path to the exit using all four coins. To make it to the exit, you must not remove the snake tiles.

Solution: "As you'd expect from a gentleman in training!"
First, go to the bottom of the screen and remove the axe tiles, then move right twice to remove the sword and scorpion tiles. Finally, go up to remove the rose tiles. You should have a clear path to the exit from there.

Enter the Tavern.

Tavern[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The pillar on the left with the swords stuck in it
  2. The vase on top of the closest table
  3. The bottles on the floor next to the bar

Despite the tavern's seedy appearance, most of everyone here is lively, good-hearted people. Cutter points you to the establishment's owner, just behind the counter. Talk to the owner, Rouge. She doesn't seem to take well to Espella's presence, as she knows of the heavy charges levied against her. But when you tell her that Inquisitor Barnham sent you, she agrees to house you for the night. Move to the Sculptor's Room

Sculptor's Room[edit | edit source]

It appears this is Cutter's room, as there appears to be a statue of him in the corner. Not only is he quite nice, he's also very artistically inclined. You, Luke, and Espella decide to turn in for the night. However, you can't sleep, so you instead decide to go down to the tavern for some water.

Tavern (2)[edit | edit source]

Talk to Rouge. As it turns out, not only is the tavern a popular party spot, it's where everyone stays for the night, as well. She agrees to give you a glass of water, but only if you play her game first... and as you should know by now, "game" is code for "puzzle" in this town.

Puzzle 42: Chalice Challenge
Slide the red chalice to the bottom right-hand corner of the table.

Get the red chalice to Phoenix on the bottom right corner of the table. If the chalice hits a knife, it bounces off in the direction that the knife is angled in. If a chalice collides with another chalice, they switch places. Touch the knives on the table to change their direction, and touch "Check" to slide the chalice. If one of the chalices falls off the table, or if a green chalice is delivered to Phoenix, you will have to try again. The good news is that you can't lose any picarats here, so you can press Check to your heart's content. There is no easy way to the goal - you will have to use most of the knives and the green chalices.

Solution: "This Ace Attorney just aced this puzzle!"

Flip all of the knives except for the two on either side of the green chalices. This is how the board should look: O = Green chalice

|   |   |   |   |   | \ |   |
| / |   |   |   | \ |   |   |
|   | / |   | \ |   |   |   |
|   |   | \ | \ | O | O | \ |
|   | \ |   |   | / |   |   |
| \ |   |   |   |   | / | \ |

As reward, Rouge allows you to have any drink you want, on the house. You proceed to talk out everything that's happened to your party with Rouge, and how you want to protect Luke and Espella, but feel powerless. She tells you that the best way to deal with what happened is to just accept it. Luke and Espella overhear your conversation, but decide not to say anything. With a clearer head, you can now move back to the Sculptor's Room.

Sculptor's Room (2)[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The candle on the crate
  2. The barrel next to the bed
  3. The kettle on the crate to the left

You can finally rest for the night, with your resolve stronger than ever. Meanwhile, back in the Storyteller's tower, he speaks with Darklaw. He tells her to take care of Espella, and leaves the Story in her hands. It appears that he's very ill... Outside the tower, Darklaw promises that Labyrinthia will see "the advent of a new story", and that the Storyteller will pay for his mistakes. Sir Barnham overhears, and suspects that something is wrong with the Story, as evidenced by how the Storyteller wrote his own daughter to be the Great Witch Bezella. He decides to investigate further.

You awaken, and discuss what to do next. You should probably avoid the town centre for now, so it's best you just stick to this marketplace area. Perhaps someone can fill you in on this Great Witch Bezella? It seems like this place isn't far from the incident with Robbs and Muggs, and as a result, you can probably find someone connected to the witches. Unfortunately, you have less time than anticipated, as the Storyteller has rewritten the Story so the next parade is today! You'll have to gather as much information as you can today, but before you head out, examine the top bunk of the bed to find a hidden puzzle.

Puzzle 43: Stomp on It! 2
Stomp the tiles to arrange them all!

