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A couple pieces of jewelry from the Moller case have turned up at a pawnshop, and there's a new vitcim found at the railyard. The captain is under pressure from his superiors, and you'll need to get on these leads pronto. Of course Rusty still doesn't want to admit all the murders could be connected, but there is starting to be an overwhelming amount of evidence to support that theory.


An officer will lead you to the body in his patrol car, and you'll find there is a person of interest being held at the scene. Talk to the coroner, take a look at the body and any clues, then start your interviews.

Clue Location
Victim's head
Missing ring
Victim's right hand
Laundry list
Mat by body
Mat by body
Mat by body
Movie lot job
Inside purse
Upper half of torn letter
Inside purse

When you talk to the railroad worker, he'll tell you he saw the man they're holding on top of the body this morning. Talk to him and find out what he was doing.

Q: Interference with evidence

Q: Discovery of victim's body

Apparently the sicko found the body the way it is and won't be much help. Use the nearby gamewell to get an address on the liquor store, then head out.

Levine's Liquor Store[edit]

You'll head right in and inform the proprietor that Mrs. Summers is dead. He knew the victim and will show you where she kept some of her belongings in the back.

Clue Location
Floor beside mattress
Bowling pin
Corner of room

When you've had a look around, head back to the front of the store and talk to Robbins.

Q: Contact with victim

Q: Relationship with victim

Q: Knowledge of McCaffrey

Mensch's Bar[edit]

The bartender knows Mrs. Summers, but doesn't have a very high opinion of her. He verifies that she was living rough, and says some of the guys in the bar knew her. Talk to the guy in the booth reading the book and you'll find that it's Grosvenor McCaffrey.

Q: Criminal history

Q: Relationship with victim
Lie — Book

McCaffrey gives up the name Tiernan and says the victim was entering a hotel with him last night. When you leave, you'll get a call from central to return to the station.

Central Police Station[edit]

The captain is down in the evidence room again, this time with Carruthers and Pinker. The coroner and Pinker think there's a connection between all the recent murders, especially since they found another message underneath the clothing of one of the victims. Although he's taking it into consideration, the captain still wants you keep on the Summers case. Use the phone upstairs to get an address for McCaffrey, then hit the streets again.

McCaffrey's Apartment[edit]

Use the mailboxes outside to find the apartment number you need, then head inside and upstairs. No one answers your knock, so kick the door in and take a look around.

Clue Location
Torn letter
Writing table in living room
Tire iron
Floor by writing table

When you find the bloody instrument, McCaffrey's neighbor will come in and let you know he sometimes goes up on the roof where he keeps pigeons. Head all the way upstairs to apprehend him, and chase him when he runs. He'll climb down to street level, then take off through some backyards. Keep up with him and tackle him when you get a chance, and you'll arrest him and send him downtown.

Rawling's Bowling Alley[edit]

Inside the bowling alley, the woman will tell you James Tiernan is a pin setter there and should be working out on the lanes. You'll see a guy in overalls out on the lanes behind you as you're finishing up your conversation and he heads through a door off on the side. Follow him through the door and he'll run outside and hop in a car. You'll take a nearby car and start chasing him down. When you crash his car or he does, arrest him and head downtown to talk to your suspects. If he makes it as far as the railway tunnel, watch out for oncoming trains and the metal boxes in the center between the tracks.

Central Police Station[edit]

Tiernan is in interview 1 and McCaffrey is in 2, and the captain wants you to get a confession out of one of them. This is another case where you can charge either suspect.

James Tiernan
Q: Relationship with victim
Lie — Victim last seen

Q: Victim's book found

Q: Alibi for James Tiernan
Lie — Liquor purchase

Q: Access to murder weapon

Grosvenor McCaffrey
Q: Alibi for McCaffrey
Lie — Torn letter

Q: Access to tire iron
Lie — Tiernan's accusation

McCaffrey wants you to believe that Tiernan confessed the murder to him and that Tiernan will admit to it if you press him. On your way to see if McCaffrey's right, use the phone to check up on his police record.

James Tiernan
Q: Events prior to murder
Lie — McCaffrey's accusation

Grosvenor McCaffrey
Q: Military service
Lie — McCaffrey's criminal record

With all the evidence in front of you, charge McCaffrey with the murder to close the case and make your captain happy. The captain wants you to forget about a repeat killer in these last five murders, but everything will come to a head in your next case.