Search the closet. You will find a Hoipoi Capsule.
Take the Hoipoi Capsule.
Speak to the Sea Turtle. He will tell you that the pirates keep their treasure in a cave under the sea.
Speak with Bulma. She will volunteer Oolong and herself to join Goku.
Move behind to face the front door.
Move through the door. You'll be standing outside.
Use the Hoipoi Capsule. It will turn into a submarine to proceed to the Underwater Cave. Take the new path from the house to the East into the water to reach the cave.
Move to proceed further inside. The area you arrive at will be too dark to go any further.
Search the wall. Oolong will point out a switch.
Switch the lights on. Now you will be able to proceed.
Move to proceed further. You will see a set of holes in the wall where spears come out of. Attempting to cross this area normally will result in death.
Speak with Oolong. He will suggest that you would be okay if you could fly.
Move to jump across the hallway. You will hear a scream. Bulma and Oolong are no longer with you.
Move to proceed down the man-mad path.
Move to enter through the port. You will encounter a guard robot.
Fight the guard robot. You should be able to defeat it very quickly with a technique card.
Move to proceed three times. You will arrive at a dead-end with a trap door.
Search the surface. The trap door will open up, and you will fall down into the water below. Banjo will be waiting to attack you.
Fight Banjo. You will obtain the three-star Dragon Ball upon defeating him.
Search the water. Goku will determine that it leads somewhere.
Move through the water. You will encounter Tao Paipai when you arrive. Bulma and Oolong have been capture by him.
Fight Tao Paipai. You will rescue Bulma and Oolong if you defeat him.
Search the box. You will discover the pirate treasure.
Search the water. Goku will determine that it leads somewhere.
Move through the water. You will return to the sea cave entrance.
Move to leave the sea cave. Goku will decide to return to Fortuneteller Baba.
Move to the entrance. You will see a ghost receptionist standing outside the door.
Speak to the ghost. It will ask you to wait one moment.
Move to enter the door. You will see Fortuneteller Baba inside.
Speak with Baba. After giving her the treasure, she will agree to read your fortune. She will inform you that there is another Dragon Ball hidden in a pillar in New Pilaf Castle. To reveal it, you must blow on the saxophone that she gives to you.
Move to leave the room.
Move to leave the buidling.
Move to leave the location. Now return to New Pilaf Castle.
The walkthrough for this section remains the same as the first visit. The only difference is that the only steps you are required to follow is the fight against Ukulele in step 12. This time, after you defeat him, use the Saxophone in his room. It will reveal the six-star Dragon Ball. After that, you are free to leave. However, the fights against the Pilaf Machine and Tambourine are great for providing much needed experience points, so it's recommended that you stick around and fight everyone in order to get closer to the next level. When you are finished, return to the outside of the castle. Goku will decide to investigate the sacred ground of Korin to find the next Dragon Ball.