Use Neutral dpad to move around the room and stomp on the tiles. Every time you stomp on a tile, the tile and those around it will flip over, unless a tile is sectioned off by a divider. You need to stomp on the tiles in a way that will make all the tiles face upwards, showing a complete pattern on the floor. First, you should hop down and try to fill in the top right area first, followed by the top left area.

Solution: "As you'd expect from a gentleman in training!"

The quickest solution is:

  1. Down
  2. Right twice
  3. Up
  4. Left
  5. Down three times
  6. Right twice
  7. Up
  8. Left three times
  9. Down
  10. Up

Move to the Tavern.

Tavern (3)[edit | edit source]

Rouge asks Espella to give her a hand around the tavern. Espella takes her up on that offer for her own safety, leaving you and Luke to carry out the investigation by yourselves. Talk to Rouge, and she'll offer you a harder version of the chalice puzzle.

Puzzle 44: More Chalices!
Slide the red chalice to the bottom right-hand corner of the table.

Get the red chalice to Phoenix on the bottom right corner of the table. If the chalice hits a knife, it bounces off in the direction that the knife is angled in. If a chalice collides with another chalice, they switch places. Touch the knives on the table to change their direction, and touch "Check" to slide the chalice. If one of the chalices falls off the table, or if a green chalice is delivered to Phoenix, you will have to try again. The good news is that you can't lose any picarats here, so you can press Check to your heart's content. In this puzzle, it's easiest to work backwards from the goal. The red chalice will end up hitting most of the green ones, and they'll travel in a loop before they hit the red chalice, so try to think about how you can make loops on the board.

Solution: "Just thinking outside the box!"

O = Green chalice

| \ | / | \ |   | / | \ | / |   | \ |   |
|   |   |   | / | / |   |   |   |   |   |
| \ | O | / |   |   | O |   |   |   | / |
|   | \ |   | O |   | / | O | \ |   |   |
| / |   |   | / | / | / | \ | / | O | \ |
| \ |   |   |   | / |   |   | \ | / | \ |

Apparently, whoever solves this puzzle the fastest will fall in love with their soulmate. However, you already know Phoenix isn't that lucky. Talk to Bardly, and you'll find out he performs here, and that he has an intense rivalry with Birdly, the bard from the trial. He decides that he needs a parrot of his own, and gives you a puzzle to help him out.

Puzzle 45: Parrot Pairs
Draw a line with the stylus to match each parrot with a corresponding partner.

Each parrot is wearing either a red or green hat. Use Stylus button to draw a line between two parrots that are wearing the same color hat while making sure none of the lines intersect. You should focus on completing one set of colored hats before starting on the other. The two topmost green-hatted parrots need to be paired up.

Solution: "Professor! I did it!"

Pair up the parrots according to this diagram (1 goes with 1, etc.)

|                        |
|   1             1      |
|         2           6  |
|               7        |
| 3   3                  |
|                     5  |
|                 6      |
| 4       2    7         |
|      4            5    |

Seems like Bardly now has too many parrots to deal with, but it's not exactly your problem anymore. Move to the Seedy Alley.

Seedy Alley (2)[edit | edit source]

Examine the suspicious barrel. As it turns out, there's a kid inside the barrel! His name is Cooper, and he seems angry that you touched his "home", which doubles as storage. He gives you a puzzle to calm him down.

Puzzle 46: Odd Box Out
Slide the stylus left or right on the Touch Screen to turn the boxes around and carefully examine their patterns. Answer by touching the corresponding letter.

Slide the pillar left and right on the touch screen to rotate the boxes on the upper screen. Look at them from every angle, and find the box that's different from the rest. The pictures on all the boxes are the same; it's the orientation that's different.

Solution: "As you'd expect from a gentleman in training!"
The correct box is Box E.

The boy returns to his barrel. Talk to Cinderellia on the balcony above. She hails from royalty, but her dress is in tatters. She reminisces on her life in nobility with a puzzle.

Puzzle 47: Magical Window
Rotate the pieces to restore the princesses' reflections!

Rotate the glass pieces so the reflection is restored to its proper state. Make sure that you match the background, and not just the princesses.

Solution: "As you'd expect from a gentleman in training!"

