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- Alignment: None
- Blood type: Unknown
- Height: 180 cm (5' 11")
- Birthday: Unknown
- Star sign: Unknown
- Allmate: None
Clear (クリア) is a mysterious man who is most of the time seen wearing a gas mask and holding an umbrella. Aoba first encounters him when he seemingly falls from the sky in front of him, and Clear subsequently devotes himself to a confused Aoba. His origin and motivation are unknown, though he does show an always-polite and friendly attitude which the other men seem to lack. He also shows profound strength in fights despite his average figure.
Common Route[edit | edit source]
- 振り払う (Shake her off)
- なぜ傘を? (Why the umbrella?)
- ガキか! (What is this guy twelve?!)
- 屋根から何か音がした (I hear something on the roof)
- ちゃんと話をする (I try to talk him down.)
- ノイズに声をかける (Call out to Noiz)
- 言いなりにはならない (Don't listen to him)
- 声を掛ける (Call out to him)
- 本当に聞こえた? (Did you really hear me?)
- ノイズの隣に並ぶ (Go up to Noiz)
- クリアの名前を呼ぶ (Call Clear's name)
- 紅雀に近付く (Approach Koujaku)
- 戸惑う (Hesitate to listen)
- クリアを思い浮かべる (Think about Clear)
Endings[edit | edit source]
Bad End[edit | edit source]
- しっかりと言い聞かせる (Firmly reprimand him)
- 少し考えすぎだ (You're thinking too hard about it)
- それでも手を掴む (Grab him anyway)
- Choose any option
Good End[edit | edit source]
- クリアの言い分も聞く (Listen to what Clear has to say)
- 何か怖いのか? (Are you afraid of something?)
- クリアの様子を見る (Examine Clear from afar)
- Choose nothing (wait for the options to expire)