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This is the first game in the System Shock series. For other games in the series see the System Shock category.

Box artwork for System Shock.
Box artwork for System Shock.
System Shock
Developer(s)Looking Glass Studios
Publisher(s)Origin Systems
Year released1994
System(s)DOS, Mac OS, Windows
Followed bySystem Shock 2
SeriesSystem Shock
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB MatureUSK Ages 16+ELSPA Ages 15+
System Shock: Enhanced Edition
Developer(s)Nightdive Studios
Publisher(s)Nightdive Studios
Year released2015
LinksSystem Shock at PCGamingWikiSystem Shock ChannelSearch

System Shock is an action role-playing game developed by Looking Glass Studios and published by Origin Systems. Released in 1994, the game is set aboard the fictional Citadel Station in a cyberpunk vision of 2072. Assuming the role of a nameless hacker, the player attempts to hinder the plans of a malevolent artificial intelligence.

Unlike other first-person games of the time, System Shock features true 3D environments, allowing the player to look up and down, climb, duck, jump, and lean to the side. Critics praised System Shock and hailed the game as a major innovation in its genre. It was later placed on multiple hall of fame lists. Despite its technological feats and critical acceptance, System Shock was outsold by its contemporaries. A sequel, System Shock 2, was released by Looking Glass Studios and off-shoot developer Irrational Games in 1999.

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