Suppose that the pieces are named from 1 through 17 according to this diagram:

|    1   2   3     |
|                  |
|  4   5   6   7   |
|                  |
|    8   9   10    |
|                  |
|  11  12  13  14  |
|                  |
|    15  16  17    |

Now, move the pieces as follows:

  • 2 - Counter-clockwise
  • 3 - Upside down
  • 4 - Clockwise
  • 6 - Counter-clockwise
  • 7 - Upside down
  • 8 - Clockwise
  • 10 - Counter-clockwise
  • 11 - Upside down
  • 12 - Clockwise
  • 14 - Counter-clockwise
  • 15 - Upside down
  • 16 - Clockwise

As it turns out, Cinderellia is nowhere near royalty, and this is actually where she lives. It was fun to play into her fantasies, though. Move to the Marketplace.

Marketplace (2)[edit | edit source]

This place is much more lively during the day, isn't it? Luke spots Knightle and Mary, but there are no knights around, so what is Knightle doing here? Talk to Mary. She hasn't seen any knights around, either. Talk to Knightle, and you'll learn that he missed his entrance exam because of the trial, so he took up a job as a potato seller instead and changed his name to Spudley. No useful information thus far, but you can't go back empty handed. Suddenly, while examining the marketplace, an explosion rings out and blasts you and Luke away! It looks like this is the work of magic, so you should probably investigate it. Talk to Mary again, and she recalls that before both the explosion that just occurred and the incident with Robbs and Muggs, she saw a spark on the ground. Examine the shining object on the ground. It's a small bell, but something seems weird about it... The Small Bell is added to your Items. Just then, a figure in a robe steals the bell! They try to flee, but they end up tripping. You catch up with them, and they turn out to be... Kira?! Wasn't she burned in the fire pit? She vanishes before you can ask her any questions, however, only obliquely referring to a "task" she cannot fail at any cost. It couldn't have been Dimere, because she didn't have a staff, but you did see her ring the bell. Just what is that bell for? This does reassure you, however, that Maya is still alive! You suddenly think of one more place you need to search, and decide to head back to Rouge's place. Move to the Tavern.

Tavern (4)[edit | edit source]

You tell Espella about the events at the marketplace. Resurrection magic does not exist, yet Kira is still alive after the trial, so that gives you hope for Maya's survival. If you search the fire cage at the courthouse, you're bound to uncover the secret behind all this! But how are you supposed to get there without being spotted? Luke suggests you use the same secret entrance he used to get Espella out of the courthouse. Talk to Rouge to say your goodbyes, then move to the Court Entrance.

Court Entrance[edit | edit source]

Apparently, the hidden entrance into the courtroom is concealed behind a puzzle. Luke closed the door behind him for safety, so all you have to do now is solve the puzzle to get in.

Puzzle 48: Sewer Sneakin'
The passageway to the courtroom must be around here somewhere!

The passageway is on the floor panel that satisfies the following conditions.

  1. Mr. Wright and I only have to cross one or two of the stone bridges to get there.
  2. Its neighbouring panels don't have flags.
  3. The panel has a lit candle on it.
  4. Its sides directly touch only two other panels.

The secret panel is not in any of the rightmost rooms. Also, the last clue will do a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of elimination.

Solution: "Professor! I did it!"
The correct panel is the panel with the flag in the room to the left of Wright.

With the puzzle open, you can now enter the courthouse, which you do so automatically. By coincidence, you end up dropped in front of the cell where Jean Greyerl is being kept. She is incredibly grateful for the reduced sentence you gave her, and apologizes for Maya's fate. However, you already know that there's a strong possibility Maya is still alive! She gives you directions to the Chamber of Fire, but there are guards stationed there, so getting past there may be difficult. She decides to distract the guards so you can slip past undetected. You automatically move to the Waiting Hall.

Waiting Hall[edit | edit source]

Not much to do here besides move to the Fire Pit Mechanism.

