America's Army/Bridge Crossing Tactics

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General Topics

  1. Look out for 203 grenades at all times.
  2. Watch out for snipers and 203 on the assault ledges, on the truck and on top of the middle tower.
  3. Stay out of spam!

Bridge Crossing Tactics - Assault

  1. Use Suppressive Fire: Fire down the bridge to allow your teammates to advance. You may just hit an enemy if they aren't careful. You'll also slow them down, as they'll need to dodge your fire. Watch out for incoming 203's though. If you have the Squad Automatic Weapon, lie prone on the bridge, aim towards the other end of the bridge, and sweep the fire back and forth.
  2. The main challenge for assault is to pass the center arch. This can be accomplished in several ways.
    1. Stand back and kill defense from a distance. Soon no defense will be left near the tower. Then move quickly to the defense tower to try and kill those in the defense hills and those hiding on the ridge to the right.
    2. Smoke the center arch heavily and then rush through. Normally moving to the right catwalk or defense tower asap.
  3. The second challenge of the assault team is passing the defense tower. There are also several ways to do this.
    1. Move up the trap door quickly, removing any defense in the tower that are left if the chosen tactic for the center arch involved a rush. The assaulter in the tower now can check the ridge to the right of the tower for any defenders.
    2. Move to the left cat walk, hiding behind the corner of the defense tower. Throw nades into the defense hills then move out to the left following the cliff or straight ahead if there appears to be no resistance.

Common Knowledge - Assault

  1. Right at start you should get away from the insertion zone ASAP. People like to shoot 203 nades on start location thus killing a few people who do not move in time. This is known as 203 SPAM.
  2. Watch out for snipers in the defence tower or on defence tower crates. Also watch for the nice "treehugger spot" by the tower.
  3. You also might have one more 203 than the defense, use it wisely.
  4. Lots of smoke is good,as long as it's on the defense side.
  5. OPFOR on the defense tower steps can be quite deadly.
  6. Another sniper spot is the wooden catwalk on defense side, right behind the rail that goes around the edge of the catwalk.
  7. Do not camp behind truck. Defense grenadiers love to spam there, whether it be a dropshot of straight shot.
  8. Do not dawdle halfway down the catwalk. People have to get through, plus you (and anyone stuck behind you) will be a sitting duck to defense rushers around middle tower.

Bridge Crossing Tactics - Defense

  1. Suppressive Fire: Fire down the bridge to hinder the progress of the assault team. You may just hit an enemy if they aren't careful. Watch out for incoming 203's though.
  2. The job of defense is to defend, therefore "using tactics" is condoned. However if the defensive team does not move at all the assault team will quickly learn their locations making for a slaughter.
  3. On small servers, defence rushing can catch the enemy unprepared leading to an easy victory, since defence spawns closer to the middle tower than assault. However make sure you have your teams support. Do not try this on large servers (20 slot) if you are new, or you'll get wiped out.
  4. If the assault team is winning easily, try hanging back (as a team!) behind the defense tower, there is more D cover than O cover. Doing a backwards bound and overwatch with suppressive fire to fall back can be quite effective at confusing the enemy.

Common knowledge - Defense

  1. The sooner you can reach a good defensive point the better.
  2. Right at start you should get away from the insertion zone ASAP. People like to shoot 203 nades at the spawn location thus killing a few people who do not move in time. This is known as 203 SPAM.
  3. You could also consider NOT standing in the def/ass arches in the starting minutes of the game since both SAW and 203 will cut you to pieces.

//roastedMnM //JasX

Weapon Classes

Try to memorize the order that the weapon slots appear in for both assault and defense. Notice that assault side gets their M203 and their sniper slots earlier down the list than defense. In a small server with 5 players per side, that means that as an attacker, you may not have to worry about OpFor having M203s and snipers. If you are an defender in the same server, no-one on your team will have those guns.

This does not matter for a full server when all the slots are taken up.



