Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom/Chapter 4

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Revision as of 05:27, 30 January 2013 by Procyon (talk | contribs) (Chapter 4)
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Forest maze
→← Sacred Tree
→← Tree inerior



Mole hole
→← Melon patch
Lake Quench shrine

Parsley Forest
→← Crossroads
→← Lake Quench


Location Appearance Command Description
Spinach Heights After you escape from the prison, you will return to this familiar crossroads.
Lake Quench Take water Be sure to restock some water.
Check the Bush ×2 The first time you check, you will be distracted by the fern birds. Check again, and you will notice a blue umbrella. Grab it before you return to the crossroads.
Take the umbrella
Behind the fence Wat Mel Give Water Wat Mel will need to be revived before he can talk.
Talk Wat Mel will explain that everyone else was harvested. He mentions that Mr. Leek lost a blue umbrella.
Check 3rd Hole ×2 This hole is deeper than the others, and turns out to be a mole hole.
Mole hole Use Umbrella By creating some shade, a mole will appear.
Mole Give water By giving water to the mole, he will tell you about the monster in the forest who is protecting the Yam Medallion.
Talk ×3 Mole will warn you about a monster. Then he will give you the left half of some instructions. Finally, he will tell you to find the Forest Guard.
Behind the fence Wat Mel Talk Wat Mel will explain the Mr. Leek is the Forest Guard, and point the way to his shack.
Shack When you arrive, the area will be deserted.
River You will find a river, but if you attempt to cross, Percy will explain that he needs water wings to make it. Head back to the shack.
Shack Percy Speak with Percy and he will call out to see if anyone is home. Mr. Leek will appear in front of you.
Mr. Leek Talk You can speak multiple times to Mr. Leek, but he won't reveal much useful information, and ultimately forget what he needs to tell you.
Give Umbrella Giving Mr. Leek his umbrella will prompt him to give Percy water wings in return. Now you can cross the river.
Beyond the river Farmie Fight When you cross the river, you will encounter a Farmie. You will not be able to escape from him. The only way to get away is to defeat him in a battle of Finger Wars. This will be your first battle. In truth, it is a very easy battle. If you manage to beat him in the Rock-Paper-Scissors portion, he will always look down, so always choose down to beat him.
Parsley Forest Maze
This is your first maze. You begin at the bottom by the yellow S, and you must ultimately make your way to the yellow G. Along the way, there are several items for you to collect, some of which are important.
  • Immediately after you enter the maze, turn left and enter the dead-end. You will find the compass, which will make it easier to tell which way you are travelling through the maze.
  • There are five pouches that you can find, three of which contain gold while the other two are empty.
  • Travel all the way up to the north portion of the maze, and then head west until you reach a dead-end. You will find a tin can there which you will need.
  • Then turn around, go back to the east, and then south until you can turn right and go west again. Follow the path as it spirals around to the right until you find a shovel.
  • Once you have the tin can and the shovel, make your way to the goal.
Sacred Tree Use the Tin Can Throwing the Tin Can inside the tree will awaken the monster known as Saladron.
Saladron Fight The fight against Saladron is even easier than the fight with the Farmie. Saladron always chooses paper, so you should always choose scissors. Then you just have to correctly guess which way he will look to score a point.
Inside the tree Check Vicinity ×2 First you will notice a shrine, but the second time, you will also notice a mound of dirt.
Use Shovel ×6 It will take six full uses of the shovel to unearth the object that is buried beneath the mound of dirt.
Check Medal You must first examine the medal you find to confirm that it is the Yam Medallion.
Take Medallion Now you may claim the medallion and leave the tree.
Sacred Tree Mr. Leek Talk Mr. Leek will thank you for defeating Saladron and reclaiming the Yam Medallion. He will agree to take you to the resistance base, and he will give you a bottle of grape juice. Percy will, as usual, drop any useless items along the way.