Fire Pit Mechanism[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The left flame
  2. The chandelier
  3. The gear next to the lever

Now that nobody is inside the cage, you can investigate the mechanism surrounding the fire pit. Examine the lever. Luke attempts to pull it, but it keeps getting stuck halfway. It likely doesn't move unless someone is inside the cage, so Luke volunteers to go inside. Looks like it's time to expose the trick behind this fire pit! Inconveniently, the lever turns out to be a puzzle, so you must solve it.

Puzzle 49: A Hot Secret
Line up the cogs from each of the parts to the circular marks in the device and correctly place all six parts inside the device.

Use the Stylus button to move the parts, and place them in the correct spots. Luke will tell you when you place a part in the correct spot.

Solution: "No further objections!"
  1. The first piece goes in the bottom middle of the screen.
  2. The second piece goes in the top right corner.
  3. The third piece goes in the bottom right corner.
  4. The fourth piece goes in the top middle of the screen.
  5. The fifth piece goes in the top left corner.
  6. The sixth piece goes in the bottom left corner.

Once you get the mechanism working, Luke is locked in the cage and lowered into the pit. Luke is unharmed, so you and Espella decide to jump into the pit yourselves. You fall down a hole into a mysterious cave...

Wagon Station[edit | edit source]

Immediately, you hear someone coming. The wagon is the only hiding place available, but it looks like a tight squeeze, so you'll have to rearrange the cargo so you can fit inside.

Puzzle 50: Tight Squeeze
It looks as if it's going to be a tight fit for three people plus the wagon's cargo. It will take some rearranging to fit everything.

Use the Stylus button to slide the pieces to fit inside the wagon. While there are multiple ways to solve the puzzle, it might be easier to move Phoenix in last. You will never have to move the two small pieces at the top of the wagon.

Solution: "Professor, I did it!"
  1. Move the square block and the L-shaped block out of the cart.
  2. Move the statue straight up so it lies just below the two smaller blocks.
  3. Move the L-shaped block back into the cart and slot it into the left of the statue where it fits nicely.
  4. Move Luke into the cart and put him against the left side, just below the L-shaped piece.
  5. Move Espella into the lower left corner, just below Luke.
  6. Move the square block into the lower right corner.
  7. Now you should have just enough space to move Wright into the cart.

Just where exactly is this wagon going? This turns out to be the same wagon that Luke and Layton arrived at Labyrinthia in, with the same driver. Maybe this is how the witches were transported?

Hint coins
  1. The red mushroom to the left
  2. The curling vine next to the rock
  3. The plant to the bottom right

Forest of Lost Way[edit | edit source]

Meanwhile, in a forest, Maya Fey, quite alive, is cornered by several ominous figures in hooded robes, but Professor Layton, also alive, wards them off with ease. Looks like you'll have to lose them in the forest.

Puzzle 51: Great Escape
Guide Professor Layton to the bottom exit and guide Maya to the top exit.

Use Neutral dpad or the buttons on the Touch Screen to move, and touch the button in the middle of the arrows to switch between Maya and Layton. Every time you move, the robed figures will also move. Their lanterns let them see three squares ahead, and their movements follow a set pattern. Move around a little to crack their movement patterns, and use this information to sneak out of the area! Layton should move to the bottom exit, and Maya to the top exit. Your priority should be finding a safe spot for Layton, and then working on getting Maya out of her starting position.

Solution: "Puzzles are meant to be solved."
  1. As Layton, move left and down.
  2. As Maya, move down.
  3. As Layton, move down, left twice, then down.
  4. As Maya, move up, down, right, down four times, right twice, up five times, down, and up.
  5. As Layton, move down, left, then down.
  6. As Maya, move right.

It appears you've lost them, but just who were those people? You can't afford to lag behind, so it's best you keep moving. Move to the Village Outskirts.

Village Outskirts[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. First alcove from the left
  2. Second alcove from the left
  3. First alcove from the right
  4. The center of the tree

Now that you're farther ahead, you can engage in more in-depth conversation. Apparently, Layton had no idea that Goldor was cast on him - it appears he lost conscious immediately after the witch appeared in Belduke's house. He was already in the forest when he regained consciousness. You proceed to fill Layton in on everything that happened after his disappearance. Unfortunately, the robed figures spot you not long afterwards! However, they are quickly called off by who appears to be the witch from Belduke's house. Apparently, they are called "Shades". Despite calling herself the "Great Witch", she appears to have no interest in harming you, and allows you to investigate what she calls the "Eldwitch Woods". According to her, anyone who ends up in these woods is to become a Shade. Considering that this woman is apparently the Great Witch Bezella, this must mean that this place is the home of all witches. This requires further investigation. The Mysteries of both The Storyteller and the Golden Layton are marked as solved.

