Metroid Prime 2: Echoes/Lore

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Space Pirate Logs

Cycle 4

Name Log # Location found Log contents
Log 44681 (Phazon Operations) 04.468.1 Agon Wastes
Command Center
Science teams detected the presence of Phazon in the Dasha system four cycles ago. High Command authorized the deployment of our team shortly thereafter. Our orders are to establish a base on planet Aether and evaluate local Phazon resources. Because this world lies on the periphery of Galactic Federation territory, we are following stealth protocols at the highest level. A cadre of elite Commandos has been dispatched to provide security for our force as well. This operation is now under way.
Log 48853 (Local Conflict) 04.885.3 Agon Wastes
Command Center
Intelligence reports on the indigenous population of Aether are in error. This planet is not at peace, nor are the inhabitants docile. Evidence of a class 4 conflict is present here, though hostilities are at a minimal level now. Our territory has suffered several raids by a strange type of shadowy creature. These raids have caused considerable damage, and we have requested more combat troops in response.

Cycle 5

Name Log # Location found Log contents
Log 50086 (Great Discoveries) 05.008.6 Agon Wastes
Command Center
A spatial anomaly has been found within our base. We believe this rift in space-time leads to a parallel dimension of some type, but have been unable to interact with it thus far. A strange artifact was found near the anomaly as well. It may be a weapon or generator of some kind: perhaps it is the key to accessing the anomaly. High Command is eager for reports on the relic. A new weapon for our arsenal is always welcome.
Log 54421 (Rift Portal) 05.442.1 Agon Wastes
Command Center
The Rift Portal has been opened. The artifact weapon, dubbed the "Dark Beam" by Science Team, provides the energy needed to open the portal, although for a limited time. We've sent expeditions through the portal, and they have returned with incredible news. The portal leads to a parallel version of Aether. This "Dark Aether" has suffered a global calamity, turning it into a toxic wasteland. It is the homeworld of the shadowy creatures who have been raiding our base for the last cycle. Most importantly, it is the prime location of Phazon in this sector. Extraction plans are being prepared. We will not be denied!

Cycle 6

Name Log # Location found Log contents
Log 62217 (Phazon Raids) 06.221.7 Agon Wastes
Command Center
Phazon extraction raids are under way on Dark Aether. The toxicity of the atmosphere has taken a toll on our workforce, as have the hostile natives of that world. Science Team is preparing survival gear to protect our work teams, and we have increased our security presence in extraction areas. Fortunately, High Command is sending more troops and supplies. Our troops and resources are spread dangerously thin, and this mission cannot fail.
Log 63622 (The Hunter) 06.362.2 Agon Wastes
Biostorage Station
Samus Aran, the accursed Hunter, has arrived. The sudden arrival of the Hunter is strange enough, but her actions are stranger still. She does not seek our destruction, but our Phazon. With each raid, she steals Phazon ore, only killing those who attempt to deny her. What she needs it for, we do not know - though Science Team suspects she requires it to power her new armorsuit. Dark in color, it is equipped with strange new weapons. The troops now call her the "Dark Hunter." It is a fitting title.
Log 67135 (Security Breach) 06.713.5 Agon Wastes
Save Station C
The Dark Hunter teleports into the base at will. Our security has proven next to useless against her. Her latest raid was disastrous. Not only did we lose more Phazon to her, but she also crippled the stealth field generator with her strange new weapons. We are exposed. Until the replacement generator arrives, we will be vulnerable to scans and detection. Our presence here is still minimal: should the Federation find us, we will be unable to defend our position. Fortunately, Aether is on the fringe of Federation space. With luck, we will have a stealth effect back in effect before being detected.
Log 69898 (Shadow War) 06.989.8 Agon Wastes
Storage D
The local war has escalated in intensity. The shadowlings from Dark Aether have launched an offensive. The assault seems focused on a central network of buildings atop a mountain: a base, perhaps. Strangely, this attack coincides with a rise in planetary instability. Perhaps these shadow creatures are using a new weapon system. The shadowlings must believe us to be foes, for they have hit our base numerous time as well. We are holding, but attrition is taking its toll on our troops and resources. Reinforcements are en route. We can only wait and defend what is ours.

