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General Controls[edit | edit source]

 Esc  Cancel
 Ctrl  +  Shift  +  C  Toggle cheat window on/off
 F1  /  F2  /  F3  Switch to Live, Build or Buy mode. F1 hides/shows main panel
 F4  Enter Camera Mode (snapshot)
 Enter  or  Space  Accept dialog
 Y  /  N  Select Yes or No option in dialog
 Ctrl  +  S  Save the current game
 Q  or  Alt  +  F4  Quit or save quit
 Ctrl  +  C  /  X  /  V  /  Z  /  Y  Copy, cut, paste, undo, and redo text fields
House Controls
 Page Up  /  Page Down  Next/previous floor
 Home  /  End  Next/previous wall mode
 Tab  Switch floors
Camera Movements
 +  /  -  Zoom in/out
 <  /  >  or  Shift  +  Arrow keys  Rotate left/right
Right click Mouse right click and or drag or  Alt  + Mouse
or  ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  → 
Move camera

Build/Buy Mode[edit | edit source]

 F2  or double left-click Mouse left click Buy Mode button Toggle sorting objects by type or room
Object Placement Tools
 <  /  >  or left-click Mouse left click and drag Rotate objects
 Delete  Delete object
Hold  Shift  + left-click Mouse left click Place multiple of the same object continually (Buy mode only)
 Z  /  X  Scroll between pages in catalog
Build Room Controls
Wall/fence tool:  Shift  + drag Create room/fenced area
Wallpaper/flooring tool:  Shift  Fill room with wallpaper/flooring
Left-click Mouse left click and or drag Place walls, fences, floor tiles, wallpaper and pools. Drag to place multiple
 Ctrl  + left-click Mouse left click and or drag Remove walls, fences, flooring, wallpaper, and pools. Drag to remove area
Terraforming Controls
Terrain tools:  Ctrl  + left-click Mouse left click Create or remove curved hills (terrain)
Terrain tools:  Shift  and or  Ctrl  + left-click Mouse left click Inverts direction of tool, can also invert creation of curved hills (terrain)
Grass tool:  Ctrl  + left-click Mouse left click Remove grass

Live Mode[edit | edit source]

 F1  or double left-click Mouse left click Live Mode button Hide/show main panel
Sim/Household Controls
Left-click Mouse left click Sim or object and Mouse left click or Mouse right click Select and perform interaction
Left-click Mouse left click + drag + release Click and drag to select interaction, then release
Left-click Mouse left click another Sim Select interactions done by active Sim to other Sims
 Space  or  N  Switch to next Sim in household
Left click Mouse left click Sim portrait or right-click Mouse right click Sim Switch to (specific) Sim
Right click Mouse right click Sim portrait Lock camera to Sim
 Enter  or left-click Mouse left click active Sim portrait Center camera on active Sim
 Ctrl  + left-click Mouse left click Sim portrait Edit Sim biography
Time Controls
 P  or  ~  Pause game
 1  /  2  /  3  Regular/fast/ultra speed

Camera Mode[edit | edit source]

 F4  Enter Camera Mode (snapshot)
 Ctrl  +  ↑  /  ←  /  ↓  /  →  Adjust snapshot area
Drag Mouse mouse Select area to snapshot
Left-click Mouse left click Take snapshot

Miscellaneous shortcuts[edit | edit source]

 A  Toggle anti-aliasing
 T  Show framerate in-game
 S  Toggle shadows
 V  Display build version of the game
 F5  Access settings/options in-game
 F7  SimsWebCam/Stalker camera (removed in later expansions)