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There's been a shooting at the 111 Club and the Army-surplus are once again involved in the crime. Furthermore, 20 syrettes were found in a Judge's personal stash after he died. The captain isn't hearing your partner's excuses—there's still more morphine on the street and you're going to have to find it.

The 111 Club[edit | edit source]

Your former partners are there on the homicide angle, and Bekowsky will tell you the joint belongs to a former Marine, who happened to have been in your old unit in the war. There's also a connection between two of the dead guys who are musicians and used to play in a quartet with the two junkies you found dead in your first case on Vice. Take a look around the shot up club before talking to the hostess.

Clue Location
Jacket pocket of body at Evidence C
Sideroom behind body at Evidence C
Valor cigarettes
Sideroom behind body at Evidence C
Blue Room pass
Instrument case (hidden drawer)
Instrument case (hidden drawer)

After collecting the clues, see if the employee can shed any light on the situation.

Q: 111 Club shooting incident

Q: Knowledge of McGoldrick

It looks like your war buddy was mixed up with some shady business to afford a place like that. Since you found more Army surplus stuff, it would be a good idea to check out the ship's manifest and see what else was on board.

Hollywood Police Station[edit | edit source]

When you arrive you'll be greeted by group of paparazzi who want to get information on newly leaked story about one of LA's famous madams. After getting the names of the detectives working the ship heist, head over to the burglary squad room and talk to Harold Caldwell about the case. You'll find that all the contraband you saw at the club was on the ship. Take a look at the manifest and note some familiar names, like Courtney Sheldon and Jack Kelso. On the second page, tap on the stuff you found, like the Valor cigarettes and the Browning Auto. Rifles.

The Blue Room[edit | edit source]

Inside you'll find Elsa Lichtmann practicing with her band. Roy's a little too hot-headed to ask her any questions, so you'll send him off to the bar while you conduct the interview.

Q: Army surplus mophine

Q: Morphine overdose victims

She doesn't give you much to go on, so your partner will suggest going and talking to someone who knows exactly what's going on in the drug scene. You'll split up with Roy to reconvene the next day so you can "check up on something". It turns out this means following Elsa's cab when she leaves the club later that night. It's a normal follow mission, so stay a bit behind and try not to lose sight of her. When the cab pulls up to the side of a pink apartment building, you're safe to approach.

The next morning you'll meet Roy at the Mocambo Club, where you'll find Meyer Cohen the druglord having lunch. Follow the maitre d' back to the table where he's sitting with Johnny Stompanato. After getting the greetings out of the way, ask Cohen some questions.

Q: Finkelstein drug operation

Q: 111 Club shooting incident

Back at the station, you'll get the news that a maniac is shooting up a city bus and every cop has to respond. Head down to the parking lot, then drive to the shooting to see what's going on.

Bus Shooting[edit | edit source]

When you arrive, you'll find that the shooter is still going at it, firing into the bus from on top of a roof. He takes out a cop as you show up and you can see he has the whole courtyard in front of the building covered by automatic fire. You'll need to flank him, so turn away from the corner you start at and run the opposite way around the building to get behind him. Climb up the fire escape behind him (not the first one you run past down the alley) and get cover behind the small rooftop structure at the top. Peek around and take him out, then go examine his body for clues. You'll find the sniper's pocketbook in his coat pocket with information on Cohen's the bus' route as well as Cohen's restaurant and table.

Down at the bus you'll find that the driver of the bus is another Marine you know from the war. Ask him some questions to see if he knows anything about the stolen goods or why he's the target of a hit.

The Fighting Sixth

15 Gamerscore points
The Fighting Sixth
At the Bus Shooting, talk Felix Alvarro into giving up the Marines involved in the Coolridge heist.
Q: Informed of Coolridge heist

Q: Motive for shooting
Lie — Sniper's pocketbook

He won't admit to anything, but you do find out that more of your friends from the war are involved. In fact, you'll probably want to talk to them sooner rather than later, so use the gamewell to get an address on Jack Kelso.

Kelso's Apartment[edit | edit source]

You'll meet up with Kelso in front of his building and you'll take him down to the station for questioning. He's not too happy about it, but try to make the best of the interview.

Q: Army surplus morphine

Q: Ex-Marine McGoldrick

Q: Arms stolen from Coolridge

Q: SS Coolridge robbery

Kelso doesn't give anything up, and will never rat out his comrades. As the interview concludes you'll get another report of a shooting, this time at a diner. The victim is another name from the ship's manifest.

Robert's Diner[edit | edit source]

On the ground by the bodies.

As you pull up, someone will run out from the restaurant and inform you that the two men getting into a car are the shooters. Follow them and take their car out or end up with them crashed in a small alley. When they get out of the car, waste them, then look them over for clues.

Clue Location
Copy of manifest
Shooter's coat pocket
Shooter's notebook
Shooter's coat pocket

You'll have a ton of new persons of interest, and you'll need to find them fast before Cohen's goons off anyone else.

Grauman's Chinese Theatre[edit | edit source]

Before you can get there, two masked men will pull up to the theatre and mow down a couple people, probably more men from the Coolridge. You'll be in time to spot them making their getaway, so chase them down like you did the last two shooters. When you spin them out, get out and kill them when they draw on you. You were too late for that location, but maybe you can get to next one before someone dies.

Hollywood Post Office[edit | edit source]

This time it's a full-blown shootout with cops on the street trading fire with multiple shooters inside. After taking out the guys at the windows, move up to the doorways and shoot down the rest of them. When everyone's dead you can investigate the scene and see if there are any clues.

Clue Location
Beckett's confession
Victim's head
Business card
Victim's hand
Victim in blue coat's pocket

You only have the note you found to go on, so head to the meetup and see if you can stop it from turning into a bloodbath.

Meeting Place[edit | edit source]

As soon as you get the meeting you'll be fired on by Cohen's guys, so start shooting from cover. Take out the first two guys in the middle of the alley, then run over and pick up the machine gun from the guy on the left. Use it on the bad guy in front of the car you're behind, as well as the guy on the roof to your left and the guy running up the walkway on your right. After they're all down, a car will pull up and two more guys will pop out for you to waste. The rest of them flee, so chase after them and take three more out down the alley, one on the ground and two on the roofs above. You'll get a call over the radio that Courtney Sheldon is at the police station asking for you, so back there and see what he wants.

Hollywood Police Station[edit | edit source]

The captain will pull Roy off to discuss something in his office, so you'll take on the interview alone. Sheldon is waiting for you in interview room 2 with his friend Dr. Harlan Fontaine.

Q: 6th Marines being targeted
Lie — Note

Q: SS Coolridge robbery
Lie — Beckett's confession

No Rest For The Wicked

15 Gamerscore points
No Rest For The Wicked
Complete all cases on the Vice desk.

Courtney will deny everything, but when you make him choose between him and Kelso, it looks like he's ready to confess. Unfortunately, you'll be interrupted by the brass who will pull you off the case and suspend you for carrying on an adulterous relationship with Elsa Lichtmann. If you can keep your job at all, it will probably come with a big demotion after this disgrace.