Cycle 7

Name Log # Location found Log contents
Log 70136 (Federation Attack) 07.013.6 Agon Wastes
Security Station B
Another disaster. The transport bringing our reinforcements and supplies has been shot down. It was engaged in orbit by a Federation vessel, which has landed near the alien temple. It's only a matter of time before the Marines attack. Survivors from our ship have made their way to our base. Here we shall make our stand. Another enemy. First the shadowlings, then the Dark Hunter, and now the Galactic Federation Marine Corps. Perhaps fate will smile upon us, before the world itself opens its maw and swallows us.
Log 71599 (Two Hunters) 07.159.9 Agon Wastes
Central Mining Station
Another Hunter, wearing the traditional colors of Samus Aran, made planetfall today. Horrific as it may sound, there are two of them now. We are bracing for a new assault. This dire turn of events may bear some good will. One of our scouts in Dark Aether saw a curious encounter. The Dark Hunter attacked the one clad as Samus near a Phazon site. Perhaps they are not allies...but foes. Perhaps we can forge an alliance with the Dark Hunter - an exchange, Phazon for the head of our common enemy.

Trooper Logs

Force 1

Name Location found Log contents
LCPL J. Brode Temple Grounds
GMFC Compound
Man, I hope that is the only breeding ground for these things. If there's more, we're in big trouble. We had a hard enough time taking that one out of commission: I almost ran out of ammo. I never run out of ammo!
PFC I. Crany Temple Grounds
GMFC Compound
Last night at chow, Angseth starts talking about some bounty hunter and how she blew up a planet full of Space Pirates. I told her I didn't believe in fairy tales like that, and she took it personal. I just find it hard to believe that one person took out an entire Space Pirate base, that's all. But if she wants to believe in this Samus, or Bigfoot, or Santa Claus, she can.
CAPT A. Exeter Temple Grounds
GFMC Compound
I'm beginning to think it was a real bad idea going down there. Reevs is right, that hive is just one of many. It's stupid to stir a hornet's nest, especially if you plan on sleeping under it.
PFC G. Haley Temple Grounds
GMFC Compound
I hear.
Everywhere. They're coming.
Can't sleep. Ever.
They'll eat me.
PFC S. Milligan Temple Grounds
GMFC Compound
Brouda lost the bet, so he switched watch duty with me. I figure this section is nice and safe and boring, which suits me just fine. Let those other pugs guard the hot zone, I...hold on...hey! Halt! ...No! Hel--(transmission ends)
SPC F. Triplette Temple Grounds
GMFC Compound
The sarge says those "Splinters" remind him of some killer bug he saw on another planet once. All I know is the things are fast and take a lot to drop. Pretty soon we'll have to go to bayonets. Everyone's low on ammo...even Brode, and he's the stingiest grunt I know.

Force 2

Name Location found Log contents
SPC M. Angseth Temple Grounds
Trooper Security Station
This is ridiculous. I can outshoot half the men here, and I'm stuck on monitor duty. I didn't join up to stare at a holoscreen! This wouldn't happen to Samus Aran... She'd be out there take care of business, not pushing buttons and sending reports.
GSGT C. Benet Temple Grounds
Command Chamber
There's something wrong with the lock systems in this section. They've failed twice, locking us out until someone came along to let us in. If it happens again while we're playing "bait" for those things...well, at least we'll go out fighting, instead of hiding in the control area.
PFC L. Brouda Temple Grounds
Communication Area
We'll be making our stand here. The engineer tells me there's no way we'll get the ship's engines online, and atmospheric interference is scrambling our distress beacon. If anyone reads this, know that we did our duty and fought well.
PFC E. Denys Temple Grounds
Sacred Bridge
I'm the only one left. Managed to get out of the hive, but when I got to the ship, everyone was gone...dead. I'm heading for that alien building we saw earlier. Maybe someone can help me there... Wait, something's moving down there. Hello...?
SPC B. Reevs Temple Grounds
Command Chamber
I don't like this plan. This hive is a small portion of a larger network. There may be dozens of hive systems like this across the planet, and they may all be linked. Destroying this one may buy us time, but it may also provoke the other hives into attacking.
PFC M. Veroni Temple Grounds
Collapsed Tunnel
I think Haley's losing it. He talks to himself all the time, and he won't sleep. He almost shot me on watch the other night. I think he thought I was one of those things. I talked to the doc about taking him off the line, and he told me we need all the help we can get. That's true, but if he goes berserk and kills a bunch of us, that won't be very helpful.