Examine the entrance covered in vines. Apparently, when he came to, Layton was trapped by vines much like these. He recounts the tale of how he escaped.

Puzzle 52: That's Just Vine
Which vine should be cut?

Select the correct vine to cut to unravel the entire fence. The simplest way to find the answer is just to find the longest vine.

Solution: "That was an intriguing puzzle."
The correct vine is the one in the middle, of the five options presented.

Talk to the Shade. They apparently exist to complete "tasks" for the Great Witch. This specific Shade is in charge of initiation for other Shades. Move to the Shades' Village East.

Shades' Village East[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The leftmost torch
  2. The Shade in the tree
  3. The Shade in the background chopping wood
  4. The bucket next to the well
  5. The top of the ladder

This seems like a rather simple village for being full of witches. You can see a path to the other side of the village, but before you move there, talk to the Shade on the left. The Shades complete tasks in the hope of being let back into the village by the Great Witch. Evidently, the Shades aren't witches, so who exactly are they? Talk to the Shade on the right. Nothing particularly useful, except that this Shade's task is cooking. When you're done talking, Move to the Shades' Village West.

Shades' Village West[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The top left pillar of the stone shrine
  2. The top right pillar of the stone shrine
  3. The huge rock in the bottom left
  4. The small rock left of the tree
  5. The rock right of the tree

Talk to the Shade. They refer ominously to a "serious situation"... The Great Witch lives in a mansion across the river, so maybe you can go there to ask her some questions. Move to Red Flower Lake.

Red Flower Lake[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The bush in the bottom left corner
  2. The treetops on the other side of the river
  3. The treetops on the far right side of the river

You can see both the Great Witch's mansion and what appears to be the outer wall of Labyrintha from here. But didn't the citizens say nothing existed outside the town? Indeed, the gate disappeared the instant Layton and his assistant went through it. You've got a lot to talk about with this so-called "Great Witch". Talk to the Shade. It looks like the bridge is out, unfortunately, and the Shade needs to get to the other side to complete his task. But Layton knows how to get everyone across, which means, you guessed it... a puzzle!

Puzzle 53: Bridge the Gaps
Help the professor make a bridge for Maya by knocking the logs into the water.

Use Neutral dpad or the buttons on the Touch Screen to move, and touch the button in the middle of the arrows while next to a log to knock it into the water and make a bridge. Create a path for Maya to cross using the logs. It might be best if you start from Maya's position and work forwards from there.

Solution: "Puzzles are meant to be solved."

Hit the logs in the directions shown in the diagram below. (IMAGE TO BE ADDED)

U=Up, L=Left, R=Right, D=Down

|                               |
+   +---+           +---+   +---+
|   | R |           | R |   | D |
+   +---+       +---+---+   +---+
|               | U |           |
+       +---+   +---+---+       +
|       | U |       |   |       |
+---+   +---+---+   +---+   +---+
| U |       | L |           | U |
+---+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+
|   | U |       |   |   |   |   |
+   +---+       +---+   +---+   +
|                               |

With the bridge now built, you can now get across safely. Move to the Great Witch's Abode.

Great Witch's Abode[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The hay next to the stable
  2. The red flower patch at the bottom of the screen
  3. The top of the house

According to the Shade here, the Great Witch is not at her house, but she always answers them. She mentioned a "visitor" earlier, so it appears something is afoot inside the residence. Move to the Shades' Workshop.

