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- Alignment: Ruff Rabbit
- Blood type: B
- Height: 179 cm (5' 10")
- Birthday: June 13
- Star sign: Gemini
- Allmate: Usagimodoki
Noiz (ノイズ) is an undefeated player of the popular brain game Rhyme. Aoba first encounters him in the virtual world of Rhyme, where Noiz challenges an unwilling Aoba to a match which he subsequently loses. Being his first loss, Noiz becomes obsessed with obtaining a rematch to redeem his Rhyme record, going as far as to break into Aoba's room and hack into his Allmate to make sure he really did win the fight fairly. Noiz is the youngest of the main characters, being a few years younger than Aoba(Aoba being 23 and Noiz being 19), and is notable in appearance for his numerous piercings and bunny motifs.
Common Route[edit | edit source]
- 振り払う (Shake her off)
- 手品師? (Are you a magician?)
- ガキか! (You brat!)
- 屋根から何か音がした (I hear someone on the roof)
- ちゃんと話をする (Talk it out)
- ノイズに声をかける (Call out to Noiz)
- 言いなりにはならない (Don't listen to him)
- 我慢する (Be patient)
- 先を急ぐ (Hurry inside)
- ノイズの隣に並ぶ (Go up to Noiz)
- クリアの名前を呼ぶ (Search for Clear)
- 紅雀に近付く (Approach Koujaku)
- ミンクに従う (Listen to Mink)
- ノイズを思い浮かべる (Think about Noiz)
- 水場に連れていく (Take him to water)
- 気持ちを正直に伝える (Try and speak honestly)
- 不満があるように見える (He looks unhappy)
- 「はい」 ("Yes") for the first 6 questions
Endings[edit | edit source]
Bad End 1[edit | edit source]
- やめても→「いいえ」 (Can I give up now → "No")
- 「はい」 ("Yes") for the remaining 3 questions
- だめだから (Because it's no good)
- まちがってるから (It's wrong)
- すてきな世界 (A nice world)
Bad End 2[edit | edit source]
- やめても→「いいえ」 (Can I give up now → "No")
- 「はい」 ("Yes") for the remaining 3 questions
- だめだから (Because it's no good)
- まちがってるから (It's wrong)
- ほんとうのせかい (The real world)
Bad(?) End 3[edit | edit source]
- やめても→「はい」 (Can I give up now → "Yes")
Good End[edit | edit source]
- やめても→「いいえ」 (Can I give up now → "No")
- 「はい」 ("Yes") for the remaining 3 questions
- それじゃいけないから (Because you mustn't)
- まだおわりのときじゃない (It's not over yet)
- それをきめるのはじぶんじゃない (You don't decide that)
- かんがえろ (Think about it)
- それは… (That's...)