Luminoth Lore


Dark Age

Name Location found Log contents
Age of Anxiety Temple Grounds
Meeting Grounds
In time, the roar of a wounded planet subsided. The air, though fouled, was breathable. Light made its way through the dark veil over our world. Slowly, we ventured out from the shelters of our homes to see what remained of our paradise. What little comfort we gained by surviving was soon shattered, for when we looked outward, all we saw was devastation. Half of the planet's energy had vanished from the Energy Controllers. Aether became violently unstable as a result. Of the stellar object which struck our home, there was no sign.
Cataclysm Agon Wastes
Mining Station A
The starborne terror burnt through the heavens and struck Aether with an untold might. We all expected the world to shatter...but Aether held. There was great devastation, however. The green plains of Agon were scorched forever, and the forest of Torvus was engulfed and wracked by the sea. The skies burned for days, casting darkness over the land.
The Ing Attack Torvus Bog
Path of Roots
The day came when space was torn asunder, revealing dimensional rifts to a dark place. Horrible dark swarms streaked forth from these rifts, engulfing nearby creatures and transforming them into what we would come to call darklings. The dark creatures became our enemies, and peace came to an end on Aether.
The World Warped Temple Grounds
Path of Eyes
Amidst this turmoil, we discovered many disturbing anomalies. Spatial disturbances appeared across the land. Objects went into a state of dimensional flux, their atoms divided between Aether and...somewhere else. There was little time to ponder these strange happenings, for we had to deal with the devastation of our lands.

Golden Age

Name Location found Log contents
Light of Aether Agon Wastes
Portal Terminal
The main Energy Controller was built in the Great Temple: three sub-controllers were built in the temples of Torvus, Agon, and Sanctuary. They collected the energy of Aether, then radiated it over the world to all who needed it. In time we came to call this precious energy the "Light of Aether." It brought an age of peace and prosperity to the Luminoth.
Origins Great Temple
Main Energy Controller
It is told that the Luminoth were not born of Aether, but of the stars. In the early days, we roamed the greatness of the void, bathing in the glorious light of a thousand stars. We met a vast number of enlightened minds...the N'kren, the Yila, and the Chozo among them. Each of them, we found, had claimed a homeworld and formed a deep bond with it. In time, we decided to do the same.
Our Heritage Temple Grounds
Transport to Agon Wastes
Our search for a home took us through the cosmos. For many a great cycle we roamed, yet a place to call our own eluded us. In time, we began to dispair, feeling the search was in vain. We considered remaining among the stars until a scout returned with news of a world unlike any other. When we beheld Aether for the first time, so great was her beauty that we forsook the stars forever to live upon her surface. From that day forth, the Luminoth were of Aether, our blessed paradise.
Paradise Agon Wastes
Mining Plaza
Aether was a fertile, aged world with bountiful fields and oceans. The native creatures were gentle compared to other worlds we had encountered. We settled in a mountain region at first, in cliffside dwellings. In time, we established settlements in the green forest of Torvus and the fertile plains of Agon. A Great Temple was built between our three domains, a place of peace and a monument to our accomplishments. It was a time of harmony for our people.
Saving Aether Agon Wastes
Agon Energy Controller
Aether's planetary energy supply reached a critical stage. If left unchecked, the energy would expire, bringing an end to the world. Our greatest minds devised a way to preserve and regulate the remaining planetary energy - the Energy Controllers.
The Stellar Object Agon Wastes
Mining Station B
By the time we detected the stellar object as it streaked toward our world, it was too late to stop it. We fired numerous weapons at it in a vain attempt to alter its trajectory. Nothing worked. Our efforts placed a great strain on the Energy Controllers, and weakened Aether. All we could do as the object drew closer was take shelter and wait. We gathered stores of food and water, reinforce the shielding on our dwellings, and spent the last hours in peace.


