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Advent Radiance Battleship
Supply Cost50
Build Time75
  • Credits 2000
  • Metal 600
  • Crystal 750
  • Tauranite 2
  • Indurium 1
Shield Points3300
Armour Points975
Armour Strength80
Hull Points3150

A mighty warship that embodies the Advent's thirst for revenge; it is heavily armed with energy weapons.

Official Description: A mighty warship that embodies the Advent's thirst for revenge; it is heavily armed with energy weapons.

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Weapon DPS Pierce Range
Heavy Beam x2 14.3 500 6250
Heavy Plasma x1 9.4 750 6250
Medium Plasma x2 6.4 600 6250
Light Laser x14 3.0 50 6250
Bombardment Plasma x1 5.0 0 4000

Detonate Antimatter[edit | edit source]

Detonate Antimatter
Detonate Antimatter
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Detonate Antimatter is an ability that destroys the antimatter of the target vessel while also disabling any abilities that use it. This makes it devastating to support craft like the TEC Dunov.

Official Description: De-stabilizes the antimatter reserves on the target, causing a portion of it to combust and deal damage over time. The target is also unable to use antimatter for abilities over this time period.

1 2 3
Cooldown 20 sec 30 sec 40 sec
Range 6500
Antimatter Cost 60
Duration 5 sec 10 sec 15 sec
Damage 100 200 300
Psi Power Damage Bonus +1/20 psi power

Animosity[edit | edit source]

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Animosity is an ability which forces enemy ships in a target area to attack this ship. However, this also reduces incoming damage done to the Radiance and increases the amount of damage the Radiance inflicts to affected units.

This ability has no effect on starbases, capital ships, titans, or strike craft.

Official Description: Hostility is projected at the targeted enemy units, forcing them to attack this ship, while cowering them into dealing less damage to it and receiving more damage from it.

1 2 3
Cooldown 30 sec 45 sec 60 sec
Damage -10% -20% -30%
Psi Power Damage (incoming) Bonus +1%/psi power
Damage (outgoing; +1%/psi power) +10% +20% +30%
Psi Power Damage (outgoing) Bonus +1/psi power
Duration 30 sec
Radius 2500

Energy Absorptive Armour[edit | edit source]

Energy Absorptive Armour
Energy Absorptive Armour
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Energy Absorptive Armour is an ability that converts attacks made against the Radiance into a scaling weapon reload bonus as well as extra psi power.

Official Description: Converts part of attacks against this capital ship into a scaling damage bonus for a short duration.

1 2 3
Weapon Reload -1% -2% -3%
Psi Power +1 +2 +3
Max stacks 15
Duration 10 sec

Cleansing Brilliance[edit | edit source]

Cleansing Brilliance
Cleansing Brilliance
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Cleansing Brilliance fires a devastating beam of light that deals immense damage to the target as well as nearby enemies. Items and abilities that augment psi power will increase this ability's damage to its primary and secondary targets.

Official Description: Fires a devastating beam of light at the targeted enemy unit, which spreads to enemies within a radius. All are dealt immense damage over a short duration.

Cooldown 120 sec
Range 8000
Antimatter Cost 150
Duration 8 sec
Radius 2000
Damage 200/sec
Psi Power Damage (target) Bonus +1/psi power
Pierce (target) 500
Damage (in radius) 100/sec
Psi Power Damage (in radius) Bonus +1/2 psi power
Pierce (in radius) 100