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Adult Sims can get skill points in cooking, mechanical, charisma, creativity, body and logic. Sims can use these skills at home and for getting higher up in the career track. When they need skill points to get promoted, the skill points they need will be underlined on the Job subpanel.

Cooking[edit | edit source]

Cooking skill points can be obtained by reading a cookbook from a bookshelf. Meals made by Sims with lots of cooking skill points will satisfy the Hunger motive more. Sims with lots of cooking skill are also less likely to start a fire when cooking with an oven, microwave or barbecue. Cooking points are required in the Entertainment, Law Enforcement and Military career tracks.

Mechanical[edit | edit source]

Mechanical skill points can be obtained by reading a DIY book from a bookshelf, unclogging a clogged-up toilet, repairing a broken object. Sims with lots of mechanical skill are less likely to get electrocuted when repairing broken objects. Mechanical points are required in the Business, Medicine, Military, Pro Athlete, Music, Slacker and Hacker career tracks.

Charisma[edit | edit source]

Charisma skill points can be obtained by practising speeches in a mirror. Charisma points are required in the Business, Entertainment, Life of Crime, X-Treme, Slacker Paranormal and Journalism career tracks.

Creativity[edit | edit source]

Creativity skill points can be obtained by painting, playing a piano or guitar, or working at a workbench. Creativity points are required in the Life of Crime, Politics, X-Treme, Music, Paranormal, Journalism and Hacker career tracks.

Body[edit | edit source]

Body skill points can be obtained by swimming in a pool or working out at an exercise machine. Sims with lots of body skill are more likely to win a fight, should their relationship with another Sim be bad enough. Body points are required in the Business, Entertainment, Law Enforcement, Life of Crime, Military, Politics, Pro Athlete, Science, X-Treme and Slacker career tracks.

Logic[edit | edit source]

Logic skill points can be obtained by playing chess, gazing through a telescope or working at a potions table. Logic skill points are required in the Medicine, Politics, Science, Paranormal, Journalism and Hacker career tracks.

Skill points cheat[edit | edit source]

If you want your Sim to have instant skill points without trying, use this cheat. When you are creating your family, create a child Sim with no personality points. Then click on their face in the family gallery and click 'Edit this Sim'. Change them into an adult, and give them any personality points you wish. Once you have moved your family in, go on to Live mode and you will see that the Sim/s you used this cheat on will have random skill points.