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Box artwork for Sam & Max Save the World.
Box artwork for Sam & Max Save the World.
Sam & Max Save the World
Developer(s)Telltale Games
Publisher(s)The Adventure Company
Year released2007
System(s)Windows, Wii
Followed bySam & Max: Beyond Time and Space
SeriesSam & Max
Genre(s)Adventure, Episodic
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB Teen
Sam & Max Save the World Remastered
Developer(s)Skunkape Games
Publisher(s)Skunkape Games
Year released2020
System(s)Nintendo Switch, Windows, Xbox One
LinksSam & Max Save the World at PCGamingWikiSam & Max Save the World ChannelSearch

Sam & Max Save the World (originally released for Windows as Sam & Max Season One) is a compilation of the first season of the Sam & Max series of episodic adventure games developed by Telltale Games. The Season One package was first released on Steam and later for Windows. In 2008, Telltale Games confirmed the game was being ported to the Wii for release in October 2008.

Each of the six episodes has its own self-contained plot, but a central story arc runs throughout the season. The collection includes additional videos and behind-the-scenes bonuses.

Table of Contents