For: Riflemen

You've got 2 Frags, make use of them. If Assault loves to rush the ledges, rush up the corresponding ledge on your side and lob a nade over the mid tower (after 3 second cook). Chances are, you'll catch him running up or climbing the ladder. If possible, try for an airburst that'll cover both the ledge and the main bridge with fragments. **NOTE** DO NOT ATTEMPT AS ASSAULT AGAINST RUSHING DEFENDERS, THEY WILL SHOOT YOU WHILE YOU'RE COOKING THE NADE **NOTE**

Smoke is the sniper's bane, use it well. Good example: smoke the sides of the mid tower before trying to climb or crawl over to the other side. This annoys the heck out of the snipers who like to hole up in the tower. It can also annoy the heck out of your own sniper too if he is having a snipe around enemy stairs, so just check he isn't right next to you when you chuck that smoke. Beware though, if a guy with a SAW is in the tower, he'll probably spray the smoke with a hundred or so shots.

Single shot or Burst? It's really a personal decision, but I personally like single, unless I'm involved in CQB at Mid Tower. Then it becomes important to fire rapidly; it is recommended that a rifleman learn how to effectively "auto-fire" a M-16 on burst-fire.

For: Grenadiers

You don't have frags. Be sure to have a nearby Rifleman, so you can ask him to toss a frag around the corner or lob a frag onto the top of the tower.

Hit some smoke, don't hit others. For example: Smoke in the middle of the mid tower should not be shot at. That is often used as cover for someone to switch from left to right, or vice versa. However, smoke on your side of the middle arch SHOULD be naded after about 5 seconds. You'll most likely catch someone trying to run through to a ledge. Just make sure none of your teammates are there. Also, if you're defense, knowing how to 203 the sides of middle tower from defense tower is very handy indeed. (Tip: Make sure that your crosshair is inline height-wise with the top edge of the middle tower)

Memorize certain shots in single-player. It's cheap, but memorized shots greatly help your team. Specific ones to learn:

  1. Middle Windows of both towers
  2. Right and Left of Middle Tower
  3. Enemy stairs
  4. Enemy wrecked cars
  5. Enemy arch (~15 seconds into the round is good)
  6. If you're feeling particularly cruel, OpFor spawn

Learn how to survive CQB. For those who have not memorized shots, you will more than likely be forced to head to Middle Tower (a.k.a. CQB heaven) in order to aim at the windows or enemy stairs, and if you die at Middle Tower, then whoop-de-doo, you've just given your teams most potent weapon to the OpFor!

For: Machine-Gunners

First thing's first: If you haven't already, read Cappy's guide (it's also accessible in the main area of this site).

You've got three options on this map:

  1. Think like a sniper - Find a location far from the battle, go prone, and sight in on the action. Then, when an enemy exposes themself, riddle his body full of bullets.
  2. Suppress the enemy - Fire off half-magazines or entire magazines downrange, making sure that your tracers make a noticable line. This scares the daylights out of the OpFor - or it makes them rain rather accurate fire down on you as they aim for the source of the tracers (oops). This has often given rise to interesting SAW battles, with both gunners aiming only by the other's tracers. I enjoy these greatly.
  3. Provide forward firepower - rush forward to Middle Arch, stay on your side, and just fire at anyone coming up the OpFor ladders. This also gives good opportunities for you to accurately take out enemies on the OpFor side of the bridge.

For: Snipers

Sniper rifles are all most accurate when prone and supported. However, in the hands of an above-average sniper or better, you can score killing shots while standing. It's advisable to crouch when sniping though, as that allows you to exfiltrate quickly.

Change positions. Especially on this map, find two or three good spots to snipe from (common spots: Top of Boxes/Barrels in the tower, one of the tower windows, stairs, or cars). Go to one sniping spots at the start of the round and stay there, picking off a target. Immedietly afterward, relocate to another of those handy spots. Repeat.

However, if your team is getting thrashed, it might be a sign you need a better spot to support from. If you are seen, relocate AT ONCE and run to your second spot. He may have gotten a call out, and soon your first spot will be blistering with enemy fire. However, if you relocate, you can catch the OpFor off guard by sniping the guys who are wondering why you aren't where their teammate said you were. Strangely enough, almost no one actually uses this tactic.

Exploit your dead comrades. If a rifleman keels over next to you, pick up his m16 and any grenades he may have dropped. This way you won't have to depend on your dinky little M9 peashooter.

- Ferrard


<nice picture here>

Defense tower stairs- provides commanding view of defense road, middle tower, and the left defense ledge. -sgt.whipp

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