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Currency[edit | edit source]

Can be used to buy things from the capital, ask favors from the gods, improve fertilizer, upgrade spirit boughs, etc.

Icon Item Name

Ingredients[edit | edit source]

Can be used for cooking, eaten as is or to improve fertilizer.

Icon Item Name
Dried Boar Meat
Dried Boiled Rice
Dried Pork
Dried Rabbit Meat
Dried Salmon
Fish Oil
Fullness Powder
Health Flakes
Kuchikami Sake
Magic Powder
Medicinal Base
Pheasant Meat Sushi
Pickled Chestnut
Pickled Ginkgo Nut
Pickled Mushroom
Pickled Persimmon
Pickled Taro
Rice Bran
Sanwa Millet
Soup Stock
Spring Water
Turtle Meat Sushi
Venison Sushi
White Rice

Materials[edit | edit source]

Can be used to build things, upgrade certain spirit boughs or improve fertilizer.

Icon Item Description Price
Seedling What a lovely little seedling. Go on now plant it in the field! 1
Beast Hoof This is a base component of Leaf Fertilizer. When making fertilizer you'll start with this before deciding what other nutrients to add. 1
Beast Manure This is a base component of Kernel Fertilizer. When making fertilizer you'll start with this before deciding what other nutrients to add. 1
Fallen Leaves This is a base component of Root Fertilizer. When making fertilizer you'll start with this before deciding what other nutrients to add. 1
Oil Cake This is a base component for any fertilizer. When making fertilizer you'll start with this before deciding what other nutrients to add. 1
Powder of Transformation Ah how rare! This powder alters the flow of time allowing fertilizer to be completed immediately. 5
Orb of Transformation A divine fruit grown from the Tree of Creation. Its very essence is ripe with spiritual energy. How shall we put its power to use Princess? 999
Revitalizing Remedy A chemical that revitalizes life returning plants from their weakened state. If you mix it in with fertilizer it will cure some rice disorders. 5
Reducing Remedy A chemical that reduces excess restoring plants to their proper balance. If you mix it in with fertilizer it will cure some rice disorders. 5
Eradicating Remedy A chemical that wards off pests saving plants from invasive insects. If you mix it in with fertilizer it will cure some rice disorders. 5
Health's Bounty Power that was lost when demons ruined our fields. Spread it as fertilizer and your powers shall be restored purifying the land of Health Pollution. 1
Skill's Bounty Power that was lost when demons ruined our fields. Spread it as fertilizer and your powers shall be restored purifying the land of Skill Pollution. 1
Fullness' Bounty Power that was lost when demons ruined our fields. Spread it as fertilizer and your powers shall be restored purifying the land of Fullness Pollution. 1
Strength's Bounty Power that was lost when demons ruined our fields. Spread it as fertilizer and your powers shall be restored purifying the land of Strength Pollution. 1
Vitality's Bounty Power that was lost when demons ruined our fields. Spread it as fertilizer and your powers shall be restored purifying the land of Vitality Pollution. 1
Magic's Bounty Power that was lost when demons ruined our fields. Spread it as fertilizer and your powers shall be restored purifying the land of Magic Pollution. 1
Luck's Bounty Power that was lost when demons ruined our fields. Spread it as fertilizer and your powers shall be restored purifying the land of Luck Pollution. 1
Gusto's Bounty Power that was lost when demons ruined our fields. Spread it as fertilizer and your powers shall be restored purifying the land of Gusto Pollution. 1
Rotten Food Hoho! It seems this uneaten food has spoiled. However we can still use this as fertilizer. 1
Clay This earth is soft viscous and easy to process. 1
Stone A stone chunk that could be used for almost anything. Unfortunately its quality leaves much to be desired. 1
Copper Ore This ore has long been used as a material to craft certain metals. 2
Iron Ore A strong pliable metal. In shaping it apprentice smiths shape themselves into masters of the craft. 3
Jade Jade is known to have miraculous powers. Not only is it used as currency but it is revered by many as a ceremonial implement as well. 4
Obsidian Iridescent obsidian such as this is said to be exceptionally rare. No doubt it would make for fine crafting material. 6
Gold Ore The glister of gold is the spark which ignites the flames of war. Do be careful not to become too enthralled by it Princess. 8
Stainless Steel This is steel from Dharka a country that lies far to the west and it's supposedly impervious to rust. I must say its striped pattern is quite beautiful. 100
Cloudy Crystal A jewel formed from the dense Clouds of Beginning which separate the two realms. Just one of these contains enough power to create a small island. 999
Wood This wood can be used in various ways. Unfortunately its quality leaves much to be desired. 1
High Quality Oak This is hard sturdy wood. I wager it could be crafted into a fine tool. 2
Bamboo A plant that is neither tree nor grass. Indeed it is difficult to classify... Nevertheless bamboo is quite flexible and easy to process. 1
Ironwood This wood is not only hard but resistant to water meaning that it is slow to rot. Thus its appellation is well deserved. 20
Elder Elm The origin of all Yanato elm trees nearly as old as the Lofty Realm itself. The quality of its wood is unsurpassed but it's as rare as it is ancient. 999
Hemp This grass fiber is indispensable for weaving. 1
Sedge This plant is often used to craft straw hats and raincoats. I have heard that it is easier to raise in humid climes. 1
Hemp Palm Bark imported from a southern country. It rivals straw in its ease of use. 4
Leaf of Creation Aha so you found an untainted leaf from Hinoe's Tree of Creation? If you can gather enough to use as materials I imagine you'll gain untold power. 1
Cork Tree Branch This golden tree branch can be used to create a stunning yellow dye. Strip the bark and see its brilliant hue for yourself! 1
Murasaki Root This plant root can be used to create purple dye. It thrives in soil that gets regular runoff exposure. 1
Madder A root which is used to make red dyes. It can be found in the mountainous regions of this island. 1
Indigo Scale A fish scale that can be turned into a bluish-purple dye if it's crushed and mixed with the right plants. 1
Silk This is a fiber produced by the thread of silkworms which were brought over from the country of Ouka. 6
Spirit Thread A miraculous thread selected from the finest silk. It is both a delight to the eyes and strong enough to repel blades. It should make an excellent outfit. 25
Washi Paper Yanato's highest quality paper said to last for a thousand years. In fact it's strong enough you can even make clothes out if it. 10
Demonic Braid How ominous... This cord appears to have been woven with the accursed power of a multitude of demons. May we find a way to bring some good out of it. 1
Thunderous Tasuki A cord that is used to tie up kimono sleeves. This one contains the power of lightning the ultimate expression of wood energy. 1
Beast Hide The skinned hide of a most ferocious demon. It can be tanned into durable leather. 1
Deer Antler Taken from the skull of a deer demon. It can be used in its current state or processed into an even higher-quality material. 1
Demonic Pearl A jewel formed inside the shell of a demon clam. Apparently its devolution into demonhood has only served to increase the quality of its pearl. 1
Ashigumo Shuriken This is a throwing needle of the Ashigumo tribe who you mercifully defeated. Even now it holds a lingering manifestation of their loyal spirits. 1
Black Deer Leather The resilient hide of a black deer demon. When I close my eyes I can still vividly see your fierce battle with the beast! 1
Pheasant Feather A silver feather plucked from a demon pheasant. Faint light emanates from it. 1
Boar Tusk A tremendous tusk taken from a boar that had transformed into a mighty demon. 1
Badger Leaf Ah was this attached to a demon badger's forehead? It's teeming with magical power. They must be more selective in choosing their leaves than I thought. 1
Bear Hide Oho the hide of a demon bear. Even in this form it exudes power and seems difficult to work with. It will certainly make for a high-quality material. 1
Crane Feather A feather belonging to Yui an exceptionally rare spirit crane. If turned into thread it could be woven into an unparalleled garment. 1
Dragon Bone A vertebra once belonging to Omizuchi gifted to us by Lady Kamuhitsuki. If we combine it with the Edge of Hoshidama it shall create an all-powerful weapon. 1
Dragon Scale Oho a scale taken from the great Omizuchi himself. It appears to be hard enough to deflect any weapon. 1
Moonlit Stone A stone that has been exposed to moonlight for an incredibly long time. Perhaps we can extract its inner earth energy for ourselves. 1
Branching Flower This flower only blooms at night on mighty trees that have absorbed an abundance of wood energy. 1
Aqueous Droplet A semi-solid drop of condensed water energy anchored in place amidst the sundering flow. 1
Flaming Core A glowing red fragment of hardened lava that holds a wealth of fire energy deep in its molten core. 1
Metallic Sand Sand that was ground down into miniscule particles over the ages. It would take a god of the forge to extract the metal energy radiating within it. 1

