Breath of Fire III/The McNeils

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Before proceeding, it is a good idea to fully upgrade your equipment and stock up on healing items, as you are about to embark on a long mission. When you are ready, talk to the guy in the green cloak in the Village. He will introduce himself as Loki and ask for your help. After that, he will meet you in the shack next to the road on the farm to the south. Here Loki will reveal to you that he intends to steal the money that McNeil collects with taxes from citizens and return it to the inhabitants, using you. To act, you will have to wait for the night. That night, you will then have to find a way to enter the McNeil Manor. Follow the wall surrounding the garden. You have probably already noticed that two workers were repairing a section of the wall. Inspect the stretch they were repairing and it will fall, giving you a chance to enter.

The garden

Treasure to find
  • 50 zenny
  • Firecracker

Once inside, search the lower left corner to find a man similar to Loki who will give you 50 zenny. To enter the garden, you will have to pay 50 zenny to the guard at the entrance. At this point, to proceed, you will have to be very careful not to be discovered by the guards holding a lantern: if one of your characters enters the illuminated area you will be kicked out and you will have to start all over again, paying another 50 zenny to the guard. In order to pass a guard you will need to find his wallet, which is right nearby, around a corner. Rotate the camera to see it. You will then have to go up to a turret and ring the bell, to get rid of another guard. A guard who sits in the center of the courtyard will then ask you to take care of the dog guarding the entrance gate. Head to the gate to meet it.

Sub-Boss Fight – Pooch

HP: 260

The Pooch is the first of several Sub-bosses you will face in this mission. He shouldn't give you any problems. Simple physical attacks will be enough to fix it within a few turns.

You will then find two people talking behind a hedge. Talk to them and then go talk to the guard in front of the chicken coop to distract him from his position. Enter the chicken coop. Here Teepo will try to steal some eggs, but you will be stopped by a huge rooster, which you will have to face.

Sub-Boss Fight – Rocky

HP: 280

Rocky is not too difficult to defeat, but you need to be careful. His Jump attack can do a fair amount of damage and his special Ovum ability can turn your character into an egg, leaving him completely helpless. So try to eliminate it quickly, using Teepo's Simoon spell and heal yourself if necessary.

After defeating Rocky the chickens will go mad, distracting the guards. In this way you will finally be able to reach the front door. In the meantime, you can also find a Firecracker, above the stairs. However, the door will still be guarded, so Rei will decide to create a diversion and distract the guards to allow Ryu and Teepo to enter, making an appointment for you later.

Inside the manor

Treasure to find
  • 120 zenny
  • Magic Shard
  • Eye Drops
  • Taser
  • Life Shard
  • Gems,
  • Vitamin (x2)
  • Panacea
  • MultiVitamin
  • Healing Herb
  • 600 zenny

As soon as you enter, you will find that this place is haunted and full of enemies. If you try to reach the stairs at the bottom of the hall you will be stopped by a ghost, who will reveal to you that he is the spirit of one of the deceased McNeils.

Sub-Boss Fight – Torast

HP: 115

Torast is the first of the ghosts you will meet in the manor. His attacks aren't powerful, but his Sleep spell is downright boring. Try to beat him quickly, with Ryu's attacks and Teepo's spells.

Defeated Torast, the best thing is to explore the rooms to the right and left of the hall, collecting the objects that you will find in the cabinets. In a room on the right you can also rest and save your game. It is advisable to do this. You will notice that many of the doors of the manor are closed with boards. After exploring these rooms, head to the terrace at the back of the house, where you will meet a man who looks like McNeil, but turns out to be another ghost.

Sub-Boss Fight – Kassen

HP: 62

Compared to Torast, Kassen is a trifle. Take it down with simple physical attacks.

Proceed to explore the manor, collecting objects from the cabinets. When you try to go down the stairs in the next room you will be stopped by another McNeil ghost.

Sub-Boss Fight – Galtel

HP: 145

Galtel's attacks tend more to reduce the status of your characters. Nothing to worry about. Use Ryu's attacks and Teepo's spells to easily take him out.

Keep going through the kitchens and servants' rooms until you meet another ghost.

Sub-Boss Fight – Doksen

HP: 140

It is the last of the ghosts you will meet and does not represent a threat at all. It might even heal your characters. Normal physical attacks will be enough to beat him.

Shortly after defeating Doksen you will reach the elevator. Go upstairs until you reach a room where you can rest and save your game. After that, go up the ladder to reach the roof.

On the roof

Treasure to find
  • Swallow a Huge Load
  • Broad Sword

The enemies on the roof will be significantly less dangerous. Reach the corner of the roof to find a rope. Examine it and Rei will be reunited with you. You can then reach the other side of the roof with his rope. On this side you can find a Swallow Nut Eye and a Broad Sword (where the smoking chimeny is, you have to angle it where it will show to the right side). Then go down the stairs near the fireplaces to reach the bedroom and finally meet McNeil. However, the spirits of the departed ancestors you met will come to his aid and unite to form one great ghost.

Boss Fight – Amalgam

HP: 500

This boss is not difficult to defeat, although the battle will be a little longer than the ones you have previously faced. His only attack that does substantial damage is Astral Warp. He'll use Sleep every now and then, but it's more of a bore than a real threat. Use Teepo's most powerful spells, Ryu's physical attacks (and maybe some useful skills of him if you have learned it), while Rei will have to attack and heal the group when necessary. You should get the better of it without too much trouble.

Defeated the Amalgam, you can easily steal the money in front of the defenseless McNeil, who will burst into tears. After that the money will be left in front of the doors of the houses in the village.

The day after

The next morning Teepo will suggest going to the Village to see how grateful the inhabitants will be. Then go to the place, but you will notice that the inhabitants will not be happy at all with what you have done. They returned McNeil's money and will treat you worse than before. On the farm to the south you will also find Loki, who will meet you in the hut next to the road. Enter. But Bunyan will join you inside, who will inform you that McNeil is in contact with some powerful and dangerous individuals, who do not like to be robbed. Rei will then suggest they go home and stay there, until things have calmed down. Return to Rei's house in Cedar Woods, but you will discover that two shady horse-looking individuals have set the house on fire. Balio and Sunder will then challenge you in combat. You can't win this battle, your defeat is predicted by the game's storyline, so don't waste items. Balio and Sunder will still KO you in a very short time.