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TEC Heavy Factory
Build Time60
  • Credits 1000
  • Metal 250
  • Crystal 150
Shield Points0
Armour Points1000
Armour Strength100
Hull Points2500
Civilian Orbit Slot Cost2

A shipyard that produces both cruisers and capital ships. You'll need multiple in order to sustain unit production. The very first ship you produce should be a capital ship as your first is both produced instantly and for free.

Rather than selecting the planet or asteroid and ordering ships from there, it is instead recommended you select a fleet and order units to be built with the fleet selected. The nearest shipyard will then work to fulfill the fleet's order, and the resulting units will automatically try to join the fleet.

Building multiple shipyards will allow them to work in parallel on build orders.

Official Description: Allows construction of Cruisers and Capital Ships. Build multiple factories to construct more ships at the same time.