Shades' Workshop[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The ceiling fan
  2. The second torch from the right
  3. The urn in the bottom left corner

Just where exactly is the Great Witch? Talk to the group of Shades in the middle, and they tell you about a loud noise they heard from the Great Witch's room. Perhaps she was attacked, but you can't find out without the key to the door. Talk to the Shade stirring the blue pot. The pot smells familiar, but you can't put your finger on it. Talk to the Shade stirring the pink pot. He's so concentrated on his task of stirring red flowers in, he doesn't even acknowledge your presence. Talk to the Shade directly in front of the blue pot. She's having trouble completing her task of mixing together the red and blue liquids, and asks for your assistance.

Puzzle 54: Mysterious Mixture
Fill the eight-litre container with the Shades' "top secret" green glowing potion.

Tap a container filled with liquid, and then tap another container to pour the liquid inside. You can only pour liquid into a container if the container can fit it. Fill the eight-liter container with equal parts blue and red potion to make a green potion. Your priority should be getting four liters of red potion into the big container, and figuring out the rest from there. Also, making a black potion doesn't necessarily make the puzzle unsolvable.

Solution: "You should expect no less from a gentleman."

This is the quickest order:

  1. Move liquid from the big beaker to the medium beaker
  2. Move liquid from the medium red beaker to the small beaker
  3. Move liquid from the small beaker to the big beaker
  4. Move liquid from the medium beaker to the small beaker
  5. Move liquid from the big beaker to the medium red beaker
  6. Move liquid from the medium red beaker to the small beaker
  7. Move liquid from the small beaker to the big beaker
  8. Move liquid from the blue beaker to the medium red beaker
  9. Move liquid from the blue beaker to the big beaker

Again, the scent of the liquid seems familar, from even before you arrived in Labyrinthia. Suddenly, a commotion arises from the entrance to the Great Witch's room! Talk to the middle group of Shades to find out that the Great Witch has disappeared! Move to the Great Witch's Room.

Great Witch's Room[edit | edit source]

Hint coins
  1. The torch left of the chair
  2. The fallen torch in the bottom left
  3. The rightmost unlit torch

There's quite the ruckus in here, and red liquid stains a large percentage of the room... Talk to the Shade. The Shades heard what sounded like a struggle, so they forced the door open, but the Great Witch was nowhere to be found inside. There was a visitor, but nobody saw them, nor did they see anyone entering or leaving the room. Layton theorizes that the visitor disguised themselves as a Shade, and asks about the order in which the Shades entered the room.

Puzzle 55: Whodunnit?
The first Shade that entered the room is the culprit!

Touch the letters A through E to see each of the Shades' comments, and work out the order that they all entered the room. The Shade who entered first is the culprit. The statements are, from A to E...

  1. ...One of the small ones came third.
  2. He who stood ahead of me did not resemble me in size nor stature.
  3. My robes were stained with this red liquid as I was carrying out my given task... It is unrelated. I was last to arrive.
  4. Those whose robes were stained with coloured liquid were somewhere in front and behind me.
  5. There was already someone in front of me when I arrived. A little one trailed behind me.

The Shades who give specific hints should be your primary focus.

Solution: "Ah, the joy of solving puzzles."
From left to right, the order is: A, E, B, D, C.

It appears the largest Shade in this room is the culprit! He removes his mask, and reveals himself as... Inquisitor Barnham?! He is in disbelief that you two are still alive, but he denies killing the Great Witch. He sought to find the truth behind Labyrinthia, and was led to the Eldwitch Woods as a result. He disguised himself as a Shade and entered the room in order to foil the Great Witch's plans, but lost consciousness shortly after. This means he never saw the Great Witch's disappearance. As it turns out, the red liquid in this room is not blood, but the red liquid from the workshop.

Now you must find the method by witch the Great Witch escaped. Examine the throne, which mysteriously does not have any red liquid on it, but the wall behind it does. It appears to have been moved during the struggle, which Barnham has no recollection of doing, meaning it was the Great Witch's handiwork. The shades doubt him, though, and are encroaching ever closer... Barnham makes short work of them, and even collapses the chandelier in the process. He leaves to return to Labyrinthia, leaving you to solve the mystery in this room. Examine the stain on the wall behind where the throne was. It turns out to be a front for a secret passage! You have a suspicion the Witch is leading you into a trap, but you must forge ahead.