Spirit Boughs[edit | edit source]

Equipped to equipment. These aren't innate to equipment and can be equipped provided they have a free slot to accommodate them. Most can be upgraded with amber, specific materials or when conditions are met.

Icon Item Name
Disintegrating Strike
Health Boost
Ingredient Collector +
Manure Collector +
Ore Collector +
Pierce Charm
Strength Boost
Textile/Dye Collector +
Vitality Boost

Key Items[edit | edit source]

Found by exploring, as part of events or the storyline.

Icon Item Name
Oil Droplet
Scroll: Attributes 1
Scroll: Attributes 2
Scroll: Autumn Yield
Scroll: Back Attacks
Scroll: Battle 1
Scroll: Battle 2
Scroll: Battle 3
Scroll: Beneficial Fauna
Scroll: Crashing
Scroll: Dashing
Scroll: Defensive Dishes
Scroll: Dehydration
Scroll: Divine Raiment 1
Scroll: Divine Raiment 2
Scroll: Early Fertilization
Scroll: Exploration
Scroll: Farming
Scroll: Fertilizer 1
Scroll: Fertilizer 2
Scroll: Fighting Skills
Scroll: Grappling
Scroll: Hidden Powers
Scroll: Natural Cures
Scroll: Nightfall
Scroll: Offshoots
Scroll: Parrying
Scroll: Pest Prevention
Scroll: Rice Remedies
Scroll: Seasonings
Scroll: Simple Recipes
Scroll: Soil Nutrients
Scroll: Spirit Boughs
Scroll: Spring Yield
Scroll: Summer Yield
Scroll: Watering 1
Scroll: Watering 2
Scroll: Weapon Attacks 1
Scroll: Weapon Attacks 2
Scroll: Weather
Scroll: Weed Prevention
Waning Cescent Stone
Waxing Crescent Stone