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Box artwork for Wii Play.
Box artwork for Wii Play.
Wii Play
Developer(s)Nintendo EAD
Year released2006
Preceded byWii Sports
Followed byWii Fit
SeriesWii Series
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneOFLC GeneralPEGI Ages 3+
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LinksWii Play ChannelSearch

Wii Play is a game that is published & developed by Nintendo. It is a collection of fun and simple minigames aimed at players of all ages. The game is usually sold with a free Wii Remote. The ten minigames in Wii Play include Laser Hockey, Shooting Range, Billiards and Tanks!. All games use only the Wii Remote - with the exception of Tanks!, which uses both the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk extension.

The games Shooting game is supposedly thought to be a Duck Hunt reference.

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