First Phase

Name Location found Log contents
Dark Aether Torvus Bog
Torvus Energy Controller
In time, we created machines to open rifts to our enemy's world. Volunteer scouts went through the rifts and found a twisted world, harsh and poisonous...a Dark Aether. They discovered that this world held the missing half of our planet's energy. They also saw the true face of the enemy, a race we came to call "Ing," meaning terror. Our scouts could not survive long on the surface of Dark Aether, so venomous was its air. Still, we vowed to return. We prepared for war.
The New Terror Torvus Bog
In time, the Ing began to possess Luminoth as well as creatures. Friends and family members became the enemy, spilling Luminoth blood across the land. Desperate, we devised shielding to prevent Ing possession. It was effective, but not perfect. Should the shielding fail, all Luminoth were prepared to self-terminate rather than become a weapon for the Ing.
New Weapons Torvus Bog
Gathering Hall
Our studies of the Ing revealed the source of their attacks as dark energy. We built weapons to use this energy, thinking it could overload enemy targets and eliminate them. We soon learned our error, as the Dark Beam was not of great effect on the Ing. We then began to develop a weapon that used light energy. This weapon would dispatch the Ing with terrible efficiency.
Our War Begins Torvus Bog
Underground Tunnel
We developed Crystals that brought the Light of Aether to the dark world. Using these Crystals allowed our warriors to explore the enemy lands, to bring war to the Ing. Sadly, the Crystals were not enough. We needed stronger weapons, better armor. We withdrew from Dark Aether while our greatest minds devised new engines of war.
Recovering Energy Torvus Bog
Training Chamber
We were not prepared to fight a long war. The forces of the enemy outnumbered ours vastly. We sought a way to end the war quickly, without extended combat. We decided to build a device to recover our lost planetary energy from Dark Aether. Without this energy, the dark world would cease to be, and our world would be restored to stability.

Second Phase

Name Location found Log contents
Agon Falls Sanctuary Fortress
Sanctuary Energy Controller
A massive Ing attack came to the land of Agon. Soon, the Temple of Agon was surrounded by the Horde, with no hope of salvation. Our gallant warriors there were slain, and Agon fell to the enemy. Our blood chilled when we learned that the energy within that temple was drained. The Ing had found the Energy Transfer Module, and were using it as a weapon against us.
The Final Crusade Sanctuary Fortress
Hall of Combat Mastery
While our forces on Dark Aether fought desperate battles against superior numbers, our best minds completed their work. The Energy Transfer Module, a device designed to recover our lost planetary energy, was ready at last. A force of our greatest warriors was assembled, each equipped with the best armor and weaponry available. We sent this brave cadre of fighters to invade the Sky Temple and seize the missing energy lying within.
Shattered Hope Sanctuary Fortress
Main Gyro Chamber
None of the warriors sent to the Sky Temple returned. Our fores searched Dark Aether for them, in vain. Of the Energy Transfer Module, there was no sign. Though saddened, we set out to prepare another mission, to build another module, to try once more to save our dying world.
The Sky Temple Temple Grounds
Fortress Transport Access
We learned that the ruler of the Ing dwelled in a place dubbed the "Sky Temple" by our forces. This place held the planetary energy of Dark Aether as well. It was heavily guarded, and entry was barred by a great gate requiring ten keys to unlock. These keys were hidden throughout Dark Aether by the Ing. A mission was planned, one that would find the hidden keys and recover our missing energy from the Sky Temple.
Torvus Falls Sanctuary Fortress
Main Research
The Ing turned their focus on the Torvus Bog next, sending a vast force to lay siege to the temple there. Thousands upon thousands of Ing were destroyed by our warriors, yet they kept coming until there was no Luminoth alive to offer resistance in Torvus. On that day, the energy of Torvus was taken to Dark Aether, and our hopes for survival grew dim.

Final Phase

Name Location found Log contents
Sanctuary Falls Sanctuary Fortress
Watch Station
Our battered forces gathered in the Sanctuary Fortress to prepare for the inevitable siege there. They didn't wait long. Wave after wave of Ing assaulted the greatest of our fortresses, with one goal in mind: to seize the energy there. The Ing turned the machines of Sanctuary against our warriors, and soon all was lost. The energy of Sanctuary was taken by the Ing. One one Energy Controller remained on Aether.
Twilight Sanctuary Fortress
Sanctuary Entrance
What few remained gathered in the Great Temple. There, all but U-Mos, the last Sentinel of Aether, entered into life-preserving stasis. There they would remain, to be released once the Ing were destroyed...or to sleep forever. His people safe, U-Mos prepared for the last, terrible assault. In the silence of the Great Temple, he prayed for salvation, for deliverance from the terror of the Ing.

