This stage, like the second stage, is a shooter stage. If you are playing Game A of the American version, or Game B of the Japanese version, then it's time for you to pick up the Zapper light gun again. Otherwise, the controls are the same as before. Once again, you only start out with 100 bullets in the American version compared to 150 bullets in the Japanese version. Likewise, the bullet item only adds 40 bullets to your ammunition in the American version instead of 50 bullets in the Japanese version. Finally, just like before, you only lose a bullet of ammunition if you fail to hit something when you shoot, whether that's an enemy or an item.
A couple of details set this apart from the previous shooting stage. For one thing, the enemy has a lot more cover. Enemies can run from the outside to the inside of buildings, where they occasionally stop in front of a window to line up a shot. While they do this, other men will be running around in front of the building as well. You should focus on the men who out in front since they are much easier to hit than the men running between windows. That being said, you must always keep your eye open for any men who stop in front of a window, and take them out before they can fire a shot at you. As you get to the end of the stage, trees can present a major problem for you as you try to take out enemies who are still capable of shooting you. Once you reach the very end, you should have no problem picking off the trickle of enemies that appear behind the fence.

The other huge difference is the presence of motorcyclists who drive on to the screen and race back and forth while shooting at you. In the second stage, the men who always provided items were stationary. However, in this stage, these motorcyclists are the ones who always leave an item behind when killed. Furthermore, you need to shoot them three times before they go down. If possible, you should track them from the one side of the screen to the other and get two, potentially three shots on them. The bikers never appear when the scrolling stops, even if one was on the screen before it stopped. Later on in the stage, a biker may climb up and down the stairs that connect a second story to the ground, making it less predictable.
One other thing to know: you are far less likely to find health in this stage. The bikers tend to leave ammunition, although one will always drop a bullet-proof vest after the second scroll-freeze. The first biker in the Japanese version drops a crash star since you're unlikely to be in need of ammunition that early in Mad City. Health items only appear randomly from regular enemies, and the chances of that happening are quite small. If you see one, shoot it immediately before it scrolls off the screen. There is a 1-up opportunity if you shoot the first column after the first manhole in the alley (shown in the screenshot above.)
Boss[edit | edit source]

The boss of the seventh stage is two security men in front of the gate to Gordon's mansion. The two men are quite different. One is tall and shoots a gun at you. The other is small, and throws knives at you between bounces. In order to win, you'll have to take them both out. Of the two, the bigger guy is the bigger threat since there's nothing you can do to stop his gunfire. When the small guy throws a knife, you can shoot it out of the air to keep it from hurting you. However, you usually have to take your aim off the big guy in order to shoot down the knife. Focus most of your effort on the bigger guy first, stopping occasionally when it's convenient enough to change your aim and shoot the knife. After you take him out, you'll only have the small guy to focus on. If you attack him consistently, you will end up shooting down every knife that he throws at you, thereby rendering him harmless.