Ren (蓮) is Aoba's Allmate, a dog in the real world and a human in the world of Rhyme. Ren's route is unlocked once all other routes have been cleared (excluding Virus & Trip) and acts as the game's "true" route. It reveals much about Aoba's most loyal companion and Aoba himself.
For the good end, answer all questions correctly. For the bad end, answer incorrectly. Statements marked with × are answered "no" and statements marked with ○ are answered "yes".
蓮は大型犬だ (Ren is a big dog) ×
蓮はクララちゃんが好き (Ren likes Clara-chan) ×
蓮はオスではない (Ren is not a male) ×
蓮の瞳は茶色だ (Ren's eyes are brown) ×
蓮は毎日俺に噛みつく (Ren bites me everyday) ×
蓮の舌はピンクだ (Ren's tongue is pink) ○
蓮は旧型だ (Ren is an old model) ○
家族のような存在だ (Ren is like family) ○
蓮はクララが苦手だ (Ren worries about Clara) ○
礼を言った時の口癖は「こちらこそ」 (Ren has a habit of saying "kocchi da"/"welcome here" to Aoba) ○