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Revision as of 11:30, 30 November 2016 by Zuke (talk | contribs) (Expand, reword. There are no Sheegoths in Ruins Entryway until later, now it's Bombus)
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Phendrana Drifts

Now that you're in Phendrana it's time to find the next upgrade here.

Phendrana Shorelines

There is only one reachable door not covered yet, and to reach it you scale the ledges starting to the right of the Save Station door. But the door is locked for the moment and a scan tells you that the controls are somewhere else.

You don't actually have to go far; the console to unlock it is in the protruding tunnel just beneath. First fire a missile to clear the grate at the entrance, then switch to Morph Ball and go over the snow drift. Once inside scan the console to unlock the door, get back and go through.

Ice Ruins Access

Log Book
Creatures: Scatter Bombu

Blast through an ice wall to encounter a Scatter Bombu. It's similar to the Pulse variety but it likes to block tunnels using its three streams of electricity. You can get through the streams without taking damage if you time it right, but you don't take a huge amount of damage even if you don't.

Ice Ruins East

Log Book
Creatures: Baby Sheegoth

The ground level of this room is guarded by two Baby Sheegoths. These are relatively tough for random enemies, at least compared to the ones you've seen so far. They are sleeping when you enter so try not to wake both at once. Their weak point is their back, so try to get to one side to get a good shot at it. Once the icy shell on their back is gone they will go down quickly if you fire from any angle. Meanwhile they shoot blasts of ice at you and if you're hit you'll be frozen in place. Press the B button button quickly several times to free yourself if this happens.

Follow the curve of the room around to the right; you pass the entrance of a small building but there is nothing very interesting inside. Up ahead are some ledges with crates which may be very welcome after your encounter with the Sheegoths. Scale the ledges, then turn left and scale a few more to reach rooftop level. Follow the ledges and platforms to the left and eventually you land on the roof of the building mentioned earlier. Pass through an arch of ice and stone, clearing the Crystallites as needed, and jump to the ledge on the right where a door is waiting.

Plaza Walkway

Log Book
Creatures: Ice Burrower

This passage is guarded by Ice Burrowers, basically cold adapted versions of the Burrower you met in Lake Tunnel. This is the first of several Ice versions of creatures you've already met, but their scan are still counted separately.

Phendrana Shorelines (cont.)

You're now on a ledge high over the Phendrana Shorelines, in other words you've gone all that way just to get back to where you started, but in a place that you can't reach otherwise. Don't fall off the ledge or you'll need do to the whole trek over again.

Follow the ledge to another door.

Ruins Entryway

Dodge the Bombus to get to the door on the other side.

Ice Ruins West

Log Book
Creatures: Ice Shriekbat (missable)
Chozo Lore: Cipher

Before doing anything else get a scan of the Ice Shriekbats. They're in an alcove above and a bit to the left as you enter. This is probably the easiest scan in the game to miss; you can only get it this one room and in a normal playthrough you'll only pass this way twice before the Shriekbats disappear forever. Not only that, but since they look and act like the normal Shriekbats you've already met many times already, you probably wouldn't realize that there was a new scan entry here unless you were following a guide.

There are Baby Sheegoths asleep on the left. You might as well wake them up and fight them since there's no way to sneak past them to get where you're heading.

Just to the right of where you came in there is a doorway into a small building. Go inside and scan the inscription there.

Go back to the entrance and go straight ahead, bear right at the fork and follow the right passage. You pass another doorway but there is nothing interesting inside. Fire a rocket to clear the door, and go through. There is more to explore in this room at rooftop level up it's unreachable for the time being.

Canyon Entryway

Weave past the Bombu to the other end of the tunnel.

Phendrana Canyon

Log Book
Chozo Lore: The Turned

Drop down to the metal walkway, then turn back and scan the inscription in the little cave where the walkway starts.

Go to the end of the walkway. There is a Baby Sheegoth below but you may be able to get a shot at its back without dropping down first. Once you're under the walkway there is a U-shaped passage in front of you, but there's nothing you can do there yet. Go up the slope on the right to find a small panel in the shape of a Chozo. Go right, behind the wall of ice if you want to get back to the walkway for some reason, but you're supposed to be looking left. There are hovering platforms ahead but they're at the wrong levels. Scan the panel to align the platforms, then hop from one to the other until you reach the tower at the far end of the valley. Don't dawdle on the platforms because they disintegrate soon after you step on them; if this happens then get back to the panel and scan it again.

Get the Boost Ball in the tower.