Keybearer Lore

Cadre 1

Name Location found Log contents
A-Kul's Testament Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Soon I shall pass to final rest. My key is in place. Through my spiritual link to the others, I know where their bodies lie. I shall leave this knowledge, that their last location in the dark world can be known. May this knowledge lead our warriors to the Sky Temple Keys. The time draws near. Hear the words of A-Kul, she they call Champion of Aether. Know that my warriors fought and died with uncommon valor. Do not look unkindly upon their failure, for they died to save us all.
B-Stl's Testament Agon Wastes
Main Reactor
I can go no further. Here in this reactor, I go to join my fallen mate, J-Stl, in final rest. Though I die with honor, a shame falls on my house until the key I seek reaches its destination. May my brothers find my burden, that the way to the Sky Temple will be opened at last.
G-Sch's Testament Torvus Bog
What craven savages are the Ing! Trapped in the catacombs with no chance of rescue, I fought them to the last. I watched them feed upon their dead. I heard them pressing the lesser of their number into the front ranks, that my blasts would take them. At least their leader stood against me in battle. He was a foe worthy of a Luminoth warrior.
J-Stl's Testament Agon Wastes
Central Mining Station
My journey comes to an end. The thrice-cursed Ing prepared an ambush of singular cunning in the mining station. They caught me in it like a neophyte fresh from the training halls. I have sent five score of their number to whatever foul pit they call afterlife, but in vain. My life is extinguished.
S-Dly's Testament Torvus Bog
Torvus Lagoon
They came to the lagoon in the night, delivering true deathblows before I could detect them. As my life faded, I sent a call to the cadre to warn of this surprise attack. May they find my key, and dispatch the Ing who have killed me. Only then will my final rest be peaceful.

Cadre 2

Name Location found Log contents
C-Rch's Testament Sanctuary Fortress
Dynamo Works
Let this be the final testament of warrior C-Rch. I have no more shells for my weapons. For the enemy, I have naught but the blade and fist. Let them come. They wait in the works, hissing and slithering like beasts. Let them. When my war cry comes, there will be a dread, final reckoning. Come forth, hated enemy. Let there be an end!
D-Isl's Testament Temple Grounds
Storage Cavern A
It is inside me. I feel it spreading, clawing at my will, tearing at my thoughts. It moves me against my will, to this cavern. Here it will end. I do not wish this, do not want my body to become a weapon for the Ing within me. It hates. It demands obedience. I will fight to the end. I shall self-terminate before I will be a pawn of a filthy Ing.
J-Fme's Testament Temple Grounds
Industrial Site
Final entry, Warrior J-Fme.

Their army swells. Beasts and rogue machines join the ranks of the Horde, all eager to bring death to the Luminoth. The Ing sent these new additions to the industrial site to do battle with me, while they watched from safety. Cowardly mongrels! My only regret in death is that I did not live to see the day of their defeat. May it come soon!
M-Dhe's Testament Temple Grounds
Landing Site
That last hit breached my armor. The poison spreads. Though I have found the key, it is too late for me. Soon my light will fail. They know I am here. They will come to this site to plunder my key. My last stand shall be at the edge of the temple grounds. I only hope I have the strength to fight when they arrive.
S-Jrs's Testament Sanctuary Fortress
Sanctuary Entrance
A-Kul tried to send me back to Aether, that I might get reinforcements. Both cadres have been attacked, devastated. The Ing followed me. They came, wearing the skin of beasts. I gave them a good fight, yet, I have failed. May I redeem my honor in the next life. Here, at the fortress entrance, I breathe my last.

A-Kul's Clues

Cadre 1 Clues

Name Location found Log contents
B-Stl's Key Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Gallent B-Stl.

She lies deep in a fortress of dry land.
G-Sch's Key Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Gentle G-Sch.

With a Bearerpod he sleeps in a flooded temple.
J-Stl's Key Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Noble J-Stl.

Lost his soul before a fortress in the scorched land.
S-Dly's Key Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Brave S-Dly.

Beside the marsh of a raining land she laid her body forever.

Cadre 2 Clues

Name Location found Log contents
C-Rch's Key Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Judicious C-Rch.

In a small corridor within the depths of a high fortress, he lies silently.
D-Isl's Key Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Steadfast D-Isl.

Who shall disturb you among the trees of holy ground?
J-Fme's Key Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Mighty J-Fme.

In the last, what did you see? Was it one of our gates closing, sealing the scorched land from our holy ground?
M-Dhe's Key Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Fearless M-Dhe.

The one who shall move the pillar of holy ground will see your soulless body.
S-Jrs's Key Sky Temple Grounds
Sky Temple Access
Loyal S-Jrs.

He no longer breathes, looking down at the great bridge of a holy fortress.