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TEC Argonev Starbase
Build Time180
  • Credits 2000
  • Metal 585
  • Crystal 415
  • Indurium 2
Shield Points2500
Armour Points1500
Armour Strength120
Hull Points6000

A massive starbase that can be upgraded with eight modules. Essentially a stationary capital ship, the starbase can hold its own in combat when upgraded even against a concerted fleet.

Weapon DPS Pierce
Medium Autocannon x32 9.0 150
Light Autocannon x16 8.3 50
PD Autocannon x16 3.0 0
Heavy Beam† x4 60.0 500
Heavy Missile‡ x4 70.8 600

†Starbase Beams upgrade required

‡ - Starbase Missile Launchers upgrade required

The Argonev has access to several unique upgrades. Players can choose eight of the following to apply to the starbase. Only one starbase can be deployed for each planet. The TEC Enclave may research the Twin Fortresses at Tier 5 Military upgrade to place two starbases.

Image Name Description Cost Build Time
Starbase Beams Starbase Beams Adds four beam weapons to the Argonev on each of its corners.

Official Description: Adds a full array of beam weapons to this starbase.
  • Credits 900
  • Metal 300
  • Crystal 150
30 sec
Starbase Missile Launchers Starbase Missile Launchers Adds four heavy missile launchers to this starbase, drastically increasing its DPS.

Official Description: Add a full array of missile launchers to this starbase.
  • Credits 1500
  • Metal 640
  • Crystal 200
  • Tauranite 2
30 sec
Defensive Overhaul I Defensive Overhaul I Increases this starbase's maximum hull by 1500, hull regeneration by 1.2, max armour points by 500, armour regeneration by 0.8, max shield points by 500, and shield regeneration by 2.

Official Description: Increases the starbase's defensive attributes.
  • Credits 900
  • Metal 320
  • Crystal 100
60 sec
Defensive Overhaul II Defensive Overhaul II Increases this starbase's maximum hull by 3000, hull regeneration by 2.4, max armour points by 1000, armour regeneration by 1.6, max shield points by 1000, and shield regen by 4. Additive with Extra Armour Plating I, which is a requirement for this upgrade.

Official Description: Increases the starbase's defensive attributes.
  • Credits 1200
  • Metal 480
  • Crystal 150
  • Indurium 1
90 sec
Defensive Overhaul III Defensive Overhaul III Increases this starbase's max hull points by 4500, hull regeneration by 3.6, max armour points by 1500, armour regeneration by 2.4, max shield points by 1500, and shield regeneration by 6. Additive with Extra Armour Plating I and II, which are requirements for this upgrade.

Official Description: Increases the starbase's defensive attributes.
  • Credits 1500
  • Metal 640
  • Crystal 200
  • Indurium 1
120 sec
Argonev Planetary Shield Array Argonev Planetary Shield Array Prevents your planet that the Argonev is near from taking bombardment damage. Can only shield your planets, not those owned by your teammates.

Official Description: Projects a defensive shield around the gravity well's planet preventing damage to the surface.
  • Credits 900
  • Metal 180
  • Crystal 180
  • Indurium 1
120 sec
Auxiliary Hangar I Auxiliary Hangar I Adds 4 squadrons to the starbase.

Official Description: Increases available strikecraft squadrons.
  • Credits 900
  • Metal 320
  • Crystal 100
60 sec
Auxiliary Hangar II Auxiliary Hangar II Adds 4 squadrons to the starbase.

Official Description: Increases available strikecraft squadrons.
  • Credits 1200
  • Metal 480
  • Crystal 150
  • Tauranite 1
90 sec
Auxiliary Hangar III Auxiliary Hangar III Adds 6 squadrons to the starbase.

Official Description: Increases available strikecraft squadrons.
  • Credits 1500
  • Metal 640
  • Crystal 200
  • Tauranite 2
120 sec
Additional Shield Generator Additional Shield Generator Increases maximum shields by 25%. Automatically restores 25% shield when shields are down, on a 60 second cooldown.

Official Description: An additional shield generator is installed aboard the starbase and rigged to come online rapidly whenever the main generator fails.
  • Credits 900
  • Metal 320
  • Crystal 100
  • Kalanide 1
60 sec
Docking Booms Docking Booms Repairs nearby friendly ships at 30/sec and refills their antimatter reserves at 5/sec for 30 sec.

Official Description: Starbase will repair and refill the antimatter reserves of nearby friendly forces.
  • Credits 900
  • Metal 180
  • Crystal 180
  • Kalanide 1
120 sec
Construction Bays Construction Bays Lets the Argonev produce corvettes, frigates, and cruisers.

Official Description: Large scale manufacturing facilities are built, allowing the starbase to construct frigate, corvette, and cruiser class ships.
  • Credits 1200
  • Metal 320
  • Crystal 240
  • Andvar 1
120 sec
Trade Facilities Trade Facilities The starbase produces two trade points.

Official Description: Large cargo handling bays allow the starbase to act as a trade hub, providing additional export points.
  • Credits 1200
  • Metal 240
  • Crystal 240
  • Andvar 2
120 sec
Safety Override Protocol Safety Override Protocol Self-destruct the starbase on a 5 sec timer to deal 3000 damage and 1000 pierce to all nearby enemies.

Official Description: Engineering crews override all safety protocols, causing the starbase's central reactor to go supercritical. The resulting explosion destroys the starbase and does immense damage to all objects within the blast area.
  • Credits 1800
  • Metal 480
  • Crystal 480
  • Tauranite 3
120 sec