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TEC Exotic Refinery
Build Time90
  • Credits 1250
  • Metal 400
  • Crystal 250
Shield Points0
Armour Points1000
Armour Strength75
Hull Points4000
Civilian Orbit Slot Cost3

Exotic refineries are used to produce exotic resources: tauranite, indurium, kalanide, andvar, and quarnium. These materials are used for high-end upgrades, titans, and capital ships. See the Resources page for more information on exotics.

Order the production of these exotic materials from the Exotics screen. Multiple refineries will work in parallel with each other on separate projects. All four exotic types except quarnium costs Credits 400, Metal 125, and Crystal 125 to create.

While the other five resources can be produced from the refinery without upgrades, quarnium requires its own separate research for refineries to produce it. Quarnium costs Credits 800, Metal 250, and Crystal 250 to create.

Official Description: Produces exotics[sic] materials by refining raw materials.