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Revision as of 23:53, 13 June 2020 by Kingwhirlie (talk | contribs) (Basic Strategy)
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You are wakened from your nights sleep by a runner from the War Chief. Blackhand's daughter Griselda has run off with the outlaw Turok's band of Ogres. Our wolfriders have tracked them to the dungeons hidden beneath the Dead Mines. Find Turok's band of rebellious pigs and kill them all --- including Griselda. She must not disobey the commands of her father... ever again.
Map Start New
Orc Enemy
  • Grunt (3)
  • Spearman (4)
  • Necrolyte (2)
  • Raider (4)
  • Raise Dead
  • Ogre (18)
  • Slime (17)
  • Griselda
  • Raider
Ogre Range Minimum Damage Normal Damage Armor Hit Points
1 12 3 60
Slime Range Minimum Damage Normal Damage Armor Hit Points
1 10 150
Griselda Range Minimum Damage Normal Damage Armor Hit Points
0 30

This is a more difficult counterpart to the human level because the orcs can't heal and the bodies of the enemies here cannot be raised from the dead. Your goal throughout this mission is to setup a tight formation that protects your spearmen. Raiders at the front. Use one raider to lure troops to your formation, generally one at a time.

Set your formation vertical facing to the left, lure the 2 ogres.

Set your formation horizontal facing south, lure the 3 enemies from the south.

Move the formation to the long north south hallway. Make sure there is no room to be flanked, lure the slime to you.

Lure the three other enemies from the south.

Move to the south and past the dungeon to face the left and set your formation vertical. Lure the next 3 enemies.

Move to the left and then up to the final dungeon space. Set your formation facing north. Lure 7 enemies.

Send Raiders north to take down Griselda where she stands.